Sunday, May 19, 2024

Welcome to Our New Gnome/Home is Where My Gnomies Are Retreats - The Getaway

 WE have a new home!!!  The retreat has been moved to Joshua, TX and, yes, we are still out in the country as we like to be.  Upon my arrival at the location - I grabbed a quick pic of the view along the road.

The kitchen - heart of the house.  Stephannie is one happy girl.

Stephannie, Debi, and I were able to arrive a wee bit early to set up and soon have the place ready to greet the ladies who are equally excited to see the new place.  Door signs are up.  Our new "gnome" is all on one floor, which we love AND we were able to find a place with 2 people to a room (for the most part - although some rooms CAN accommodate up to four) and their own bathroom, which is VERY large.

Lovely greeting.

Stephannie has place Gnomes all over the house.

Signs as well

A peek out the back door.

There are 12 stations provided by the center and we have 14 people this time so I've created a corner station for myself and our 14th person is not using a station.  All is good.

The place has filled up and everyone is enjoying time together.

Ramona finishes a bag for the first TA-DA!

With Angie coming in next with a mug rug. 

I gift my granddaughter with a finished wall hanging/bed runner.

Lori with a TA-DA

Dinner all at one table!!  Woohoo.

Yes, there is a "hen den" too.

End of day 1 - last ladies - Jen and Bekah both made it.  I didn't.

10th - Cindy with a TA-DA

Sherri's One Block Wonder layout and Jen working on Block Star

Our dining area.  This building is a fireman training center that doubles as a quilt retreat when not in use by them.

Design walls all around.

Game night - fun and laughter as always.

The winners - Ramon and Debi

Unintended matching shirts for Cindy and I.

Lori with another TA-DA

In theory, the Northern Lights are out there tonight.  WE are blessed with clouds and no chance of seeing them.  

While Stephannie and I were out looking for lights, they decide to do a last ladies standing pic.  WTW?

Re-do time.

11th - Day 3, Session 1. Tonia's TA-DA

I'm not sure where today went but another attempt at the night sky.  It's pretty, but still too many clouds.

Lori's third TA-DA

Relaxation time --- working puzzles and playing games.

Last ladies for day 3 --- fabulous time.

12th - Day 4, Session 1.  Wake up and work puzzles.  Makes sense.  

Cindy's One Block Wonder TA-DA

Group photo time - We're missing Tonia as she left early.  So sorry.  Back row - Cindy and Sherri.  Middle:  Ramona, Gwen, Lori, Janet  Kinda front:  Angie, Jen, Stephannie, Debi.  Front:  Bekah and I.  Several ladies left today so the house will be much quieter.

Ramona TA-DA

A look around outside

We've had just a bit of rain.

Looking towards the back patio.

Front view - water, water everywhere.

The road leading in.

At the end of a rainy day.  Last ladies final night of session 1.  Linda has arrived!!!!  Debi's One Block Wonder in the background.

13th -  This morning is departure day for the remaining session 1 ladies and just leaves us tweeners plus a visitor.  For those who will be uneasy: 1.  All the rain brought it out.  2.  It is not harmful.  3.  We all have them around our houses in Texas but rarely see them.  4.  We are in the country!!  5.  It was outside where it lives.  6.  Gwennie handled it.  Oh, about this time Stephanie arrived to join the fun.  In fact, she was the one who spotted our visitor.

Evening dinner in Cleburne at Soul Fire.  Fabulous pizza.

Tweener fun.

We got slightly off course on the drive home and discovered some fun.  It pays to get lost now and then.

Tonight's reward is a beautiful sunset.  

14th - This is our "Tween Day"  It means changing bedding and washing and remaking beds.  It also means washing towels and cleaning bathrooms and the main room.  It's definitely a work day to prepare for Session 2.  Dinner was at Pasatafinas, but no pic taken.  Sad, I know.  Last ladies after a great evening of visiting and sharing stories.  So much laughter.

15th - Today is arrival day for Session 2 and we are ready!!!  Welcome back to Tonia, Stephannie, and Cindy as they left for the few days.  Welcome to Lana and Jill.  I neglected to get the door sign pics for our new ladies.  Bad on my part.

Gwennie is on definite happy mode.  We do not just sew at retreat.  It's your time to do whatever makes you happy.  No requirements.

The Dallas Stars are playing --- much support.

Last ladies - seems like the usual suspects, lol.

16th - Session 2, Day 2  Today is STORM day.  We are surrounded by the most crazy lightning I've ever seen.

Of course, we must go outside to watch.

Proof we're here.

Crazy sky.

TA-DA from Tonia


Along with two bag TA-DA's that I completed.

Cindy's matching bag and books TA-DAs

Wonderful day and last ladies fun for Session 2 day 1.

17th - Day 3, Session 2 starts with a layout of my One Block Wonder.  Those have been going on the whole time all around the room.  In session 1, Sherri had hers (shown above), Cindy finished hers (again, above) and Debi is working on hers (below)

A better pic of Debi's One Block Wonder in progress.

Dinner and game fun.

Gwen and I won the jelly rolls.

Lovely ladies at Getaway.

18th - Day 4, Session 2.  Lessons at the cutting table.

Linda's TA-DA block

Tonia's Bookcase blocks - 

ALL of Linda's blocks TA-DA

Preparing for the group photo and loving on the firemen.

Back row:  Jill, Cindy, Stephanie, Linda, Debi, Ramona.  Middle row:  Lana, Tonia  Front row:  Gwen and Stephannie.  This has been a great time with wonderful women.

Yep, I'm here.

My cohorts in crime.  Could not begin to do this without them.

Gwen with her TA-DA  Woot woot.

Last night, last ladies.  SO. MUCH. FUN.

19th - It's departure day and hard to believe 10 days have gone by, but I'm ready to see my sweetie.  Some more pics of our view each day:

And that's it --- Getaway Retreat OUT!!!  See ya'll in July.

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