It's here, it's here. I feel like a little girl who was just given the toy she wants oh so much. It's time to play. Well, alright. It's time to start thinking about playing. Happy Halloween to us! (You can read all about it on Bonnie Hunter's blog at this
The name of the mystery is On Ringo Lake --- I know -- you never would have guessed that without me telling you. It's only in the title of the post AND on her picture.
I LOVE the colors and the serenity of it all. The best part is that I have had my fingers crossed for something with dark brown in it and my wishes have come true. Throw in the aqua and coral and oh my goodness, how lovely is this. The worst part of today? I don't have a car and can't go running straight to Lowe's to get my paint cards. Arghhhh. What to do? What to do?
A nice surprise happens around 3 when my sweetie says he is coming home from work early. Woot woot. I'll have time to run to Lowe's and still get back in time to hand out candy to the trick or treaters.
At Lowe's, I am a woman on a mission. Straight to the paint department -- quick scan and five of the 6 cards are easy peasy. The last one is out of stock and with a quick glance, I spot a folder that has all the whites in it, snag it and out the door I go. No, I don't feel guilty. I spend a ton in that store each month.