Okay, that's it. We can't take it anymore and it's time to walk over there. A quick picture by the elevators and we miss not one, but two different ones and have to wait again. Two more minutes killed. Yeah, we are just that good.
Kitsey heads to the room while the three of us are off to the show. It's a chance to show Debi a few things she is not aware of. As we are walking, she comes to an abrupt halt and wants another picture. She likes the light here. Happy to oblige.
Now to show her the secret viewing windows that if one never comes to the second floor, one knows nothing about them. Look!!!!
And exactly how does one get these pictures without glare? Here let me show you.
That's right --- she's got it now.
Roll over --- oh sure.
Let's let Sherri do it instead.
Yay!!! only 15 minutes in line and we are through the doors. Now for the group picture and we'll say some good-byes and head off for the last minute stuff. Thank you so much Betsy, Mindy, Kitsey, Lydia, Sherri, and Debi (Janet and Stephanie not pictured). I have had so much fun with ya'll. I gotta suck that belly in more on these sideways shots.
I'm staying with Debi until we have to go at noon. Sherri has a few spots she wants to hit and then finish the quilts. I'm a wee bit scared as I finished my shopping BUT . . . new eyes spot new things as was witnessed yesterday. Sure enough --- right away she spots the Thread Cutterz and we both walk away with new gadgets.
Here is an example of their products. This is a candleholder centerpiece. Now, I really like some of the fall stuff better, but this is pretty cute, ya gotta admit. Man, I'm getting old.
If you use two pieces, it is a thicker chenille and then I spot this bag as we are leaving. OMG. That might just be the ticket. Yep, I just turned 80. Can't you tell? I want a fuzzy purse. My sweet man will be convinced that I have lost it. I can already see the looks he is going to be sending my way.
That's it. I have to say good-bye and head back to the room to check out. So sad. I have 15 unsupervised minutes and wouldn't you know it --- I walk right past the Whimm's Watercolor booth. Oh help --- I'm being sucked in. Yep, I have now signed up for another block of the month program and I have not even started a single one from this past year. That MUST go on the monthly goal sheets. I can DO it.
I hope you had fun peeking into our life, cos we had a blast sharing it. Until next year, here is the final picture of today accumulation. Wow, that happened quick (oh and I added the new seam ripper blade that I missed on day one.) Ta-ta for now.
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