Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 2021 Monthly Quilt Update

The I AM's for this year have really helped me to look inside.  We are constantly facing situations that we are unprepared for and have to find the strength to move forward.  Somedays, it is simply putting one foot in front of the other and another time it can be monumental or feel that way at least.  Bravery is something we all have inside us - tapping it is the ability that lags behind on occasion.  I'm attempting to meet everything bravely and cope the best I can.  This month when we are centered on family and being thankful, let's add this to the list.  I AM Brave! 

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in an ongoing UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an continuing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balances change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

So --- here's November and all the wonderful joy I found.  Please remember that any links in here will open in a separate window so that you can keep your place on this page at the same time and there are no ads or popups EVER.

KAREN SPENCER - this post is not for you unless you want the surprise to not be a surprise.

1st - We are in Montana and the big adventure for today is a visit to the grocery store.  Here is the amazing  Days 3-6 LINK so you can check out the beauty of the state and all our fun.

The link won't have much to show about my quilting end of it, just the fun and pretty stuff.  As for what I brought with me --- I am keeping busy with a Round Robin that has me stretching a wee bit beyond my experience.  Today I am gluing the sides down on the leaves and removing the paper patterns as I go.

2nd - I've created an all new nest up here in Montana and it is likely driving my mother nuts.  I KNOW it is making her dog insane.  Today I working on the berries for my project AND working out the schedule for our Summer Moon QAL that begins January 1.  Caught up is NOT my middle name right now.

Additionally, I simply cannot make round berries and it seems as though the stack is like a bowl of oatmeal -- it never changes no matter how many I work on.

3rd - A trip to Bigfork today so Mom could see the doctor and a chance for her to visit with a friend and drop off a gift.  I love seeing her smile with friends.  

Curious visitors in the back today.  They watched me as long as I watched them.  No one moved and I finally left.

4th - I've made progress.  All of the circles and leaves are ready to go.  Well, as ready as they are going to get.

Next up is to figure out the vine (times four) and pin it in place to applique by hand.  There are just so many ways for me to screw up this project.

Now, for a trip into town.  My locks are being trimmed and I also want to stop in at the Cultural Center for an exhibit on Bigfork history (the link above has so much in it about this).  As I arrive in town, such a great view over the lake.

It's done and the shorter curls are a bit easier to tame.  At least right now, but the stuff grows like bamboo.  Why?

Once back, I need to really focus on some group stuff for next year.  First up --- the new theme.  Woot woot!  I think it's going to be so much fun and I have some great ideas to go along with it.  Here is the Theme LINK so that you know just what I'm talking about.

5th - We are off to Kalispell this morning for another doctor appointment.  Here is the Days 7-8 LINK to keep you in the loop.  While in town, I managed to stop at Lowes and pick up the paint chips for Bonnie's new mystery.  I was prepared for the pink, but expected purple instead of burgundy.  It's gonna be FUN!!

We also stop at Costco for a short moment -- just long enough for me to find dresses for granddaughters in Utah.  I'll mail them from here as I just don't have the suitcase space to take them home with me.  
Super cute.  Once back home ---- My visitors just can't stop looking and neither can I.

The vines are on!!!  Yes, I'm pretty pleased with them but didn't really think this whole process through and will need to make adjustments when I return home.  Learning along the way.

6th - Mister and I are escaping today and the link in yesterday's blurb will share all that we see with you.  Montana is so beautiful and so much history.  Love Flathead Lake.

While out and about, a quilt shop stop happened.  Take a minute to see this LINK and share in the fun that the quilters in Polson have available.  My treasures are small, but useful.  Two for the new mystery and a super cute neutral that will make a wonderful binding somewhere, I think.

7th - Yep, still in Montana and here is the next Days 9-12 LINK.  This morning a trip to Somers happened and then back to the house for some more sewing.  I have one vine pinned in place and started.  Still unsure, but going with it.

8th - Off to Kalispell as Mister needs a few items at the hardware stores and I need to get a tooth fixed that was broken yesterday at breakfast.  Yep, always fun when traveling.  We do accomplish both and that's a great feeling.  The view coming back is simply beautiful.

Pat Speth has a mystery sew along running that I really like and am saving the steps as I just can't work on it right now.  However, I spotted this posting in the group and I LOVE these colors.  May have to do something similar when I get to it.

9th - After playing on Facebook for a bit AND discovering my spirit animal AND realizing how accurate it really could be, I decide to tackle some of Mom's kitchen cabinets.  This is ALWAYS fun and challenging.   Four are finished today and this is where one ended before I added all the new Rubbermaid containers we bought.  It was PACKED to the gills before.  All in all -- a good days work.   

It's no the only things finished today though ---- my borders have all their leaves attached.

10th - There are days when friends should not enable other friends.  Today is one of them.  A valued friend posted about a new Block of the Month starting in January and I had to succumb.  It look sso fun and I am excited, but . . .  then there is this as well.  Just how many monthly items can I cope with in 2022?  I think I'm going to find out ---- motivation better not be in hiding too often, right?

11th - Today is girls' day and it's grand.  Yep, we are still in Montana and here is the Days 13-15 LINK so you can peek in on our fun.  Today we are starting with pedicures.  YES!

Three generations of toes.  Such fun.  Mine are cool, but I really like the pink/black better and will go back to that next time.

Lunch at a local pub and no sewing, but another visit from the quick response unit later in the evening.  How to go from fun to frantic all in one day.  All issues resolved and no trip to the hospital this go round.

12th - Since last night was a bit challenging, we are taking today easy again.  This gives me a chance to add all the berries to my vines.  These are ready to go home and figure out the next step.

13th - Sometimes ---- 

Morning coffee in Bigfork - fun place

Dinner down at Finley Point - also fun place.  It's our last day as we fly tomorrow.  All the last minute chores have been done for Mom and we even managed to get the drawers in her room cleaned out as well.  There's a long list still, but baby steps are what matters.  Think "What About Bob?"

14th - It's a VERY early fly day as we are boarded at 5 a.m.  Yep, up at 3 and go, go, go.  Once back in Dallas, the first stop is for lunch, then to the store for a turkey that I need for Thursday retreat.  You got it right --- I'm not home for very long.

When we get to the house, there are several packages on the front porch and one is the next Round Robin!!  This will be fun and sends me instantly into a swirl of ideas.  I think I know what I want, but this is already pretty big so I need to add just 2 smaller borders, top and bottom.  What should they be?

15th - It's also my first chance to pull fabrics for the new Bonnie Hunter mystery, Rhododendron Trail.  Here is the LINK to that introductory post.

Neutrals are always at hand and a simple look in the trunk shows these:

And the fun new ones I've gained and haven't added to the trunk yet.

The yard is a bit of a disaster  as well and Mister gets right on it.  Here is the LINK to show today's activity.  Yes, I went to help.

16th -  I'm still going through mail and have found a package from Red Hat Headquarters full of goodies.  Wow.  I see some I want and some I'll gift forward.

The retreat this weekend has a Thanksgiving Meal planned by my dinner group.  Today I am making Mister's cranberry sauce with his help.  The beginning - 

And the end result.

I've also found my inspiration and plan for the Round Robin received in the mail.  No, I haven't finished the last one yet, but when ideas happen, jumping on them is required.  I've located the required fabrics I'll need - 

and cut them for my blocks.   This is going to retreat and hopefully will be finished there to pass on with the other one.  

The rest of the day is spent working on the other Round Robin.  ALL of my brain cells were required to figure out how to put the four borders on in a cohesive way.  It meant adding more vine and leaves in cornerstones and working magic to get them all attached.  A few mistakes were made and much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but I think it's ready to pass on.  Mister ended the evening by getting the holidays started with eggnog.  Yum.

17th -  Well, packing, shopping, cleaning house, cooking, and all other chores are tackled so that by 3 I am off to retreat.  A few days ago, I posted my Straits of Mackinac quilt top and I have to tell you -- almost 3k responses is crazy.  (edit to add that it did go higher a few days later)

At any rate ----- ta-ta house --- I'm off for the November fun.  

Getting set up occupies the late afternoon/evening and then dinner with Sherri and Debi makes the best ending.  I am soooo READY for tomorow -- even the name tags have been finished ahead of time.  It's the BEST feeling.

18th - Let the magical November Retreat begin.  Here is the Building Friendships LINK to see all the amazing fun we have this weekend as I'll only show my sewing in this post - with maybe a few other fun items.  My door is sporting a fun poster compliments of my friend Stephannie.

My first project for today is to get the sashings and cornerstones for Farm Girl cut and ready to sew.  This one is getting close now.

After that --- my focus is on the evening activities.  I am on the dinner crew for tonight and, as I said above, we are doing a Thanksgiving meal.  That means nice table decor, right?  Gwen has provided all the linens and I brought the centerpieces.  We did pretty good.

My pumpkins are enhanced by Jen's pies.  Oh so yummy.

So much thanks to these three for the help and love.  My committee for this weekend.  Debi, me, Jen, Stephannie.

In November, I celebrate the anniversary of starting to host quilting retreats.  This is my 8th November and there are still 8 of those original attendees still sharing time with me.  I am so incredibly thankful for their love and patience and I place them among my most treasured humans.  Amazing people to be around and call my friend.  As my whole-hearted thank-you, the original diamonds received new tiaras tonight.  I love ya all so much.

Okay -- back to sewing.  I decided to make 4" whales for the top and bottom of the round robin.  They are done and sewn on as well as an upper black border to make it all tie together.  I'm passing this one on and now am clear of these until February when the next one arrives.  I didn't warn Gilley about posting this because she has been wanting pictures all along the way.

We have a lunar eclipse tonight, but I just can't stay awake that long.  These are my phone pics and I'm calling it a day.

19th - Day 2 of retreat and we have goats in the trees.  You just never know what will happen here.  Hahahaha.

I have a group activity planned and we are decorating gingerbread houses this afternoon -- the changing of the table decor happens

With a new grandson on the scene --- it's time to do bears again and that is my focus for today.  Painting base coats and letters for a start.

Debi and I have announce some changes for next year.  In 2022, she's my partner in crime for EVERY retreat and we're super excited.

20th - Day 3 and this is going way too fast.  Drat.  Jen has the funnest pillow TA-DA.  I wish I'd known about this "monthly" club.  I'd have joined with her.

Another go at projects today --- the table is once again set with fun stuff for creativity to burst forth.  This morning it is bird house construction and painting.  We are building items while building friendships with one another.  It's a GOOD thing.

Here is a peek at yesterday's gingerbread houses.

and today's birdhouses.

As for me - touch ups have taken place and they are becoming zombie bears.

It doesn't last though --- now, they are not so scary.

21st - Well, the day we all dread has arrived.  Good-byes are happening and everyone is packing up. My bears have been sprayed and are TA-DONE.

I think this is the largest group we've ever had at Brazos Out!  So much help breaking down and so many that didn't want to leave each other.  These women --- what can I say?  My heart is full.

22nd - I arrived home to a new coffee pot yesterday.  Nice.  While at retreat, I started battling what I thought was allergies.  Nope --- it's a mega-cold and now that I'm home and the nothing huge is looming on my agenda, my body has let it go full out.  So, so sick.  The sofa is my new home and Mister won't even let me leave it except to use MY restroom.  I am forbidden to even go into the kitchen, much less touch something or he runs around with Lysol wipes.  I don't think he wants what I have and I don't blame him.

 23rd - Sofa living but a package arrives with pins for an event that is taking place next August.  I am trying to be better-organized next year -- less last-minute freakouts.  We have two mother-daughter sets going to Missouri Star next year for a retreat and classes.  I am super excited and we got the last few beds that were available, making it that much more treasured.

24th - The only bright spot in my days right now are the packages arriving.  Today, my constant burgundy for Rhododendron Trail has arrived.  It's helping the excitement to start happen, if I feel better.  I did get out of my nest and attempt to unpack my things from retreat.  Too exhausting and back to the sofa I go.  I even had to call Jen and cancel going to her house for Thanksgiving.  I am soooo sad.

25th - Happy Thanksgiving to all!  I, however, am still in my nest and when my beautiful girls calls to lift my spirits and chat for a bit, I shared it with them via a video call.  I think I shocked them.  You truly cannot walk beside the sofa and my tray is covered with items -- kleenex, vicks, cups, paper and pens for planning, so, so much.  A few screenshots of them help me throughout the day --- I need to see those faces now and then.  While I sit, Mister has made some Golden Syrup so that we can try some fun recipes.  Oh to have his energy and everyone else's fun dinner.  I'm wallowing in my own misery.  Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow.

26h - OMG --- I woke up 90% better than I've been.  Recovery is at hand.  Bonnie's first clue is out today and I know that isn't happening, but I do feel good enough to clear the living room, disinfect the sofa and wash all the blankets I was using.  It's a modern day miracle.

In fact, I have enough energy to start the changing of the colors in the house.  I'm stacking and piling all over the place.

Then, I ask Mister for permission to enter the kitchen and it is granted.  Chex Mix is going down.

Out back, my little rose bush is FULL of roses.  We are having such odd weather here as is the rest of the country, but I'll take it.

Chex mix is done.  Three gallons ready to nibble and gift.

With a Christmas Party coming up and my complete failure at the ornament last time I tried, I am now just marking the hearts for all to cut out.  At least I get to mark something off my list.

27th -   I have company coming in four and a half days (counting today) and my house is nowhere near ready.  In fact, here is a look at the guest room.  A potential hoarder may be sharing space with Mister.  In truth, a LOT of this is quilt projects I'm working on and the changing of the linens, which is well underway here.  What a mess.

Today, we are celebrating our own gratitude with a wonderful dinner.  Here is the Thanksgiving LINK to our better-late-than-never holiday.

28th -   It has begun.  First thing, I have Mister help bring the totes down so that I can get started with the house cleaning/makeover.  However, that is not all that happens and here is Today's LINK to why we will be moving a wee bit slowly tomorrow.  So much time on my hands and knees in the beds, but it looks wonderful.  Now, back to the interior of the house.

29th - My little tree is up.  It has ornaments from every Bonnie Hunter mystery that I've made and this past year, I managed to get caught up with all of them.  Twenty-three different mysteries, but 25 ornaments as I did two different colorways on two of them.  So fun.  It also has all the sewing ornaments from my annual parties or that have been gifts from friends.  I may need a bigger tree soon.

I've finally managed to find a few minutes to sew in between cleaning and decorating.  The December blocks for Farm Girl need to be completed.  Yep, I'm a wee bit behind this month --  losing 4 solid days to illness didn't help.  Book one is done today.

Additionally, I've managed to cut the parts for Rhododendron Trail (RT) clue #1.  There was no way that was happening on Black Friday with the rest of the world.  Here is the Clue 1 LINK to share in my fun.

30th -  I REALLY need to get the guest room cleaned up.  That means the remainder of the sewing needs to happen.  The rest of the Farm Girl blocks are put together this morning.  Book 2

And the barn blocks for my layout.

While I'm at it, the chains of HST's for RT get sewn and a moment to decorate the tree happens.  Then it unhappens shortly after.

The evening light outside is just beautiful and I WISH the camera showed what my eyes see.

Before calling it a day, I press the HST's and pack them away.  Dog-ear clipping will happen later.  I REALLY have a ton to finish before tomorrow afternoon when I pick up my niece and her family at the airport.

As we come to December and the last month of another year, our theme is reaching it's end as well.  In that regard, I am attempting to pull together all of the last 11 months and just recognize that I AM many things -- not all are angelic, but not all are devilish either.  I AM who I AM.  It's okay.  I work to improve and that's is all part of who I AM as well.  Enjoy the you!

I didn't accomplish much that was on the list this month, but I'm thankful for all I did manage.  Live hands us "stuff" now and then and perhaps I should be thankful for that as well.  It gives me a chance to slow down and reevaluate a bit.  Thank you for reading this far.  If you made it here, kudos to you.  Hope you have a great month and find a way to bring joy into your life.  Stay creative y'all.

UFO's to quilt:   

BOM #1 - quilted and bound - 
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound
Winter Wonderland - quilted and bound
Witch's Night Out - quilted and bound
Quarantine Challenge - quilted and bound
Dawn's Early Light - quilted and bound - on the frame to quilt
Xing - quilted and bound
Straits of Mackinca - quilted and bound
Ruby Slippers (a.k.a Emerald City) - quilted and bound
Pfeffernusse - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

Farm Girl Blocks completed - YES
Ophelia Quilt - 
Ceramic Bears - DONE
Round Robin - Both finished and passed on

UFO Items to work on:
All Neutral strings -
BAD blocks as leader/enders - 
Whims 2nd quilt - 

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- 
Stockings - 

Links to Previous 2021 Monthly Posts

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