February! The month of love. I truly can't think of a better thing to devote a month to. Honest. It doesn't have to be a "significant other" love -- just LOVE. Period. It was during a good many years of difficulty that I discovered that I was also worthy of love. Look in the mirror. Tell yourself that. You ARE worthy of love. It is your I AM for this month.
Now, how can we apply this in our quilting world? How about this --- let's be worth of love in our work. Share your TA-DA's happily. Don't point out the mistakes to anyone who comments. Basque in the warmth and adoration and love that comes your way. Share, share, share!!! Let everyone ooh and ahh and warm your heart. You are worthy of the love.❤❤❤❤❤
If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?" I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily. I just can't. Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place. See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too. It's a great system for me.
In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track. I AM still in an ongoing UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash. It will be an ongoing project this year. If I want something to come in -- something has to go out. That is one goal. The balances change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.
Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two. (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story. It is what it is.)
So --- here's February and all the amazing moments it provided. Please remember that any links in here will open in a separate window so that you can keep your place on this page at the same time and there are no ads or popups EVER.
1st - It's the start of a new month and with a late arrival last night, I am in Utah! Why? Well, I'm spending some much needed time with family. Grands in the arms and love all around. I am starting the day early and am with the kids before school. I get a peek at one of the bedrooms and it just makes my heart oh so happy. Each child has 2 quilts on the bed - both made by me. It's a Gammy's best dream.
Another great moment is when you are asked to help a grandson, by the grandson himself. I'm happy to oblige.
So much fun is had today and you can share in it by stopping in on this Provo LINK 1. It's loaded with pics from the Butterfly Biosphere and all the rest of our time.
2nd - Time with the kids today. The plan is to just play the day away. There is a post to follow along for the rest of our time here. This is the Provo LINK 2. My sweetheart is having a bit of a tummy day, but asks for Chick Fil A for lunch. All I am going to say about that is READ THE LINKED POST. I survived. It's a beautiful day out and the walk to pick up Ophelia from school provides some fun moments and lots of beautiful scenery.
Time for some selfies.
3rd - The weather has changed today, but we are still out and about. All the regular errands and just plain fun together. I only have my stocking to work on now and I'm just not feeling it, so I'm keeping up with blogging and pictures - getting the Montana time recorded.
4th - A trip to the car dealer for a quick look-see, then off to spend the last day with family.
Trying for selfies with those I've missed and holding back tears as we depart in the evening. I have so loved this trip, but the good-byes in each spot have been oh so difficult. There is just so much more time I would like with the grands.
5th - We are starting the return to home today and here is the Final Leg LINK if you'd like to see all the grandeur of Utah. Well at least the little bit we were able to glimpse as driving.
Green River provides a brief respite as we search for some sustenance. I have to smile at the decor in the shop and think, "What a great way to use those large mugs." Ingenius.
6th - We stayed in Santa Rosa, NM last night and my poor sweetheart was hit with a super fast moving cold. Yep, it's a cold. Nothing else. Poor guy. We still need to keep going, so I settle in to drive a bit and try to help him out, but, truthfully, he's happier concentrating on the road, so the switchback is made. Hello Texas. It's good to be home. Our total trip is just under 4,000 miles and we have thoroughly enjoyed it all -- even the long drives.
7th - Once home, the big unpack begins. So much to put away and settle back in. Mister readies for work again tomorrow and we notice that the backyard is just bursting with birds. All day they come and go. Here is a
LINK to their activity.
I have pulled out the stocking and am prepared to tackle it. I had cut a few pieces before leaving for home, but now, I'm moving forward, even with the sheer inability to see the shapes of the white pieces on the felt. It's such an old UFO that the ink they used for the shapes is almost impossible to see now. All the other colors are fine, but . . . I need the white too. Progress is made.
8th - My perch on the sofa seems to be just what I need right now. Binge watching shows and just being comfortable. With a handwork project, I'm pretty content. More progress.
9th - With a retreat coming up, I venture out to the chilly studio and quickly finish up the applique work on my skinnie that I want to work on while there. Success. We are supposed to have a storm coming in this weekend and also have the chance to go to retreat a day early, so . . . . groceries, gas, packing, all that fun stuff takes place next. Then, back to my stocking.
10th - The morning is spent loading the car, driving to the center, and setting up the room. This poor peach tree is spotted as I arrive onsite. I say poor, because after tonight, it'll lose those lovely blooms.
We've put the word out to all who are attending that they can arrive today to avoid storm issues. I'm not sure how many will take advantage, but I'm glad I'm here as it was fog almost the whole drive. No more pictures from today --- just re-connecting with friends and lots of love.
11th - Let the retreat begin. Here is you Retreat LINK for Key to My Heart. What a great theme, especially on a month of love. The room has been decorated and we are ready to play.
My focus for today is the next step on Dawn's Early Light. With being gone for three weeks, I am now right with everyone else and need to be at least one clue ahead --- for my sanity.
Once the first part is made, it's onto connecting a previously made part. Whew. I'm ready to post Saturday.
12th - I missed my Wednesday project as I was coming here want to make sure it doesn't get overlooked. Pfeffernusse is out and I've chosen to simply put two parts together for progress this week.
Yes! Finished --- along the way Miss Paula had a bit of a mishap. Love ya girlfriend.
Moving on, I'm cutting for March's Farm Girl blocks. I was able to make a complete mess all over the table behind me and can say, it's done.
These ladies ---- so much a part of my life and so much joy is brought through them. I can honestly say I am so blessed to be surrounded by all this love. Thank you Cindy, Terry, Val, Stephanie, Mindy Stephannie, Susan, Kay, Jennifer, Samantha, Bobbi, Bonnie, Paula, Crystal, and Amber.
My night is finished out with a bit of the blocks put together. These are just so stinking cute and this month, they are going quick. Are they easier or am I just understanding the process better now?
13th - After a "cut my finger" episode (what a crazy mishap), I manage to complete the blocks and their associated barns for this month. At this point many are leaving early as another REALLY BAD storm is projected to hit tonight. Drat it all anyway. Time to pack and say bye a day early.
14th - Well, it did what it said. We have snow (many have much more than us). And cold. And more on the way.
A new to our backyard bird arrives to take advantage of the feed. We think it is an American Goldfinch.
Mister has taken up a spot to photograph all the various birds that are visiting. The robins from earlier in the week are still hanging around too.
The storm is really moving in and our ENTIRE state is under a winter storm warning. Each and every county. This is unreal.
By afternoon, the snow has begun again and temperatures are really dropping. They are planning rolling power outages through the night which means Mister has no idea if he will be able to work tomorrow or not. At this point, snuggle in with lots of quilts and see how it all plays out.
I never worked on my stocking at retreat and am back to huddling on the sofa so it works for me.
15th - Well, we didn't lose power but oh so many did and they are not getting it back. Something went terribly wrong with the plan. I feel so bad for so many and it is just dang cold outside -- we're talking right around zero. More snow last night -
OMG, a brief moment of sunshine.
Ice crystals on the snow.
I'm still working on the stocking and making progress but when I hit this point, I realize that somewhere in all the bits and pieces I've thrown away --- the parts I cut for the second hand have been tossed. ARGH. An attempt is made with my felt bin to match the color, but I just can't. Now I'm disheartened and walk away from the project.
16th - I guess it's time to find something else to do. We're trying not to use power so I can finish putting things away from retreat and all my wonderful gifts are just what the doctor ordered. Smiles all around.
Mister has put out a pan of warm water for the birds and suddenly the robins are oh so happy.
A nearby stack of 2" squares can be sorted without much power use (just an nearby lamp) and so I set to that task. Now to figure out how to use these up.
17th - More snow, more cold. My poor daughter has been without power for a couple days now and are losing their water as well. We've suggested they come here, but the roads are insane as well. We are feeling so fortunate not to have lost power even once. I think I've decided that it is because we live just a few blocks from the police station and are probably on the same grid as them. Many of our neighbors just one street further from the station have been out off and on the whole time. It is still dreadful cold out - hovering around zero and sometimes below.
I brought a bunch of scraps home from retreat and am now sorting them to place in the correct homes. At this point, I make the decision to set up a machine by the front window and do some sewing. Minimal light required. My laptop is retrieved from the office, battery is full, and in goes a movie. It's Wednesday and I'm working on Xing.
I still have battery so . . . . another movie and a start to the little tiny stars for Dawn's Early Light.
18th - The sun is out today. The road is still white. Texas is still a major disaster. No food in stores, many without power, many without water. Again, we are feeling so blessed. Jen got her power back yesterday but still no water or internet. They are plugging along.
I am back to my stars.
We have icicles on the house all around and the sky is clear and full of stars tonight. Gonna get even colder. I know, it looks like a black picture, but look close. There are stars there and also on my table. By the time I have finished the 5th movie (and used my power pack twice), I have all the little buggers finished and ready for the Saturday. I am not staying very far ahead right now and don't like the feeling at all.
Just so we all remember.
19th - I THINK we are coming out of this deep freeze. Some melting has occurred as there are icicles all around the house now.
One hedge out front is really cool.
I am back to my little set-up. Today, I am making more progress on UFO projects.
I LOVE webbing sashings and borders as they are made. It just makes my heart so happy.
Some four-patches and then something new to me. Brain cells - time to kick in. Maybe tomorrow. The blue strings were completed a year ago. How crazy are UFO's anyway?
20th - The world is starting to get back on track. At least our segment of it - Texas. Still lots of issues going on, but the weather is better and people are starting to move about again. Meanwhile, I'm still sewing away. I've figured out how to make these blocks so that the red is exactly where it needs to be. Once I've sewn the three pieces together, I fold in half, lining up the seams, giving me a crease to go by. Then, placing my ruler with the diagonal line right on the crease, I can trim. Perfect.
Just a few slivers.
Yesterday and today combined. Wow.
Now for two previous units -- let's join them together as well. Oh yeah. NOW I feel like I'm ahead enough to give this a break. All those who are doing the QAL will see just where this is heading, but maybe not the order, lol.
I do love how this is turning out and my plan is to finish the steps while at retreat in March. For now, I've had enough of this one and am packing it away to move on to other projects.
The ironing board and some already cut out pieces give me a chance to work on the March/April retreat skinnies. These will be mini-class projects and can earn a charm. I've loving them so much.
Ahhhh, someone climbed into my chair and put the camera up for a selfie.
21st - Sunday Morning. We watched an episode of Marie Kwondo with coffee and the next thing I know, Mister is going through his whole room. We now have a giant tub of things to donate just from his closet and drawers. Wow. Meanwhile, I found my room. Didn't go through anything, just put lots of stuff away and cleaned up the den as well. Just not much creativity today.
22nd - Happy Birthday to my sweetheart. He has to work today but I've made his favorite cupcakes. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. We'll freeze them down and he can enjoy whenever he wants one for a bit. Start the song track now please -
Dinner out is our one luxury for today --- Thai Opal it is. And he's happy. That's enough.
23rd - The snow is all gone. It's in the 70's today and I am finally able to move all the plants back outside. We can walk to the front door without climbing over aloe vera plants and the studio doesn't look like a greenhouse anymore. SUN!!! Other than that, I've worked on pictures and cleaned the studio. At least it's something right?
24th - It has dawned on me that this month is almost over and I'm crazy behind on blog posts and stuff. Goodness, I need to buckle down. However, I can't spend all of my day at the computer or I'll go crazy. A trip out back to the cleaned up studio allows me to applique these two skinnies. Yep, yep. That's good.
And then - like a lightning bolt, I remember that it is Wednesday. I need to work on my UFO for the week. This time it is Sandcastles and so strips are sewn together like crazy. I use up all the white I previously cut and these are fun and simple. In the process, I cleaned out the strip bin as well. A twofer.
25th - I have been struggling with my teeth for a bit now -- since while on our trip. We have been trying to get some information from my dentist to no avail and I have finally booked an appointment with a new dentist. Today is the day and I plan to do some shopping after my mouth is happy once again.
Sad to say --- nothing went well. I was back home 45 minutes later, full of tears and camped on the sofa for the rest of the day. What a fiasco. I think I've used that word more than once this month.
26th - Forcing myself to function, I spot the Sandcastle strips sitting there and decide to cut them into four-patch pairs. I need over 500 of them in total and only have about 100 made. Perhaps this will net me the rest. Nope. I STILL need enough strips sewn to make over 200 four-patches AND I've discovered that I cut up ALL of that fabric. I was trying to use a constant here and am pretty sure I won't be able to match the white. Now what? I'm feeling a wee bit frustrated now. Stocking, teeth, Sandcastles, bad weather, etc. I just want February to end. I'm not really feeling the love right now.
For the evening, I buried all the threads on these two items. Seemed easy enough.
27th - Two days left. The post for Dawn's Early Light went out today letting everyone else play in their strings for a bit. I've been cutting up the stacks of things I brought in for backings, batting, binding, borders, etc. Some blue strings are sewn and the rick rack is also finished off on the eggs as well as the ribbon on the umbrella. A little cleaning of the dining room is in order and in the process, I press these parts onto backings, ready for applique. These are the May skinnies. Yes, I'm trying to get a little ahead. Do I have the March one finished? Heck no -- I still have one more day for that.
Time to make some bindings, but first - I have a cake to bake.
As a child, my favorite cakes was a coffee cake that my mom made. While we were up there, she made me one and I've been saving the leftover coffee this week so that I could make another. Yes, it actually uses coffee. Today is the day. This is it and this is all there is to it. No frosting. There's also no eggs, no butter, nothing you assume a cake needs. And it's wonderful. I can't wait to cut into it.
28th - Sunday means time together. It's just what we do. Relaxing takes a high spot and we also try to make calls and visit with family. Some minor housework takes place but minimal at best. For a late lunch/early dinner, we leave the house for only the second time since I came home from retreat and then it's back home and I decide that I would really like to have a TA-DA this month. Straight to the machine - some quilting, binding attached, and handwork to finish and my goal is achieved.
I really didn't accomplish much on my list this month and feel as though perhaps some discipline is lacking - is it that new television? Possibly. At any rate, I will re-commit and see where it takes me next month.
With that, it's time to say good-bye to February and hello to March. I am hosting two retreats in March with themes centered on color so this month's I AM fits right in. We are ALL artists engaged in the creation of something beautiful. Recognize that! Embrace it! Surround yourself with color and see what you can create - be it with fabric, thread, paint, or any other medium. Share it with others and let them send some love.
UFO's to quilt:
BOM #1 - quilted and bound -
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound
Winter Wonderland - quilted and bound
Witch's Night Out - quilted and bound
Quarantine Challenge - quilted and bound
Current Projects:
Farm Girl Blocks completed - yes
Dawn's Early Light 5✔, 6✔, 7✔, 8✔, 9✔,
Grassy Creek 8
March Skinnie - Done
2020 Sucks Exchange Quilt -
UFO Items to work on:
All Neutral strings -
1 Row by Row block -
BAD blocks as leader/enders -
Stash Buster project -
The next four are to be worked on with rotating Wednesdays until finished -
Scrap Crystals -
Pfeffernusse - Progress Made
Xing - Progress Made
Sandcastles - Progress Made
UFO Handwork Items:
Hand Quilting --
Stockings - Definite Progress
Links to Previous 2021 Monthly Posts
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