Sunday, March 14, 2021

My Favorite Color Retreat - Brazos House


The first of the 2021 back to back retreats is about to begin.  My car is massively packed and I'm on the road.  There will be lots of colorful fun in the next 10 days and I am oh so ready to "get away" for a bit.  Come along and enjoy the time vicariously.  Retreats are my soul's food --- time with the ladies always has me revived and ready for life again.  Here we go ----

First up ----- setting up the room.  Val has quite a bit done, but due to an injury, the tables/design walls/ironing boards, etc. still remain.  Debi is here as well and let's just say, I wound up under a table first.  (Yep, today's color is purple)

 Stephannie has put her hand around the place as well, with decor that is bright and colorful.  I am so thankful for those who help me in so many ways.

Over the past few retreats, lots of little items have shown up in the kitchen area and the bottle of rum has been absorbing them all.  First, googly eyes, next a mustache and now a unicorn topper.  I LOVE it.

The picture below has so much light from the windows, BUT there are brightly colored flags draped and the room really is super cheery.  We will be surrounded with color for the next 10 days and isn't that the best way to be?

Our group service project is pillowcases for the Yahweh mission and Sherri gets right on it and has her TA-DONE quickly.  What a great example to follow.  Val is moving right along with a bag TA-DA as well.  Do I even have my machine set up?

What I DO have set up is the painting area.  We are making small "barn quilts" during the retreat and step one is to paint a base coat.  Cups keep the board off the table and we are able to paint the sides.

Next is to draw your lines and start painting the areas.  Tape has been removed on the first two triangles here.  Now, not everyone is painting right now --- some are out "catching eggs" and enjoying the farm life.

Room scenes - 

As it became dark out, these two are determined to complete their boards!!  Some would use the term "overachiever" but not me.  Instead, I'm sporting the full purple outfit and wandering the house.  Me?  Overachiever??  No way.  So, occasionally, I have to be honest.  I've been OUTSIDE painting my base AND drawing the lines.  Shhhh - 

Jen has the first TA-DA --- she liked this so much she ordered 9 more boards to do a grouping in her sewing room.

I crashed early - but a few made it late and actually took a "last man standing" pic.  The first one in a year.  It's likely time to bring them back.

Good Morning --- What a pretty work station.  So super jelly here.

A cup of coffee in hand and with a gorgeous morning, I'm off to the porch.  The view across the river shows turkeys hanging out.  Super fun.

Soon, the group grows and we are able to have a wonderful chat time with each other.  In my mind -- THIS is what retreats are all about.

So many great memories and moments have been had this way.  Laughter, tears, and sharing with each other in order to gain strength and love.

Gifts at retreat are never required, but they are amazing and fun to receive.  This time, Paula spent most of last night cutting pieces of Steam a Seam 2 for everyone and left the instructions in large pile under the table.  "Someone" took it upon themselves to play.

Barn quit TA-DA's by Sherri, Cindy, and Stephanie

Just because - 

It's always good to remember that we are on a working farm.  Today's adventure involves goats and the baby is just so dang sweet --- a problematic child, but sweet.  Take a minute to watch the video - it's a memory being made.

Val has a TA-DA - reminds me of a giant puzzle, but I love it.

Friday night is game night - that means costumes!!!!  So.  Much.  Fun.

Such a fun night - 

Door prizes to Paula, Kelly, and Stephanie

Duos - 

Eveline and Janet

Stephanie and Kamryn

Janet and Stephannie

Ramona and Linda

Kelly and Paula

Gwen and Samantha

Debi and Frieda

Yours truly and Jen

One Trio - Cindy, Sherri, and Val

The fat quarters are won by Ramona and I can honestly say that I've never seen anyone as happy as she.

Paula wins the second round 

So, along the way I noticed that if someone dropped a dollar bill, Sherri had to pick it up.  At the beginning of the last round I whispered to everyone to purposely drop their dollars when they lost them.  It didn't take long and she went into action.

The last round leaves with Cindy as the winner!!

At attempt at a group photo ---- I think the two you really can't see at all Frieda and Kay.  Far back:  Sam, Debi, Kelly Paula.  Center:  Jen (small peek), Eveline, Linda  Front:  Janet, Gwen, Cindy, Val, Sherri,  Stephannie, Kamryn, Janet, Stephannie, and ME!  So much love in this room.

Around the room - and I'm off to bed.

Another good morning to all.  There is a scrumptious brunch in the kitchen -- gather round.

Now - the push begins.  Finishing up projects --- this is so fun to watch.  Lots of porch painting activity.

Paula and Frieda with TA-DA's

Janet B. with a TA-DONE ---- Yes!  This is wonderful.

Without naming names - someone is bored and have placed their lovely man (gifted last year at retreat) on the unicorn for a ride - even adding reins.  Creativity runneth amok.

Paula with another TA-DA - this time a backing for her Witch's Night Out top - 

Okay - gather round --- it's time for the barn quilt parade - Kamryn, Eveline, Frieda, Stephannie

Ramona, Linda, Paula, Val

Samantha, Gwen

TA-DA's by Cindy and Val

I'm ready for bed, but perhaps the color for the day --- brown.

Any early start has me making scones for all --- yep, my camera was late to the show.

And a final TA-DA by Jen.  That's it and a great way to end this retreat.  Let the tweener time begin (and that's a separate post).  Until next time, remember to put color into your life.

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