Saturday, July 31, 2021

July 2021 Monthly Quilt Update

As we begin the second half of this year, what is your I AM?  If you have to stick little notes around to help - do it!  I completely understand.  This past year has been challenging in ways we never imagined and has tested everyone.  Find your I AM and move forward.  It takes effort but will be worth it.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in an ongoing UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an continuing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balances change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

So --- here's July and all the wonderful fun it provided.  Please remember that any links in here will open in a separate window so that you can keep your place on this page at the same time and there are no ads or popups EVER.

1st - Farm Girl blocks for this month are LIVE.  SO glad I had them finished in plenty of time.

Now - back to my LEGOS.  Yep, this is kinda all-consuming for me right now.  No need to dress or anything -- just play with toys.  Apparently the pieces don't quite want to fit at the exact time Mister took my pic.

2nd - LEGO, LEGO, LEGO   Like a dog with a bone.  SOOOO focused.

I have them all together at last and can start ordering the final missing pieces.  That's a whole other nightmare on the computer.  OMG.  Please let this end.

3rd - Just for sanity --- a french knot eye.  Man, I am tearing up the turf these days.  While the thread is out, I start in on updating my "granchildren" pillow.

4th - Happy Independence Day!!!  The pillow is finished once again and back into our bedroom it goes.  (I had to make a move on a name awhile back and yes, you can still see it, but each time I wash this, it gets lighter.

Afternoon summer drinks --- I'm channeling Sharron and the beach retreat.  I think perhaps Mister and I need to plan a beach vacay.

Later in the evening, we do a spur of the moment drive to Cedar Creek Brewing in Seven Points as we read that fireworks can be seen from their patio tonight.  NOTHING is happening in Dallas and this feels nice.  Dinner first and, as always, their burgers are amazing.

Soon, the ground show begins and darkness starts to arrive.

And then, I get a picture before Mister reminds me to just sit back and enjoy.  So, I do.

5th -   An early morning trip to our favorite animal spot and a Zoo LINK for you to follow as well.  These are just magical mornings for us.  So much simple enjoyment in watching and learning.

Returning home, we REALLY need to tackle the abundant basil overtaking us right now.  That means it's pesto time.  Fresh pasta w/pesto for dinner.  Perfecto.

6th - Since I learned at the end of last month that there would be a new grandbaby in September, I guess I need to go and see what I can come up with for a quilt.  Digging through the minkee bits, I am pretty sure I can put a back together and I find a layer cake crying to be made into something.  Score.

I also need yarn and as I'm going through all of the bins, I have a big pile of pinks and white until Mister comes around and reminds me that it is a boy.  Not sure where my head was, but blue/green, and white is where I'm going now.  My additional fun today?  Well, I "think" I must have had my foot in flea-laden sand the other night, because I am covered in crazy itching bites.

Applique is complete on these two.  Threads are buried and I'm moving forward

7th -  All three quilted and binding/hanging sleeves attached.  Finally -- a GOOD sew day.  I need some hand projects to take with me to Montana --- binding these three is a step in the right direction.

8th -  Oh so much to do.  The day before traveling always is jam-packed with a list of the multitude of items needing to be crossed off.  Laundry, packing, phone calls for cruise still, calls to long arm place, retreat emails, pictures, putting house in order.  It almost feels like, "Lions, Tigers, and Bears, oh my."

9th - It's a travel day as Mister and I are off to Montana.  The flight is good and we arrive starving and ready for lunch.  A stop at Sacred Waters Brewing does the trick and then it's south to Bigfork.  My sister's birthday is today and a family gathering is par of the evening fun.  If you wish to follow along on our travels here is the Days 1-5 LINK.  Pssst - those are canola fields - so beautiful

10th - Mister and I enjoy a walk down to the lake and are gifted with some wonderful eye candy. 

For my sewing pleasure, I finished the binding on one skinnie and ordered buttons for the July one.  Yes, I thought I had them, but turns out I do not have enough.  Never enough - isn't that how it goes?  TA-DA.

11th - Helping Mom clean out a desk and setting it up for Mister to work tomorrow is part of our day, but I also finish up another binding on a skinnie and add the button embellishment.  TA-DA

Our evening is spent on Swan River with friends and family.  The weather is wonderful and the music delightful.  AS I walked across the lawn at one point, I spotted a quilt that someone was sitting on and had to stop by to peek.  It's Yellow Brick Road and was made for them by a grandma.  PERFECT!  Isn't this what should happen with quilts?  They should be USED!!  

12th - Drove into Kalispell with Mom on a hunt for a small table to fill the spot where the desk had been.  Two thrift shops later, we found the perfect piece and headed back home.  Oh wait --- a stop to shop for a new car happened too.  Yep, she bought it with pick up in a couple of days.

More canola fields - gorgeous.

Thought I'd share some cherry eye candy from my sister's trees.  We stopped on the way home and the light was perfect.

13th - Another trip into to Kalispell to purchase a chair for Mister and some computer parts that did not arrive on time.  Argh.  Once back home, we finished off the paperwork on the counter and look how nice the new piece and clean countertop look.


14th - Another trip to town -- this is beginning to be a daily adventure.  Mom had her stress test and then we picked up her new car.  Dinner with family at Riley's and I've started crocheting a baby afghan.  So much to do, so little time.  Here is the Days 6-10 LINK

15th - Doctor visit with Mom and more crocheting occupy park of the day with some more cleaning of paperwork along the way.  I'm making progress on several fronts.

Mister and I have some real entertainment on our evening walk.

16th - My Mom's friend, Candy, came over today to give her a haircut and I'm amazed at the two of them.  They have been friends for over 40 yeras.  That is crazy cool.  More crocheting and paperwork cleaning - we are almost finished with the second desk.  Woot woot.

17th - Mister survived the work week and we are going out boating with Sis and Joe today.  Adventure time.

Oh so smoky, but Wild Horse Island is getting closer.

18th - Kalispell's Art in the Park is the outing today and we have such a nice time.  I do manage to find one booth on quilting and am so awe struck.  Please take a minute to read the post in this LINK for Ladybug's Cabin.

After returning Mom back home, Mister and I steal away back out to Swan River for a little music and relaxation.

19th - We have finished all paperwork and I'm thrilled.  Laundry is going and I just finished my third skinnie - TA-DA.  Yep, the buttons arrived.  I also repaired some placemats for Mom, did a little more crocheting and then drove into Bigfork for the Monday Market in the evening  A great day and here is the new   Days 11-16 and Home link to follow along with.

20th - I crocheted ALL day and then we went to Jill's for her birthday in evening.  Food, family, and fun.  Love it all.

Getting in a little great-aunt time.

21st - I am treating Mom to her first pedicure today.  It was nice to spend this time together and I get a kick out of it because Jen treated me to my first one.  Seems fitting.

Once back home, we tackled shoes!  I do mean shoes.  These are the empty boxes heading for the recycle bin and a whole bag of the actual shoes will go to the thrift store tomorrow.  Whew.

Jill came by to say farewell as she will be gone for the weekend.  I had such fun spending time with her this trip.  Looking forward to more.

22nd - Shoes (and other assorted donations) have been dropped and I am off to get my hairs cut.  It's time.  While en route, I spot the Oscar Meyer weenie wagon.  Must stop.

And play.

Okay, okay --- back to the hairs.  They are cut and goodness, there sure are a lot more white ones this time.

Our evening adventure is back into Kalispell looking for shoe racks.  Success and dinner followed.

23rd - Today's project --- Mom's closet.  I start by getting the shoe racks in and loaded.  Then onto the clothes and purses.  She is a trooper and we are able to make a wonderful change for her.  I'm so pleased with the results.  Take a peek - 

Into town for a wee bit with Mister -- stop at brewery and then downtown for music  Olympic Opening Ceremonies in evening.  Hard time sleeping.  Short, but sweet comments.

24th - It is our last day in Montana and we are starting with family brunch in Somers.

An afternoon drive down to Yellow Bay gives Mister and I a few nice moments together while enjoying the lake a bit.

The rest of the evening is spent with Mom while Mister cleaned one area of garage and made last runs with garbage.  We are packed and ready to go.  I managed to get this far on my crochet project. Not too bad, but a long ways away still.

Late night good-byes with Mom as we fly super early in the morning.  Love ya tons, Momma.

SAMANTHA DIXON - if you are reading this - STOP NOW or your surprise will be ruined.  Please be good.

25th - It's a crazy early rising fly day.  We are back in Dallas by 11:30 and stop for lunch and then home to unpack and repack for retreat.  I am only home for a few days and then on the road again.  My sweet Mister mowed in the crazy hot heat and then we went to OHB for the evening.  Modern travel is amazing.  Wake up in one place and have a beer in another that evening.  Love it.

In the mail was a new Round Robin block ready for me to work magic on. I think I already have an idea.

26th - It's Monday in the real world.  Some computer work, grocery shopping, finishing up the February retreat bookings and a wee bit of crocheting fill the hours.  Progress is happening.

27th - Picture development, blogging and more crochet puts this day in the done column as well. 

28th - Prior to going to Montana, I had shopped for some new dresses and cardigans.  I had them all delivered while in Montana (I took VERY little with me up there and returned with a full suitcase.) and now I need to put it all away.  Taking a page from my mom's book, I cleaned out my closet and pitched enough to add the new ones without needing new hangers.  Three bags are going to donation and I feel good about it. I then finish packing for retreat, do the laundry - lucky to have gotten this all finished as we started out our day without power.

While going through things, I remembered that I never took a picture of all the bags I made last May.  I think I have enough now.  Crazy lady alert.

Once I was packed, no reason to wait until tomorrow to head to Rainbow.  Off I go and am glad I did because I found the closet a mess and broken bubble guns and starch containers leaking everywhere.  Yuck and ugh.

29th - Dat 1 of retreat starts and you can follow along with all of our fun in this Retreat LINK.  LOVE this TA-DA by Val.

30th - Day 2 of retreat and things didn't exactly go well for me.  It is what it is.  Other things went incredibly well.  I am in absolute heaven when my daughter gets to spend retreat time with us.  It is a joy I cannot express loudly enough to anyone who will listen.  Thank you, Jen, for making me a priority and playing in the threads with me.

31st - Day 3 and loving these women more and more each day if that is even possible.

It's also the last day of July.  I have accomplished NOTHING while at retreat so this new month has nowhere to go but up for me.  Sometimes, just sometimes, right?  This is the absolute truth.  I feel as though perhaps that has been the last couple of months for me.  So super non-productive.  Hopefully, I can turn a corner and be all of these with a new month at hand.  Give it a shot with me, okay? Here ya go --- your I AM for August.

Thank you for reading this far.  If you made it here, kudos to you.  Hope you have a great month and find a way to bring joy into your life.  Stay creative y'all.

As for this list below -- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA --- so little done.

UFO's to quilt:

BOM #1 - quilted and bound - 
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound
Winter Wonderland - quilted and bound
Witch's Night Out - quilted and bound
Quarantine Challenge - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

Farm Girl Blocks completed - July and August are done
Dawn's Early Light quilted and bound - 
Grassy Creek  8 - 
July Skinnie - Done and August too.

UFO Items to work on:
All Neutral strings -
1 Row by Row block - 
BAD blocks as leader/enders - 
Stash Buster project  -
Whims 2nd quilt - 

The next four are to be worked on with rotating Wednesdays until finished - 

Scrap Crystals - 
Pfeffernusse - 
Xing - ready to quilt
Sandcastles - 

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- 
Stockings - 

Links to Previous 2021 Monthly Posts

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