Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 2020 Quilt Update

Ahhhhhh  ---

I am so doing the happy dance.  It's OCTOBER!!!  This is my favorite month of the WHOLE year.  The house is decorated for autumn and my heart is happy.

How can I incorporate that into this year's theme.  Well, here ya go.  I'm a girl from Montana and each year at this time, the deer and elk ROAR --- it's rutting season.  Now, I'm not saying that is the plan, BUT -- this month is early voting in most places and no matter what your persuasion is, this is your chance to ROAR like the elk and deer.  Don't let it pass you by.

What do you think?  The 20's are Roaring Again and are you joining in with our own group ROAR?  I posted all the details in a separate post and here is the Theme LINK to get the details if you want to join in.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an ongoing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balances change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

So ---- here's October and all the wonderful fun it provided.  Please remember that any links in here will  open in a separate window so that you can keep your place on this page at the same time and there are no ads or popups EVER

1st - With October comes retreat season and we are officially underway today.  However, first is the new BINGO card that I promised everyone.  Will you be able to achieve a blackout???

As I said, it's the beginning of retreat season and I am out of here.  I'm getting my first BINGO square right off the bat and have perma grin as a part of it.  If you wish to follow along on all of our wonderful fun, here is THE LINK.  So many great TA-DA's took place along with fun and nature. Speaking of nature --- 

My accomplishments for the day, after setting up, doing nametags, visiting, and general stuff, are three string blocks and the rest of the rope for my rug.  Well, it's better than nothing, right? 

2nd - The time here is wonderful and if you didn't check out the link from yesterday, please go back and do so because I really don't put much from retreat on this update.  We are having a blast and tonight was game night, which always provides unique moments worthy of pictures.  Yep, there's a story there and three people involved in addition to the camera operator.

All day I have been working on the mini-class project and tonight is is TA-DONE.  It's another BINGO mark for me - create something for Halloween.

Tonight we have been blessed with a Hunter's Moon and a glimpse of Mars.  This is just so cool and the picture was just taken with my phone.  Wow.

3rd - Another clue to Journey posted this morning and here is your Clue 5 LINK.  If you aren't playing yet, you can still join in.  Come along, we're having a blast.

I have set up shop outside today as I have bears to paint for a new granddaughter which will make her appearance next month.  The clock is ticking away and I have projects to do - busy, busy, busy.

Group picture today and these ladies are just some of the finest people I am lucky enough to associate with.  

While working on my Halloween project yesterday, I was also appliqueing a row by row if the same colors were used.  Today is it finished and I have another BINGO mark - machine applique.

Quiet book pages are laid out and I've taken over the pool table in the back of the room.  This is my next huge task.

4th - I've worked on bears and quiet book pages all day.  All that is left on the bears is touch up and eyes.

I have sewn little bits and worked on page backs for the quiet book and another BINGO mark comes my way with hand embroidery.  Blanket stitch everywhere.

5th - The bears are TA-DONE!!!

The last two pages are finished and sewn to the backing.

All my pages are sandwiched and pinned, ready for the binding.

AND -- I've finished the rug.  Whew, if only all days could be this productive.  Time to pack up and head home in the morning.

6th - I'm home by noon and Mister is putting up the umbrella that arrived while I was away.  I like it and it has solar lights built in.  Unpacking ensues but not much else.  I'm kinda tired today.

7th -   In the middle of my "doing nothing" day, Brenda messaged and said that she was inviting me to an "estate sale" of sorts.  Why not?  It's in Mansfield and the drive will be nice.  When I arrive, I take pictures of the room that has stuff available for sale.  Take a peek.

I didn't even ask about the deer head.  Hahahaha.

I settle in on the floor and work my way around the circle, touching absolutely EVERY piece of fabric in the meantime.  Two hours later, I have five bags and a sewing machine plus parts.  Goodness.  THIS is why I have been avoiding these types of opportunities.

8th - The sewing machine from yesterday is an Elna SU and I'm super excited to have her.

Here is a peek at the notions/etc. that I gathered in my bag.

The fabrics ---

And a wonderful ironing/squaring pad.  You see, today was clean up the mess and put everything away day.  That even meant that I cleaned up the studio once again and all tubs are put away.  Whew.

A little bit of time spent trying out a route for our trip.  This one has a chance but we are not settle on it yet.

A little time stitching on parts for the quiet book takes place and I have the clothes adorned, mushrooms made, and started in on the animals.

9th - I am forcing myself to stay put today and finish up the "bits" for the quiet book.  However, that required some machine work applying the velcro.  I have purchased a non-snag velcro (who knew?) and it's working wonderfully.  At first I was going to apply little felt undies to the girl, but the velcro just became them.  Perfect.

Now, to add the fronts, which I've already completed and gather up the animals that need to be finished.  The bathtub still needs water coming out of the faucet so that is first up

While at the machine, I get all the binding made and sewn on to the pages.  I also manage to get another jelly roll all pieced together and ready for batting.  

Finally, time on the sofa nets me the more finished parts.  By the time I call it quits, I only have the girl and the teddy bear left.

Today's set up --- notice my new iron (which didn't work and I had to contact Missouri Star for a replacement) and the new pad.  Nice.

10th - It is my anniversary today and I was supposed to be on a trip.  Work interfered and we are backed up a week so we just wander Dallas a bit today.  It's also a Journey post day and here is your Clue 6 LINK .

  Our day is lovely and my walk in Deep Ellum nets me a bingo mark.  Here is the Anniversary LINK for the day and if you wish to see tons of cool murals, check it out.  Here is just one to tempt you.

In between activities today, I did get the last two "bits" sewn up.  Now the hand stitching of the binding begins.

Mister also hung my fall wall hanging today, but it needs some help.  We are off to look for a different type of rod tomorrow.  He hung these with magnets and the round rod just isn't holding correctly.

11th - It's a Zoo morning filled with wonderful baby animals.  Here is the  LINK     It's a BINGO check for seeing a tourist attraction.

Time was taken to look at new stoves, but shopping my my sweetheart NEVER consists of walking in, selecting, purchasing, and arranging delivery.  It ALWAYS consists of looking. He literally shops.  Doesn't buy though.  After all this, the decision is made to order a part for our current oven and if that doesn't work, then we'll try shopping again.  In the meantime, some grasses did come home with us -- BINGO check for bringing a new plant into our lives.

We are ending the day with the last of the homemade tonic --- good-bye gin and tonic season!

12th - Miss Paula is here for a few days as she doctor appointments and procedures here in the metroplex and I'ma gonna help.  At least try.  Our first order of business is lunch out.  BINGO check.

We follow that up with a stop at Rockin' Bobbin.  While there, I spot the sample table runner I made for them and that makes me feel good.  I also see a Noah's Ark and try to buy the panel, but they are out.  A few fat quarters go home with me and another BINGO check.  We're on a roll.  Once home --- I quickly find the panel and order it.  Yep, snap decision, because I can.

13th -  The morning is spent relaxing and setting up a sewing area for Paula.  She then went into Fort Worth for her appointment and I did the stand in line to vote thing, followed by a trip to the grocery store.

My Skinnies patterns arrived today.  Yep, I drank the Kool-Aid well this time.  I want one for each month..  I know I can't talk others into doing them each month with me, but I am excited to do them.  I have to restrain myself right now though -- too many looming deadlines.  A new dinner from a magazine - broccoli, rice, cheese casserole -- nets me another BINGO check and ends the day.

14th -  A driving day.  Delivering Paula in Fort Worth for her procedure then back to Dallas to drop off my chompers for insert replacement, then home for a short time, back to Fort Worth to retrieve my friend, followed by a stop to pick up my teeth and take her home.  Phew.  She is down for a nap and I am working quietly on my quiet book pages while she sleeps - binding away.  Did you see what I did there?  Oh - BINGO check.

AND, the panel is here.  Isn't it marvelous how fast we can have our wishes fulfilled?

15th -  Paula has departed and it's quiet here once again.  I miss her already.  Now, back to that dang quiet book.  I have sorted out all the grommets that I own.  It may just wind up with a combination of gold land silver.  It is what it is.

The binding is also finished and I have a wonderful stack of pages ready for the next step.  What is that?  Well ----

Next is to punch holes in all the pages.  Using a page of notebook paper, I get the first one marked and cut.  Then -- USING the cut one, I mark all of the remaining pages for cutting.  Now to clean up the house and have it once again ready for guests.  That means laundry and beds changed, but I've got this.

16th -  A morning with the vampires is always fun.  Once the hole in my arm is plugged, I'm on my way back home and plan to take a few minutes to take inventory of projects.  Success and my list is made.  Another BINGO check for me.

The rest of the day is laundry and final planning for trip.  We think we have settle on a route -- with variances that will take place.

17th - Another Journey post is up and here is your  Clue 7 LINK.  The rest of the day is spent working on our trip plans, backing, and purchasing some yarn for a car project.

18th -  We are outta here.  To follow along with us on our trip, I'll give links each day.  Here is your   Day 1 LINK.  I'm a little sad that it is a Sunday, as we pass quilt shops along the way -- all closed.  So sad for me.

I do manage to pull of a BINGO check though --- this chicken is gorgeous and I posted a picture of her.  Easy peasy.

19th - Traveling north in Arkansas --- A stop for a silly selfie and another BINGO check.  Yep, this is how I run.

Here is you Day 2 LINK to share in all of the fun.

Today - this quilt shop IS open.  In we go and I've written a separate post all about it for you.  Click on this Piece of Heaven LINK to share in the eye candy.

My sweetie has found the nicest cottage for the next two nights.  Hope you all sleep as well as I'm going to.

20th - We are exploring today and there is just so much that I've broken it down into four separate posts.  Here is your Day 3 - Part 1 LINK.  Come along with us and explore this region of Arkansas.  It's so amazing.

As we travel along and explore various places, I always have quilts on my mind.  Here is just one of the many we see today.  And, here is your Day 3 - Part 2 LINK so that you can see them too.  Oh, and read about one as well.

Our journey continues today and the scenery is magnificent.  Do you want to see?  This Day 3 - Part 3 LINK will let you share in it with us.  Hello Beaver Dam.

Ah, my sweetie --- each year as we travel together to celebrate our anniversary, I simply fall in love with him all over again.

And, last but not least, we have hit the final post for the day.  Here is the Day 3 - Part 4 LINK.  It's a great ending.

21st - It's time to leave Eureka Springs and continue on our own Journey.  Here is the Day 4 LINK if you wish to follow along and see our amazing day of fall beauty, Thorncrown Chapel, and a hike to Hawksbill Crag.

Before leaving, a stop at a quilt shop did get fit in.  Here is the LINK to all the fun there.  It's a must stop store.

The highlight of my day is our hike out to Hawksbill Crag.  If you don't care for hiking and adventure, I'm sorry -- gonna share anyway.  The beauty of this place cannot be overstated.  What an amazing day in nature.  Yep, that me -- the little speck out on the rock.

Truly fun part?  We ran into friends while on the way out.  How bizarre, right?  Life just does that now and then.  Elisabeth and Jim were suddenly just right there in our path --- love life's little unplanned pleasures.

22nd - More fall fun coming our way today.  So much to see and do.  Here is the Day 5 LINK if you are following along on our trip.

23rd - It's our final day of travel and by 9:30 at night we are back in our own little abode.  Recovery will begin with an easy day tomorrow.  On this trip I've thought long and hard about the "major change" I can make in my life.  The decision has been made.  My phone will no longer accompany me into the bedroom at night.  Game time will be limited and I will attempt to be a happier soul, free from so much required social stuff.  Changes have to start somewhere and this is mine.  BINGO mark for me.  Oh, here is the Day 6 LINK to peek in on our final day.

24th - Mister and I have taken it slow today.  We watched 28 Days - an old but "new to me" movie and I have another BINGO mark.  It is also Journey day.  We are so close to the reveal now.  I hope everyone has had fun with this and perhaps I should focus on finishing my own quilt for said reveal.  What do y'all think?

Mister is baking --- I know, strange right?  We now have an angel food cake.  Why did he do this?  It's really very simple.  The part for the oven arrived and he replaced the broken part with it.  Does it work?  This is how to find out.  Apparently it works great.

Once he completes that, it's time for dinner and since vacation is not yet officially over, we are off to try a new spot.  Cocktail season has began and I'm going with a Moscow Mule.  Yum.  Just one though -- gotta be good.  Mussels and flat bread finish out the evening.  Everything is really good but this place is pretty expensive.  Glad we were able to try it out though.  Home for cake -- makes sense, yes?

25th - It's the last day of no work for my love and we just relaxed together.  Very non-productive and I'm going to pay for that this week.  Just watch.  Some cure ornaments arrived today though.  It seems right for this year -- one to each family.

Also a hanger for my new skinnies that I'm going to have each month.

Mister has been more productive than I.  He made a caramel sauce for the cake and got all of his Halloween cards ready to mail.  That will be my task tomorrow.

26th -  Life is back to reality today.  Laundry and some organization for the rest of the week took place.  I also found the yarn that I bought before our trip, hauled all over Arkansas and never touched, and brought back into the house.  The project has been started and one skein in on by the end of the day.

27th -  Remember Journey?  Yep, I need to get it finished.  It is loaded and quilting begun.  Things did not go smooth, but progress has been made.

The rest of the holes have been removed from the pages and more work on the afghan took place.  

It's been a very rough day as a good friend passed away today.  She was always a ray of sunshine and happiness.  Life will definitely be different without her in it but I am trying to be thankful for all that I learned from her about how to be a better, more forgiving person.  She truly was a gem.  Hugs from her to heaven Jennifer.

28th - So much sadness today.  This year has been rough in ways one never could have imagined at the beginning of the year.  Some days, it just seems too much.  I pick myself up enough to layout a backing for my upcoming 2020 Sucks quilt from our block exchange.  In order to do that, I had to come up with a layout for blocks I don't even have but will at some point so that I would know how big to make it.  Too much for my brain today.  Walking away and crocheting.  The second skein is on and now I need more yard.

29th -  The month is counting down like crazy.  Soooooo many things go wrong in the studio today, but I persevere and challenge myself to reach a whole new ability level.  I have removed the quilt from the frame three times in order to turn and quilt the outer borders all the same.  Very cool

We are trimmed and the binding and label are sewn on.

The rest of the day is hand work, but I'm ready for pictures tomorrow and some pressure is reduced.

30th -   A project to mail back to my daughter's friend is colored and some progress is also made on my oldest quilt.  That earns me a BINGO check.  Other than pictures of Journey and other household stuff, that's it for today.

31st - Happy Halloween!!!  Journey Reveal is out and here is your  LINK .  I'm thankful to have this done for another year - as much as I love doing it, it's stressful.  Now I can focus on all the other self-imposed stress and deadlines I have.

I was up bright and early for the Journey release , but also because Bonnie released her colors and yardages for her own mystery quilt today.  Now, I have another item on my errand list for today.  I still have 5 Bingo card items remaining --- piece a backing, smell a flower, eat a new fruit, carve a pumpkin, and clean a closet.  It's going to be a busy day.  Let's hit the road Mister.  We have errands to do.

First stop is at Lowe's where I am able to mark of a BINGO item by smelling the mums  --- yes, my whole, white-streaked head, is in there.  Then - my cards for Grassy Creek --- that's the new mystery.  Mister gets some chain oil and I pick up a new fall decoration on the clearance table and then we are off to the next place.  Up to Plano to pick up the ceramic tea sets that I ordered last month.  Finally, we have worked out a schedule that we can both make happen.  Once they are retrieved, it's off to Joann's for two more skeins of yarn, then Costco.  Dropping Mister and the groceries off at the house, I then finish up at the regular store with the items I don't want 10 pounds of.  By the time I get home, Mister feeds me a new kind of mango that I found and I get a BINGO Check.

It's at this point that I discover there is no way I have enough energy to carve a pumpkin, piece a backing, and clean a closet.  I'm done.  Feet are going up, adult beverage in hand and watching television while waiting to hand out the giant candy bars we bought.  At one point a friend posts about the moon and so Mister and I wander out to have a looksie and windup walking down the street in socks.  Yep, that's us.  We did get a couple of nice pics though.

It appears that October is over and we have 36 large candy bars to eat.  Okie dokie -- I think we are up to the task.  Now --- are you ready for next month's theme?  Here you go -- and I'll see you next month.

November is here! Where did October go? This month allow yourself to experience ROAR WARS. Go beyond what you think you can do. No limitations. Get out of your comfort zone - in whatever manner that takes. You've got this!

UFO's to quilt:

BOM #1 - quilted and bound - 
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound
Winter Wonderland - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

BINGO Card - drat --- I failed
Witches Night Out - quilted and bound
Quiet Book - All that is left is grommets
Quarantine Challenge -  Quilted and bound
Journey 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 shared/posted - Done and my own is finished as well
Tricot quilt - 
Halloween Wall Hanging - Completed

UFO Items for This Month:

Two Whims blocks (QAYG) - 
Some Neutral strings -
1 Row by Row block - Completed
BAD blocks as leader/enders - 
Stash Buster project (yep, it is moved here now) -

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- roll the quilt once - Didn't roll, but did make progress

Links to Previous 2020 Monthly Posts:

January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020

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