Saturday, October 3, 2020

Journey - Clue 5

Oh Em Gee!!!  We have entered the October zone.  It is far and above any other month in my mind and definitely my favorite.  Always has been, likely always will.  I'm at retreat as this posts and am so lucky to be with friends once again.  My fingers are crossed for a trip upon my return, but as we all know, 2020 sometimes has other plans.  It throws us so many loops and turns that determining which way is up can be challenging, if not impossible at times.  This week, you are getting a break.  That leaves you time to either catch up or just enjoy the wonder of October in any way that you can.  Make it calming, peaceful, whatever eases your life a bit before the craziness of November and December descend upon us.  Now, having said all that --- take a moment to READ ALL OF THE WORDS before starting - even though this is an EASY PEASY clue.  Hugs to all and stay safe.

Unit 5 - make 164

So, have you figured it out?  No, you don't need to make 164 more flying geese.  You already have them.  We are simply going to add a little weight to their flight.  A little BRIGHT weight.  Red is just delicious here, but I'm sure whatever you are using will rock boats too.

HINT:  You can use either 2" or 3 1/2" strips for this part.  I did discover that I had less waste with the 3 1/2" method, but if your strips are varied lengths, it could work out the other way.

First up --- from 2" or 3 1/2" red strips, cut 164  - 2" x 3 1/2" bricks.  I've gone semi-scrappy this time, just using what I have.

This shows what happens when you use WOF -- I had four different fabrics and the end of my strips had this much remaining - yes, I said four.  One was a perfect ending.  It shows that WOF's are oh so different.

Lovely little stacks of red bricks.  A red brick road --- yep, another method of travel for our journey.

Okay - go retrieve those flying geese you've had for a month.

Sew on brick to the neutral side of the unit.  I want to say goose.  Is that right?  If so, attach a red brick to the body of your goose.  There ya go.

It should measure 3 1/2" when finished and pressed.  If so, you are good to go.

Chain, chain, chain.

It's a pretty sight that I'm heading off to the ironing board with.  I know that's not grammatically correct, but it's me and I write how I speak.

Cute little units.  Press to the red.

And see how quick that went?  Feels good right?  I'll see you next week from wherever I am.  I think you'll have fun with the next clue --- progress will come to light.  Until then, please share in our Facebook group and if you haven't joined yet, here is your LINK

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