Monday, September 30, 2019

2019 September Quilt Update

Hello and welcome to the ninth Monthly Quilt Update of 2019.  Have you joined us in our theme for this year?  Do you know what it is?  Here is your hint and if you want to know all about it -- here is your LINK.  Always remember that in this group all links open in a separate window so you don't lose your place here AND there are no ads or popups EVER.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an ongoing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balance change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

1st - Welcome to September!!  Does that mean fall is on the horizon?  I sincerely hope so.  Autumn is my most favorite season of all and always has been.  To celebrate the beginning of a new month  . . . . . .Sapphire Blues is LIVE.  The first clue has releases today and here is your Clue 1 LINK

Today also means that I am on day 5 of the worst sunburn I have ever experienced.  Well, my mother would likely argue but it is the worst in my adult memory.  Sucking it up, we are coffee bound and imagine my delight in the fact that pumpkin is back.  I am not a huge pumpkin fan but the pumpkin scones at White Rock Coffee are supreme.   In addition to the beginning of September and the mystery --- lots of new laws go into effect here in Texas today and one of them is that Beer to Go in breweries is now legal.  I know it is crazy, but super exciting for us.  You can check in on our fun moments with this "Break the Chains" Day Link.

2nd - Computer days are the BEST!   Hahahaha  NOT.  However, they are required now and then.  I have been working on pictures all day but have also managed to book our flights to Montana for next month.  I am super excited and looking so forward to 9 whole days in my home state.  Yes, I love Texas, but . . .

3rd - I am STILL working on pictures - what pictures? you ask.  Well, the cruise, of course.  I only took about 900 of the buggers.  It takes time to develop each one.

4th - I have finally finished the pictures and the uploaded album is complete.  Whew.  I cannot tell you how happy I am to leave the computer after three solid days.  I may even do a happy dance.

5th - Now that I am away from keyboarding, laundry and unpacking are calling out to me.  It's about time since I have to repack soon.  Naturally, that makes sense, right?  Why do it before it's required?

6th - I have lost the day and I'm starting to think that perhaps this monthly report will be dang boring.  Regular stuff around the house is occupying my moments and I am also trying oh so hard to figure out just what I want to take to the beach retreat with me.  Handwork only is the plan, BUT . . . desire is seriously lacking.

7th - Has it really been a whole week since I've done anything of consequence?  Clue 2 releases today and at least other people are getting something accomplished.  Here is your Clue 2 LINK.  As I post this, Mister and I are off for a fun day that he has planned.  You can check in with all that we experienced in this Day Link.

8th -  Well, it's the annual lose your voice game has begun.  Argh!!!  This time of year drives me nuts.  Each year I try and explain that I am not sick, I just don't have a voice.  Is it allergies?  Is it overuse?  Is it something else?  Who knows --- all I know is it is gone once again -- wonderful.  In the midst of all this, Mister and I are off to the zoo for a morning walk.  For the first time in ages, I did not do a special post about our fun, but I WILL share a couple of pictures here.  Just look at how much fun these wonderful animals are.

My sweet man --- enjoying life.  Then we go home and discover fun in our own backyard with this gorgeous moth.  I took the rest of the day off and laid down.  I just don't feel up to par.

9th - With a retreat on the horizon and me just not on top of things, Mister sends me to bed.  Just in case something is with me, I don't want to get anyone else sick.  Still no voice and so, so tired.  I am crazily binging Parenthood.  Yes, I've seen them all before, BUT -- it's leaving Netflix and I love this series.  That is excuse enough.  I do manage to get one cruise post done.  Only a weeks worth to go.

10th - It's another Bed Day!  Sucks, but somehow I do manage to get a couple more of the cruise posts finished.  The only issue with doing these when I am not on top of the world is that they may be just a tad bit boring.  It is what it is.

11th - Day 4 in bed.  Well, technically 3 1/2 but really?  A couple more cruise posts hit the blog and that's the extent of my day.  My fingers are the only thing getting any exercise at all.

12th - Okay --- enough is enough.  I have A LOT to do and am completely out of time.  I tell Mister that I need to get out of bed and accomplish something.  He acquiesces and I get in gear.  Packing has commenced.  Additionally, I am involved in a wall hanging exchange that takes place tomorrow.  TOMORROW!!  I do not even have the applique done so Lady Elna comes into the house to play for a bit.

I get the applique done and am ready to quilt.

So -- no one ever shows the back -- here ya go.  I have threads to bury and a sandwich to make.

As soon as I have glued the sandwich together, it's time to start quilting and that means a switch of machines.  Lady Elna is put away and my sweet LBOW 301 is brought out to play.  Echo quilting is the plan and my hopes are high.

It goes pretty well, without drawing a single line.  I am pleased and the thought of moving onto binding is exciting.  that means I need to get a label made.  Yeah, I'm really on top of things with this project.  A short time later, that problem is fixed and I'm ready to go forward.

I have to admit that I LOVE the quilting.  Binding is on, label is on --- hand stitching remains.  Now to finish packing.

For the evening fun, my sweet Mister has tickets to the sneak preview of the Downton Abbey movie.  I cannot even begin to express how excited I am --- I totally dressed up -- but no pictures.  What a fantastic time.  Ya gotta go see it.

13th -  Managing to become super organized yesterday is allowing me to sit and bind on my wall hanging while waiting for Stephannie to arrive.  The house is clean, the car is packed.  Coffee and stitching seem perfect.  I'm sooooo close to finishing when she arrives, but that's it for now.  We gotta go -- there is a beach calling us.  Only one stop along and the way and this is our view from the deck.

Once we are set up -- it's off to dinner and then my binding finish.  Please follow along with all of our fun this week in this Session 1 LINK.  Other than that -- my wall hanging for the exchange is TA-DONE.

14th - The Sapphire Blues mystery is moving along and here is you Clue 3 LINK as it releases today.   I managed to see the sunrise and the sunset today.  Check out all these amazing wall hangings for the exchange.  They are crazy cool.  Which one is YOUR favorite?  I have been crocheting on a baby afghan when I'm actually being productive.  (very little if I'm totally honest)

Good times and good friends --- see, quilting is about that too.

15th - It's another beach day with me being barely productive.  My mind is really elsewhere and I'm also crazy tired.  Motivation is at a standstill, but that's okay because I am AT THE BEACH.  I'm walking and taking advantage of that.

Hair, hair, everywhere.

Beautiful group of women --- inside AND out.

16th - I could do the beach life.  Well, I could enjoy it.  I'm not sure I'd ever get a thing done, but I absolutely could enjoy this.  My crocheting is moving along.  I brought quite a few projects and from the looks of things, none of them will even get touched.

17th - We have a storm moving in and our session one ladies are hitting the road home today.  That puts us into our middle days and here is the Tweener LINK for peeks at us.  I love that Sapphire Blues is making an appearance at retreat.

My WIN in the exchange was made by Rocky (quilted by Maria) and I could not be happier.  Turtles!!!

A bit more progress on this too ---

18th - We had 11 solid hours of thunder and lightning!  That is not an exaggeration.  Imelda is here and sat right on top of us doing her thing.  By afternoon, I am back on the beach and we have shells.

A few of us opt for dinner out and it's wonderful.  We are able to enjoy each other, some locals, and a beautiful sunset along with a great burger.  I'm content.

19th - The storm is supposed to return, so time on the beach is quickly added.

Before we know it, we are back in another round of this crazy storm and have people traveling to join us.  They all arrive before dark and the worrying stops for a bit.  As the storm moves out once again, we are truly blessed with a beautiful sunset.  You can follow along in this Session 2 LINK

20th - With decent weather once again, Paula and I head to town for dinner and water.  Beach - It's decent out.  went to town to get supplies for dinner.  A stop at Creative Quilting was fun too.  After our return, I started putting the salads together for dinner and after several days of worry and fear, I make the decision to drive home.  Such a hard decision, but it's the right one.  I get back in Dallas by 10 that evening and have the nurse at hospice make me up a bed to stay with my mother-in-law for the night.

21st - It's Saturday and that means a release for Sapphire Blues.  Here is your Clue 4 LINK.  The hospice center and family is the day's plan.  It's such a sweet and sad time together all at once.  Saying good-bye to a loved one is never easy, but as we've sat with her, we've shared many stories and memories.   By 9 in the evening, I went home finally to sleep and shower while my sweetheart took the couch bed and stayed with his mom.

22nd - We are all together at hospice center once again today.  I take a walk around the center and discover a beautiful chapel.  The stained glass windows are all done with a "nature" theme and I think they are so incredible.

23rd - My sweet mother-in-law left us early this morning while I was with her.  She's off to her next assignment and as she told me several times that her one regret was not going to Italy.  I believe that's where she'll be, as an angel helping others.  I will always be grateful for the love she gave me and the lessons I've learned from her the past 11 years.  I am also incredibly thankful that my sweet man and I took the time to be with her each week this past year.  So, so thankful.  Once the "stuff" is handled, lunch with the family takes place and we go to Cindy's (a NY Deli) in honor of her.  She loved the place and said it reminded her so much of home.

24th - After dropping off paperwork/stuff at mom's apartment we have absolutely nothing to do today and cannot just sit in the house and stare at each other.  We try lunch at new Mediterranean place and the attend Music in the Garden for the evening.  Click on this Autumn at the Arboretum to link you to this beautiful time of year in the garden and all the magic we saw.  I LOVE Charlie Brown.

25th - Mister is off to his doctor appointment while I try a get a blog post in, catch up a bit on correspondence and make a few decisions.  Then we are out of the house again as our plans for today were changed.  We have to keep our minds busy and here is the Keeping Busy LINK to what we found for today.  If you love history like we do, you'll love this link.  While we are out and about, a few quilty items are seen and I'll share them here.  The little sewing machine is a pencil sharpener and, yes, it came home with me.

26th -  I have spent all day working on blog posts and managed to FINALLY finish up August.  How sad is that?  September is almost over.  Argh.  I am also readying the next Sapphire Blues clue and working on the plans for our 2020 cruise.  Yep, we're going again.  Woot woot.  These beautiful flowers arrived today from my sweethearts company.  They are so pretty.

27th - A surprise early release of Sapphire Blues today and here is the Clue 5 LINK.  It's kind of a mystery day for me too as I work behind the scenes to ready future clues and try to stay one step ahead of the crowd.  Shhh, that's my big secret.

28th - Family Day!  In so many ways.  We start out having breakfast with Jen then a swim meet in watching Jared and Jacob.  The early afternoon provides a couple of new brewery stops and then late afternoon/evening is packing up mom's apartment.  Here is the LINK to the day, but I have a lot of updates to add to that post.

29th - After a busy day yesterday, we have opted to relax this morning.  We do a fine job of it but have to go move furniture in the afternoon.  I talked with Mom while driving and she mentioned pizza.  Now I MUST have it.

30th -  It is the last day of the month.  Many times that makes me sad, but I'm ready to put this one behind us.  Hopefully October will provide some opportunity to actually be productive and creative all at once.  My hopes are there at least.  I booked our cruise for next year and worked on beach pictures and future retreats.  All day on computer.  That's okay.  As I move into my favorite month of the year, I'm looking ahead to many fun and exciting events coming our way.  I am starting to get my mojo back, I just need to work my way out of the "behindedness" I am in.  It'll happen and I'll see you on the upside.  Stay creative everyone and make sure to share your Sapphire Blues progress in our Facebook Group.  If you are not in it yet, here's your LINK.

UFO's to quilt:

BOM #1 - quilted and bound
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

Baby afghan crocheted - Started
Wall Hanging for beach exchange - DONE
2019 Mystery - Sapphire Blues --  Clues 1 - 5 - released  DONE

UFO Items for This Month:

Ohio Star - set and backing/binding made
1 Row by Row block - Appliqued - fusible ironed on -- that's progress, right.
*Jamestown Landing -
*Smith Mountain Morning  - quilted and bound -
*Midnight Flight -

UFO Handwork Items:

1 Box finished for tea set -
Hand Quilting --

Links to Previous 2019 Monthly Posts:

January 2019 Quilt Update
February 2019 Quilt Update
March 2019 Quilt Update
April 2019 Quilt Update
May 2019 Quilt Update
June 2019 Quilt Update
July Quilt Update
August Quilt Update

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