Wednesday, July 31, 2019

2019 July Quilt Update

Hello and welcome to the seventh Monthly Quilt Update of 2019.  Have you joined us in our theme for this year?  Do you know what it is?  Here is your hint and if you want to know all about it -- here is your LINK.  Always remember that in this group all links open in a separate window so you don't lose your place here AND there are no ads or popups EVER.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an ongoing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balance change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

1st - Let's begin the second half of the year, shall we?  I'm starting with my car packed for retreat and an early morning appointment with the vampires at the doctor's office.  More blood work and fingers crossed for better results --- as soon as they finish with me, I'm on the road to Kaufman, TX and a few days with girlfriends to get my mind in a better place.  You can come see all the fun with this LINK.  It's a GREAT day and I have some new neutral strips for the bin and also have completed my new purse.  I do so love it.

Also on the docket for me today is binding applied to my jelly roll race quilt and some more work on the Smith Mountain Morning blocks.  Progress is progress.

2nd - I'm feeling super smart today for having put this project in at the last minute.  Otherwise I'd be on the way home.  Just look at how much I managed to accomplish.  I'm oh so close to feeling as though there is hope.

Well, these are finished but apparently a few centers need to be checked out a bit.

The binding is complete too --- TA-DONE.  Woot woot.

Still more before bed.

3rd - I finished up these units before packing up to head home today.  More blocks are in my future on this project.

Blood tests are back -- no change.  Re-test in another month and then onto the next step.  Lovely.

My love has planned a great evening out for us and it includes fireworks.  How amazing is he?  Come along in this POST for a peek into the great time we have.

4th - Happy Birthday America!!  We are spending the day relaxing for the most part with Mister doing some yard work and me blogging.  The new season of The Good Witch is out on Netflix so a little binging while working on the binding of my little bookmarks.  It's getting to be a nice little stack of completed items.

5th -  While at Kaufman this week, Brenda posted that she wanted to meet up at BLRC this week.  Glory be!!  I have about 8 prepaid days to use so happily applied one of them and am off to play with friends.  Once again , the corner is mine.  I'm back with Smith Mountain Morning.

Blocks are being laid out and coming together nicely.  Brenda, Leanne, and Elisabeth are all here and I haven't seen Elisabeth in ages.  What a nice treat.  I didn't receive the matching outfit memo today though and am the only one not in black and blue.  The four of us went to lunch at Corner Bakery and had a great visit to boot.  Upon our return, I set to work to finish up my blocks and have discovered that I am about 20 brown triangle in a square units short of total completion --- drat.  What do you suppose the chances are that I have some of these fabrics from 2014 left?

I guess that means I can cut out more lounge pants.

Two more pair are cut out and the last piece of fabric is going to be a dress instead.  That means I'm done for the day as I'm out of projects to work on.  It's home to binge a few more episodes of The Good Witch and finish up the bookmarks.  TA-DA

6th -  Saturdays mean family.  Walking at White Rock Lake and time with Mom H get our day underway.  Click Here to read all about it.

Guess what?  My 3 1/2" strip bin had some of the brown strips I used in Smith Mountain Morning.  How cool is that?  THIS is why I love Bonnie Hunter's Scrap User's System so very much.  It has not let me down yet.

A few quick cuts and I am once again ready to roll on this project.

7th -  Lots and lots of time spent on the computer today.  Bookkeeping - yuck.  Setting budgets for the remainder of the year and some tough decision making.  I'm getting 3 machines ready to sell and hoping to also sell my timeshare condo in Vegas.  Anyone interested???  It's a screaming deal.

At any rate, by the time the evening comes around, I feel like I HAVE to do something quilty.  Out to the studio I go and Mister shortly follows.  Presto, chango -- the rods are up and I can hang a couple of quilts.  This room is finally coming together --- just don't let it fall down --- that's a definite worry right now.  When it rains, it pours.

8th -  It's time.  I have to function and actually have a few productive days.  Laundry is going and I'm off to the studio to do a little organization.  Everything gets put away, the remaining long arm supplies are either attached (leaders) or homes are found (bobbin winder) and the tools are finally put away.  I've moved some fabric tubs under the frame and freed up enough shelf space to start moving projects out here.  With determination, it's back into the house to find all the hiding spots I have filled and attempt to create an accurate list of projects in some stage of start.  ARGH.  Here  is the first run through the house.

After I've hauled all of these out, I continue the hunt.  At one point, I am on my hands and knees looking under the bed for a project I just can't seem to locate and hear Etta James "At Last" playing on the radio in the office.  Smiling, I continue my hunt, only to be pulled up by my sweet love who takes me into his arms to dance.  The tears in his eyes are the killer and my heart explodes.  The stress is a bit much around here right now and holding tight to each other seems to be the best plan.

Ahem --- back to the task at hand.  I give on the missing project and pull all the remaining ones I can find.  It's time for another trip to the studio.

Now --- what do I do with all of this?

Juts a short time later --- I have once again gained control out here.  Everything has a home, is cleaned up and I own a VERY LONG list to try and prioritize.  Goals have been revamped and the decision is made that when things haven't been touched or looked at in months, they are no longer current.  My UFO list became much longer.

Now to SEW something!!!  I quickly make the remaining 20 HST's for SMM and put the last four blocks together.

That means I get to attempt a layout.  Woot, woot.

9th -  So much for my resolve.  I've worked on emails and bills more today and then retreated into Netflix binge land again.  Productivity pretty low.  It's a good thing that I have grands coming tomorrow.  That will pull me out.  Right?

10th - I have to clean up the house and have bits and pieces of SMM all over the place.  That means that in order to put things right, I have to sew.  Isn't that terrible?  Hahahaha.  Yes, I'm laughing again.  The pit has been avoided and I am just going forward.  Best plan, yes?

The center of SMM is done -

- and I used the border pieces as my leader enders for the process.  Now, I really have to finish cleaning up.

The boys were scheduled to arrive at 11:25 tonight, but, alas --- it was not meant to be.  They are delayed an hour, so it will be tomorrow when they are in my arms.

11th - Being at the airport at midnight awaiting the arrival of grandsons is a crazy way to start the day.  But, it is indeed what we are doing.  At some point, they will appear and we can go home to get some sleep.  Right?

Yay! Packages are in hand and we are home by 2 --- time to sleep.  Everyone except Grandpa sleeps until after 10 and then breakfast and lounge until 1:30 when Jen arrives.  Lunch at In N Out, then to Obstacle Warrior and grocery shopping.  I'm already tired but we still need to feed everyone and then do an evening activity at the Arboretum.  We end the day with a card game and everyone into beds.  Whew!!  If you wish to peek in on our fun, here is a Days 1&2 LINK.

12th - I have bodies all over my house.  Seriously.  Did you see that blog post linked above.?  Beds everywhere.  Once Jen's crew departs, we are off to the mall.  While there, I spot the reminder for our upcoming Quilt World event.  Are you coming along with us to see the color extravaganza that is Monet?

A stop at Central Market for groceries, home to cook and Legos in evening.  This day is done.

13th - An early start and the Zoo is our playground.  What a great time!!  After, it's relaxing and I even napped.  I know -- who would have guessed?  Games and LEGOS end the day but you can see all in this Days 3&4 LINK.

14th - Another animal day as we spend time at the Children's Aquarium and Lagoon.  Pavlova is for dessert and it disappears like crazy.  It is just so dang good.  We start a Twlight movie marathon and tackle two of them tonight, making it a late night.

15th - We have opted to stay home today and do movies and cookies, which gives me a chance to actually work on a project.  I get all of the drawing/ironing of applique pieces for four row by row blocks.  Way to go me.  We end the evening with Tony's for dinner and a visit to Nickelrama.  Please pop in on this Days 5&6 LINK to get the whole scoop.

16th - Out and about for a bit of early morning fun.  Adventure Landing captivates us for a couple of hours and then home for the last two Twilight movies, during which I finish cutting out all of the parts for my row by row blocks.

17th - I've gotta say good-bye today and that makes it a sad day.  With that in mind, it is a fill 'er up day.  Let's pack in as much as we can.  The Children's Garden, Spiderman, packing, card games, Bobo China for dinner and a stop at Sonic for treats.  Nothing stopped the time from moving forward and all too soon, we are at the airport with our hugs and good-byes.  Please check out this  Day 7 LINK as it starts with a picture of my and my boys and ends the same way.

18th - Well, with an empty house, things are certainly quiet around here.  I am off to the car dealership for some maintenance on my sweet Subaru, a visit with Mom H., and the post office  Yep, an errand kind of day, BUT - even with all of that, I cut the parts for the pieced backings on two row by row blocks and ironed on parts to the other two.  Feels good to touch fabric again.

19th - What is this machine I am working on.  It is a sewing machine?  An actual one?  Oooooh, it is so fun to sew.  After making four log cabin blocks, everything gets put together and I have the backings finished for two row by row blocks.

I think I have enough time to go just a bit further today.  All of the remaining applique parts for these two blocks meet the iron and are welcomed to their new home.  All of this while doing laundry.  Superwoman in the house today.

All four blocks together.  Woot woot.

Hey---- can I get a drumroll please???  I even get all the parts for my beach project cut out.

AND laid out.  Hoo rah!!

20th - Time is slipping by once again and we have a grandson arriving tomorrow.  That means I have to clean up the mess, which puts me at the machine first thing this morning to web this together.  Perfect.  Now I can prepared the room.  While putting this together, more parts on the label for Smith Mountain Morning came together as leader/enders.  Love the system. 

Now, I gotta run.  It is a Red Hat Day and I need to dress and drive.  If you would like to peek in on our fun, I have the perfect LINK for you.

Rounding out the day with a visit to Mom H.  Time to put the feet up this evening.

21st - Cleaning house occupies the morning.  Yuck.  The mundane parts of life are just that -- mundane.  Even the word sounds like what it is.  Have you ever noticed that about words.  Some actually do sound perfect.  Think succulent.  Ooooh, there's a word.  Now, where was I?  Oh yeah -- we drove to Thurber to pick up Josh, stopped at the grocery store, home for dinner and a chess game.  That's about it for today.  I did the driving, so not even a chance to do handwork in the car.  Here is the LINK for Josh's visit if you wish to peek in (if you are a Dallas history buff, it's worth a click).

22nd - Fun times with my grandson occupy most of the day.  Between the aquarium, the lagoon, and a movie (Lion King), it seems as though we have been surrounded by animals all day.  We stop at the grocery store as Josh requested a catfish dinner and I'm gonna do my best to make that happen.

23rd - It's a history day.  Do you love it as much as I do?  Well, I have learned some new things today and that always makes the day a success.  In addition, this city that I love so much is absolutely stunning today.

24th - I think that if I have to have a second home, it would be at the zoo.  In fact, when I am ready -- that is where my volunteer efforts are really going to focus.  There is just so much joy in it and my heart is happy when there.  However, this dang grandson could stop growing up so quick.  That would be nice.

25th - A trade  of grandsons is the agenda for today and is taking place at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Fort Worth.  I haven't been there for awhile and always enjoy learning new things.  Today is no different --- what a great time.  I'm back home with Jacob in tow.

26th - Leaving Mister and Jacob behind, I am off with friends for the day -- we planned this in February, I think, and I've been looking so forward to it.  Today is the day.  We are off to Huntsville and some amazing estrogen-filled time.  (I have had boys for many, many weeks now.)  I've planned a "touristy" day in addition to the shop hop and you are more than welcome to come along and share with me.  Here's your LINK.

27th - Okay, back to reality.  At the coffee shop this morning, I spotted this graffiti.  If ya gotta write, do it like this.  Pleasant and with flair.

We have a crazy, busy day filled with chores, fun, and experiments.  Here is your LINK to follow along, not only with today, but Jacob's whole visit.  Now, how about a drink with clear ice?

28th - Today Trader's Village is on our radar and I love that I found this beautiful spinning wheel there.  No, it didn't come home with me, but I wished.

THIS!!!  did go into my belly though and it was so very yummy and refreshing.  No, not all of it, but one glass of the pina flavor.  Do you know that that is pineapple?  These colors --- they work don't they?  Hmmmmm.

29th - Lots and lots of fun today.  Games of all sorts and time with a grandson.  I think that just about makes it perfect.  I can't believe how fast this time has gone by.  My summer with the younger set is just about done.

30th - It's a car drive halfway to Abilene and back this morning.  A few choice moments to visit with my granddaughter midway and now --- blog work like crazy.  Behind, behind, behind.  Crazy kids.

31st -  It's not one of my better days.  Crazy mix-ups with the doctor and lots of misinformation handed my way.  I crawl into a hole and barely emerge when Mister drags me off for beer.  Such a smart man.  As we're walking into the brewery, another call from the doctor office.  Oh my, where is that beer? 

I know it's not the best way to end this month, but I keep it as real here as I can.  I'm ready to get back to the machine, cutting table, design board and whatever else comes my way for the balance of this year.  I have the most amazing friends in the world and right now --- need them so very much.  This very last line, which most people will never read is to say thank you -- THANK YOU -- to Val, who daily sends me messages that fill my life with smiles and tears of joy.  You are the craziest, bestest person on the planet and I adore you.  Onto August.

UFO's to quilt:

BOM #1 - quilted and bound
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

Jelly Roll Race binding on and done - DONE
Purse - DONE
5 pair lounge pants -  3 pair cut out
Wall Hanging for beach exchange - webbed
2019 Mystery - Sapphire Blues -- in process behind the scenes

UFO Items for This Month:

Amish Bookmarks bound - DONE
Ohio Star - set and backing/binding made
1 Row by Row block - FOUR ready to applique
*Jamestown Landing -
*Smith Mountain Morning -  Center set, ready for borders
*Midnight Flight -

UFO Handwork Items:

1 Box finished for tea set -
Hand Quilting --

Links to Previous 2019 Monthly Posts:

January 2019 Quilt Update
February 2019 Quilt Update
March 2019 Quilt Update
April 2019 Quilt Update
May 2019 Quilt Update
June 2019 Quilt Update

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