Monday, April 26, 2021

Epic Road Trip - Day 9 - Virginia Creeper Bike Ride

 Wow!!!!  The SUN is shining and our day is going to be absolutely beautiful.  We've waited all week for this and it is not disappointing.

Making memories with a friend is perhaps the highlight of the whole trip.  We WILL be back -- dates have been booked and the trip is already being planned.  

Frieda's Frolic is really coming along.

Sherri has a plan.  Sam is required to record it.  I'm told that we will either go on an ambulance ride or a bike ride today.  Hmmmm.  It turns out to be a blast and I'm happy to share.  I did make this into one video but Blogger says it is too big so watch them both --- it's happy, happy, joy, joy.

Now, you may think that I am not covering time at the Inn enough in these posts.  Well, these are about MY experience and I took advantage of EVERY moment that Bonnie was willing to spend with us.  That meant - out and about.  Today's adventure has been planned for two years and I wouldn't miss it for anything - even a bum knee.

Barn quilt spotted on our drive to Damascus.  Yes, the crazy, windy roads are being traversed once again.

Our adventure for today?  We are going to be riding bikes down the Virginia Creeper Trail.  All seventeen miles of it.  First thing - gotta get bikes.  Then, I have to remember the number.  No way.  Picture time as it is one of four bikes this color being checked out right now.

Step 2 - wait for the shuttle.

Step 3 - The "before" picture.  Now for another trip up that dang curvy road.  Who is going?  Bonnie, Samantha, Stephannie, Sherri, Ramona, Jennifer, and I.

In the shuttle --- Sherri is riding shotgun and I'm in second seat.  Can't include her too.

Grabbing the shuttle driver ---- we are ready to go.  SUPER EXCITED.

We are off.  After a very small incline --- it's downhill for several miles.  Let the experience begin.

Once again, I've made the determination to hang at the back in case we have any issues at all.  I just can't ever lose the "mommy" part of me.  It is what it is.  Thankfully, my fellow Musketeers stay and keep me company.

The first trestle - looking back.

Sherri and I spot a path up to a lookout and drop our bikes oh so quick.  It is WONDERFUL!!

Back to the bikes -- we're quite far back now.

Meeting up with the group --- barn pictures all around.

Stops are continuously happening.  I want to always remember how beautiful it is here.

The group is caught up to again and Bonnie points out this wonderful mix of history and present day signage.  Too funny.

We're off again - go girls go 

Wild apple blooms?  Just not sure.

Screeching to a halt.  Oh My, the light on the creek and plants is fabulous.

Peek ----  it's a picture swap.

Pictures from Bonnie - 

It's LONG trestle - Sherri and Sam are back there somewhere

Bonnie's favorite spot - a waterfall.

It's a perfect spot for a break.  Everyone off bikes and get a drink/rest the bum.  I can't believe I forgot my bike shorts -- I could have worn them under my jeans and my tush would be much happier.

Off we go once more.  More trestles.  These are just so cool.

This stop has everyone checking out the creek below.  Hmmmm.  It may have also had a slight mishap occur.  Drat.

We keep cruising along and then . . . . I miss a turn.  Truly, I tried to catch this.  It turned into a very slow motion fall.

Finally!  I have spotted a place in the river where we can climb out on the rocks AND all three of us are together.  Time for some fun.

Yep in the middle of the creek/river.  I'm just not sure which it is.

Back on the trail - 

We're almost there ---- 

Well - that's it for the ride itself.  I will say that the last 2 miles was tough.  Not uphill, but all peddling and my knee was screaming at me.  I made it though, with only one owie - a scrape on a trestle.  Not too shabby for almost 63 years.

The bikes have been returned, shopping has taken place and it's time for the SURVIVAL picture.  We did it!!

A stop at the store for campfire goodies leaves us all in the van --- picture time.  What a GREAT TIME.  In the words of Jennifer, "I want to do it again."  Yes, indeed.  Just not today.  Next time -- Go Pros for sure.

As a treat --- Bonnie is taking us to her house.  Quilt Villa.  How fun.  So, another road is explored.

One of the things we noticed all week are the Christmas Tree farms dotting the landscape.  I haven't been able to get very good pictures, but here are a couple that will do.

Hello Quilt Villa!!!!  So glad to be here.  I tried to be respectful of Bonnie's home and limit my pictures, but Zoey just wanted hers taken.

The second spot that magic happens.  Her home studio.  

And the famous fat quarters.  Oh my.  The rest of the time, I decided that her privacy is important.  Perhaps you'll get a chance to see it yourself some time.

Now - back in the car and back to the Inn.  We have a van to load.  Ugh.

Barn Quilt spotted.

At the state line!!!  Both sides of the same sign.

As we return, it is a flurry of activity to get the van loaded and only have our overnight stuff left.  We are departing at 7 a.m. and tonight there is a campfire to enjoy.  During the packing, we have to say good-bye to two of our group due to a family illness at home.  Drive safe, Ramona and Linda, our thoughts are with you both.

Dave has been busy at the firepit and we start to gather round.  It's the perfect final evening and with MOST of our work behind us, a great opportunity to just visit.

The Super Pink Moon is rising over the neighbors home.

Hey there --- even Dave is in the picture!!  Woot woot.

We are doing s'mores with Fudge Stripe cookies and that's just new enough to me to give it a whirl.  Yummy, but a little messy.

The sky darkens and our last night is coming to a close --- the back porch of the Inn.

So, so peaceful.

Along with the perfect fire/moon picture.  What a perfect ending.  It's bedtime -- 6 will come early tomorrow.

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