Monday, April 27, 2020

Unity Quilt-A-Long - Bonnie Hunter Mystery - Week 5

Unity - According to the Oxford Dictionary, this means "the state of being united or joined as a whole."  I've thought about this a lot this week as I try to determine if this project is to unite us, the makers, or the quilt itself - i.e. the pieces.  Perhaps it is a little of both and I hope that is what comes from it.

At any rate, it's Monday and once again I am cutting up units from my Scrap User's System.  I am super happy as the only time I touch anything larger than a strip is for my outside border pieces and that is a fat quarter.

While cutting, Mister comes out to ask what I'm doing and my reply is, "My Monday fabric cutting - every Monday."  He responded with, "I wish that's what I could do on Mondays -- cut fabric."  He was then informed that I would store that in my memory banks for when he retires and he is welcome to all the cutting on Mondays.  I'll even make sure to time it so that there is a nice stack each time.  I even told him he was going to learn to sew and run the long arm.  He left the room at that point and went back to work in the office.  Did that mean he wasn't as thrilled with the prospects as I was?  Hmmmm.

From the cutting table to the machine - flying geese and border strips come together along with many episodes of The West Wing.  We don't own a television.  I know that sounds bizarre in this day and age, but it's true.  A lot of shows were not observed by us as they played out on the networks.  However, Netflix is my best buddy these days and I'm loving the show.

Psst --- those are not pink pieces -- no idea why they look that way in this picture.

A quick look-see after the first pieced border goes on all the way around.  Not enough room to lay it out flat here - but it was a quick look-see - remember?

The geese borders come next.

And on they go, followed by the fun strips I cut.  I LOVE how this looks.

A close up of the outside fabric.  A little whimsy here and there never hurts.  Smile y'all --- the days are passing and the world is coming out again.  Keep on stitching and see ya next week.

Hugs to all and anyone who wishes to play along and help in unifying us, here is the LINK to Bonnie's page.


  1. Great quilt, Bonnie! I love the borders and fun strips! Gloria

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you so much. Bonnie is doing an amazing job once again. I am having a great time with it.
