My arrival at the house shows a different room configuration. Hmmmm --- after taking a few minutes to check it out from all angles, I come to the conclusion that it just won't work. In the lower right corner, the chair will back up right to the television, making it almost impossible for one to get into the library. The same goes with the door in the upper left. Once that chair is occupied, entrance and exits would be difficult. Nope --- gotta change it all before anyone arrives. It's a good thing I have an extra hour or so. Let the work begin.
I am able to get things almost set up by the time the room starts filling up. Whew. Before long stations are set up and laughter is filling the room. Ahhh -- we are indeed home.
Maria's arrival includes the distribution of quilts that she has finished working on for others. Frieda has a couple of them --- WOW.
I have to giggle as I take the pictures above. In the hallway I spot two bottles of wine sitting on the ironing board. Yes, ALL necessities have arrived.
Lunch is once again at Babes and we are treated to some dancing by the staff and a cute little girl who joined in after I took this picture. However, she is the reason most are not paying attention to THIS picture.
First thing, upon our return to the house, is the official start to retreat. Flag ceremony time. The Quilt Sisters are in the house and all are happy to be here. Power to the V.
LaDonna starts thing out with the first TA-DA
While several of us trek down to the river to check out the new platform. It's so nice to get this close to the water.
It seems that the chicken/pig pen has been turned into a pumpkin patch. Seems odd, but it sure is pretty.
I'm not sure what is up with these chickens, but eggs are just laying in a corner by the fence. They DO have nesting boxes. Ohhhh, the pumpkins on the vine are so pretty and check out the size of those leaves.
Halloween pillows have been made by all and once our tummies are filled with dinner, it's time to play a game for the exchange. Here is who made each one:
And the new owners. Thank you to everyone for participating. It made for a wonderful exchange.
Brenda with a travel pillow TA-DA
Followed by Maria's TA-DA
And my own TA-DA -- I've worked on this since January and still have a long way to go but am hopeful for a 2018 finish still.
It's time to call it a night and with that we have our last man standing pic before calling it a night. Until tomorrow, night ya'll.
It's a quiet, fairly uneventful morning and many have gone shopping or for walks around the grounds.
After lunch, four of us make the journey into Glen Rose to visit the Creation Evidence Museum. The attraction that draws us is the London Hammer. Look it up -- pretty interesting.
I think the item that interests me the most is the 1/25th size replica of Noah's Ark.
As we return to the room, Lana has a Row by Row block TA-DA. Isn't is just divine?
Leanne has made the Hansel and Gretel set of dolls. TA-DA I remember making these myself. (You can check them in out this LINK TO A MAY 2017 POST.
I made a list of what I hope to accomplish while here this weekend. Today I am playing with all the little triangle cut-offs from the Winter Wonderland top. Was this on the list? Oh my goodness, NO. I spend soooo much time playing with the little 1" squares. Finally, I have a layout that uses all but one. As I stitch it up, I do my Merry and Bright blocks for the Pat Sloan mystery at the same time, setting it as far as I can with what has been released. By the time dinner has arrived, I have a label and the binding for Winter Wonderland AND the partial quilt top for Merry and Bright. Score for me BUT I was supposed to also have the Fall Wall Hanging done. Oops.
It's game night and I am super excited to see all the costumes. Are you ready? I'm going to share them all, I hope.
Sherri, Yours Truly, Darlene
Gwen and Rocky,
Leanne and a second one of Darlene
Maria and a second one of Ana
Finishing up with Mindy and Lana
Before the games can begin --- it's time for advancements. First up is Lana's RUBY!! Congratulations!
Mindy has attained a SAPPHIRE status. Woot woot!
We have two EMERALDS --- Woohoo!!!!! Rocky
and Paula. Love our little "Amway" plan.
Let LCR begin. Spirits are high and we are laughing ourselves sillier than normal. Paula is in top form -- that's all I will say.
Fat quarter winner is Kitty Kat Karen
Second Jelly Roll is awarded to Gorgeous Gwen
TA-DA's come in all forms at this retreat. Frieda has her Boxy Tote finished and I adore the grey and pink.
We have a round robin that started with Debi K's panel, first border round by Sharron, and now Sherri has added a very cool round of small panels and hourglass blocks.
I'm off to bed with that and just feel like I need some extra sleep. I have to get up at 6 tomorrow morning for a clue post and want to pick up some sleep I missed last night. It's only around 10 but see ya'll tomorrow.
After I went to bed, Rocky added her round with a fun pink fabric. Then the ladies had their LMS picture for the night. I'm deep in slumber.
The alarm clock wakes me from a DEEP sleep. Sherri too as she asks me if we are getting up to watch the sunrise. That's still about an hour or more away so I tell her to go back to sleep and off to the room I go. After posting the clue (which you can find at THIS LINK if you so desire), I decide to walk down to the river and settle in to watch the sunrise. The moon is still peeking through the trees as I walk. It is silent outside, not a sound anywhere.
Down at the river, the sunrise is just beginning and I am so happy I decided to do this.
Watching the colors intensify before the rise actually occurs.
My goal for today is to sandwich, quilt, and bind my fall wall hanging. Yep, the same one that was supposed to be finished yesterday so that I could work on my Garlic Knots quilt today. Obviously that is not happening and will get finished at home.
As soon as I'm back from the sunrise, I set to sandwiching it in the library. Oh these old knees are not so happy to crawl around today, but I get it done and it is ready to quilt. Now to figure out just how to go about that.
Lana has another Row by Row block TA-Da. This barbershop quartet block is just so cute. I wish I had that kind of an imagination.
LaDonna has to leave early today, so I grab everyone for a group picture while I can. These ladies are just so wonderful to be around. My heart is full and I wish I could express strongly enough just how special they all are. Back row: Frieda, Sherri, Mindy, Tracey, Darlene, Brenda, Leanne, Karen, Rocky, Lana. Center: Ana, Gwen Front row: LaDonna, Paula, Maria. Yours truly is taking the picture today.
Maria offered to do a mini class on "pea pods" and it gets underway - (I am crazy negligent and have no pictures of the finished ones. ARGH)
However, right now, it's break time. We are off to the river for a walk and hopefully some time in the water.
Yes, we can get down to the riverbed from the neighbors property. It's higher than normal, even here and the current is pretty dang quick, but the water is warm and it's nice to be down here.
Followed by Darlene with the windows and roofs I have been hearing about all weekend.
And Lana with another Row by Row block
My own TA-DA. It is finished. Quilted and Bound. I get a check mark this month on the goal sheet.
Mindy with a pillowcase TA-DA to match her top.
I'm off to bed early again so that I get a good night's sleep since my day started so very early. At around 2:30 in the morning, I wake and go to turn lights out but find Maria, Frieda, and Paula still up and talking so I visit with them for about an hour before crawling back into bed. However, it appears that they took the LMS picture while a few others were still awake.
My area was mostly packed up yesterday so this morning I am able to work on the room without too much stress. It appears that most are ready to go home a bit early today as the room is busy with activity and the loading of cars.
We have a couple TA-DA's from last night to share - Maria
and Karen's TA-DA
All my wonderful gifts from this retreat. I will have a great time putting them all into use one way or another. Even Mister will have some fun goodies to eat.
By 11:30, the house is empty and I am heading home. Thank you sooooo much to these great ladies who helped me with all the work. I cannot say thank you strong enough. Honest. I know that sounds trite or repetitive but its the truth.
Until November, Brazos Out!
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