Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 2023 Tweeners

 We are in Tweener mode and that means: quiet and not much going on.  Normally, that is true but today has been a bit different.  Several of us took a road trip after the first group left and managed to have some great conversations leading to many decision-making moments.  Then, since I was gone on our road trip or teaching purse-making (yes, that went on today too) most of the day, I enlisted help with my Loyal Union blocks and believe it or not --- some refused.  However, I did get quite a bit of help and am soooooo thankful.  Time to feed the natives and for tonight, it's Mexican.  We didn't manage to get pictures, but Frieda and I have proof we were there.

I'm prepping for an upcoming road trip and being razzed about my "grass clippings" snack.

I told you Tweener time is quiet, right?  We are working on purses, but not much photography going on.  It is Tuesday morning and we finally have a TA-DA to share.  Yay Janet

I have been sewing, too, and finished a back for my Bountiful top.  (Pssst - the pic is upside down, I think.)

Frieda and I went to the brewery for dinner and, dang, the food is just so good.  These fries --- YUM!

18th - A new day starts with Frieda - she has a block TA-DA

AND - I have a purse TA-DONE!  Woot woot.

Janet was a busy girl last night and has a stack of TA-DA's to show me.

One more - WOW, that is a ton of sewing going on.

I have finished the last of the Loyal Union blocks for August and need to give credit where credit is due.  Numbers 1-5 across the top:  1 - me, 2 - me, 3 Frieda, 4 - me, 5 - Tonia   Second row 6-10:  6 - Gwen, 7 - Frieda, 8 - me, 9- Janet, 10 - me and the final block by Korin.  I am sooooo THANKFUL for the help I got in getting these tackled this month.

At this point, the cleaners are coming tonight and I am switching rooms so I make the move now an then just attempt to rest in my hot box.  The A/C in this room is NOT working at all.  

19th - Drew brought me  me a fan, but it is of no value.  Ugh.  One toasty girl.  Fingers crossed the A/C guy fixes this today.  

Tweener time is coming to an end --- as I said, quiet, but fun.  Dinner is at Pasta Fina and we are so enjoying each other's company.

Korin has a TA-DA for the evening and I am off to sleep in a much cooler room.  Yay for A/C repairmen.

The morning has a few more TA-DA's for Tweener Time as the retreat doesn't begin until 10.  Here's Tonia's TA-DA.

and Janet with another TA-DA.  That's it for our in-between time.  Onto the next post.

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