Thursday, November 17, 2022

Welcome to the Wizarding World Brazos Anniversary Retreat


It is the 17th and November and we are about to begin our 9th Annual November Retreat.  Crazy right?  People are starting to arrive, the house is ready to go (check out this Preparation Post LINK if you haven't already had the chance - it's pretty amazing what went on in decorating the house for this event and will not be featured here) and our first activity is lunch at Babe's - tradition, you know.  Off we go and as I go out the front door - this greets me.  Love country life.

We have a pretty full table for lunch - how fun.  Just shy of a dozen smiling faces and women I love so very much and am thankful to have as a part of my life.

Oh, and the food is pretty dang good too.

Traditions must be kept - The chicken must be loved.

People are setting up and sewing all around me.  I'm working on name tags and time is flying past.  Tonight's dinner is pizza and beer - Butter Beer to be precise.  Cheers, y'all.

A quick pic of most of the committee - Jen is taking the picture.  I didn't think that through very well.

Joyce gets the TA-DONE's going with some dog collars.

Followed by Cindy with her Miyako bag. (These are a mini-class in honor of Hermione's endless bag.)

Lori has a TA-DA with an I Spy quilt top.

And those are the highlights of the day.  Always remember that there are hundreds of pictures from each retreat that are posted in our group, but most of what happens at retreat, stays at retreat.  Right?
Last ladies saying good-night - but please keep reading.

18th - We are revived and ready for another day.  Sherri gets the TA-DA's going with a beautiful holiday top.

Our mystery game is today and these ladies delivered on costumes.  Meet Genie Sneezely and Professor McGoggles.

Hugg Redd

Newty Salamander and her bag of magical creatures.

Harriet Putter and Professor Squirrel

Professor Snope

The ghosts of the house - Moping Myrlette and Neary-Noseless Nickie

Novel Shortbottom and Professor Umbrick

Ruta Skooter and Professor Flipwig.

I missed two pictures but don't want to leave them out - Hermes Tranger and Sadrick Bigamy

Lunch and sewing happen during this time.  Professor Squirrel (Frieda) has her Miyako bag TA-DONE

The books are out and we are ready to begin.

Jen is leading the game AND playing the role of Professor Snope.

Check us out --- so cool.

At the end of the game, two people have figured out who the thief is (sad to say, it was Sadrick - a.k.a. Debi) but Novel (Fawn) finished her guess before I did so she wins the jelly roll.  It'll be perfect for the magic carpets we are making later on.  Oh, yeah - I'm Rain Sneezely.

Me - attempting to figure out the selfie stick.  Technology at work.

Group photo - I need lots of practice, but we're making progress.  Back row - Sherri, Cindy, Stephanie, Frieda, Stephannie.  Middle row - Jennifer, Angie, Lori, Debi, Jennifer.  Front row - Fawn, Joyce, Samantha, Sharron, Lisa and me, of course.  What an incredibly phenomenal group of women to spend time with.  Thank you, one and all, for playing.  I had a blast.

The trio together once again - I have have TWO wands - one new and one broken.

She DOES stay in character well.

Well now - back to reality.  Fawn and Angie have Miyako bag TA-DA's

Followed by Jennifer - 

Jen has been working on some neck pillows and they are TA-DONE.

Jennifer with a quilt top TA-DA

Sharron and Angie with their Miyako bag TA-DA's.  Second for Angie.

Followed by Stephannie and Lori

Lisa has a super-cute Santa quilt top TA-DA

Lori has a second I Spy quilt top TA-DA

And I call it a day at that point, but the last ladies kept going and shared their final pic.  Keep on reading.

19th -  Good Morning -- Wizard bookcase blocks are being worked on throughout the retreat and here they are.  So, so fun.

I have a Rail Fence bag TA-DA

Magic Carpets are under construction - you know, right?  Jelly Roll Rugs.

Lori with a 3rd I Spy quilt top TA-Da

Lisa has a quilt top TA-DA --- this one makes me think.  Love it.

LCR game night finds some back in costume, but ALL are WANTED.

Even this one - 

Door prizes go out and Debi, Sharron, Fawn and Jen are the recipients.

There is a TINY charm in Jen's hand.

Round one goes to Sherri - 

Round two to Jennifer - 

After the games - Sherri has her Magic Carpet TA-DA.  So fun!

Jennifer with a quilt top TA-DA.  

Jen has her Rail Fence bag TA-DONE

And this night is a wrap - last ladies, last night.  So, so much fun.  Still going  . . .

20th -  It's pack up and leave day, which is always sad.  I DO have a pic of the amazing treats, sans my wands.  What is wrong with me?

Even though Jen and I are staying for a bit - it's the group Brazos Out pic --- so much help from these wonderful women.  (there's just a wee bit more)

Jen and I settle in to finish packing up and get her MSQC quilt bound.

It's a great time to sit, sew, and visit with just one another.  WE made it all the way around and she has another TA-DONE going home with her.

NOW, we're out.  This is our official picture.  Both cars heading down the road.  It's been grand and now we move onto a break in retreat season.  We'll be back in the spring.  Love to all.

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