Sunday, October 3, 2021

Turning Over a New Leaf Brazos Retreat

 Our October retreat is always the first weekend and I look forward to it each time.  Fall is in the air, things have cooled down a bit and even though we have rain expected this weekend, it's okay.  Bring on the fun.  I am up and moving bright and early today with an arrival at the center by 7 and hit the ground running to get everything set up and ready by 10.  It all goes amazingly and with so much help from Frieda, I even have the nametags finished and ready on time.  Whew.  This is setting me up for a successful weekend -- I hope.  The list is long and time is short these next months.

As everyone starts to arrive, our first item of business is to feed the savage beasts.  Everyone (except one) who has arrived before lunch sets out to Babe's for a yummy lunch.  Since I am on the crew for dinner and I know we are having chicken, for the first time ever a chicken fried steak is ordered and it hits the spot and then some.  Goodness but they are large.  Naturally, some traditions are upheld and a pic with the chicken is one.

While in Granbury, a stop at Sew Much Love so that I can replace the fabric of Sam's that I managed to steal and take home last July.  OMG.  What a mess I am sometimes.   

Back to the house we go and many others have arrived in the meantime.  Yay!!!  The vibe is so good and friends seeing friends they haven't shared time with in awhile just warms my heart.  THIS is why I do these retreats.

The room is alive and projects are well underway all around the room.  We have FOUR attempts at Golden Scissors taking place so some focus is happening as well.

By the time the day ends, I have managed to complete the backing, binding, and label for Straits of Macinac.  It's not a wonderful start, but I'm headed the right direction.  And speaking of heading the right direction, Darlene has THREE bowl TA-DA's.  She really took our trivet class last May to a whole new level.  (There's a funny story related to this picture and the original one, but what happens at retreat sometimes stays at retreat.)  Uploading pictures, finishing the monthly blog post, and posting the first of month Facebook posts ends the day for me as I am beat and off to bed.  

1st - Hello October!!!!  So glad to see ya.  A morning coffee chat on the front porch sets the tone for today.  Love, love, love.

Ana has a TA-DA right off the bat.

A bit of a wrinkle happens and I'm off to Fort Worth and a hospital visit.  Miss Paula's doctor wants her to check in for some further testing and since we don't know how long she'll be --- we just take her and her car so Bobbi follows me and brings me back so we can leave Paula's car with her.  EVERYTHING else of hers is still at the center.  All our love is with her and she'll keep us posted on what's happening.

Back to my backings and with a LOT of focus I managed to complete two more sets before dinner.  Ana has a second TA-Da with her Quilt of Valor top.

Brenda has been sooooo focused the last two days and she has her Golden Scissors quilt completed!!! It is TA-DONE and check out the back - her freehand quilting is sweet.

Darlene has been BUSY!!!  TA-Done

One more backing and done for me.  So much yardage used up today.

As I head to bed, Sam is binding away on her Golden Scissors quilt, but I'm done in.  I'll catch it tomorrow and make it special for her.  I promise.

Pssst - she does finish and have her TA-DA ----  Golden Scissors!!

These three ladies manage to make it to the end AND remember to take a picture.  You go, girls.

2nd -  Next on my own list is to lay out a couple of quilts so that I can web them at home.  First up is Orca Bay and I love my color choices.  This is so cool

Sherri has a TA-DA for her granddaughter.  These purples are just calling to me.

Now, for my second layout.  Once upon a time we did a 2020 Sucks block exchange and I'm trying to get back to it.  I have a crazy layout that needs a lot of work BUT the center can be figured out and finished.  I get that far and then pack it up again, ready to web.

Lana has a Zuckerwatte TA-DA - 

Group photo time.  These women!  I know I say it each time, but I MEAN it each time.  They are truly some of the best on the planet.  Back row:  Ana, Brenda, Terry, Lana, Darlene, Frieda  Middle row:  Leanne, Brenda, Beth, Tonia, Gwen, Sherri  Front row:  Bobbi, Samantha, Amber

Yes, I'm here too!!

Ana requested a Witch's Night Out picture so those of us who participated line up the quilts.  Left to right:  Lana, Brenda, Ana, yours truly, Bobbi

Frieda has a bowl TA-Done

I have a fat quarter bag TA-DA.  It's actually the one I was working on last May before I went home.  Hahaha.

It's GAME NIGHT!  We delayed in the hopes that Paula could join us, but she's still not with us.  The October ladies never disappoint.  Here we go.  The theme is Turning Over a New Leaf look what these ladies came up with (warning, warning):

I'll start it out --- a pile of leaves.

Lana, Sherri

Darlene, Sam, Gwen

Frieda, Leanne, Amber

Beth, Brenda

Now, for Sam's Golden Scissors moment with people actually around!  TA-DONE.

And the presentation of the actual charms for Sam and Brenda (along with one for hand binding to Sam).  Congratulations you two ---- now, breathe.

Next up --- Bobbi is RUBY!!!

and Samantha is Pearl!!!

Door prizes go to Ana (who doesn't feel well and skipping game night), Bobbi, and Darlene.

Finally - let the games begin.  Round one goes to Lana and she has fat quarters rain down upon her.

During round two, I manage to get the twosies pics but throw everything out of order by doing so.  I keep expecting someone to claim "foul."

Sam and Terry

Tonia and Amber

Darlene and Gwen - I even told Gwen to open her eyes and look at me, lol.

Frieda and Lana

Brenda and Beth

Leanne and Brenda

The final three - yours truly, Bobbi, and Sherri.  We are missing Ana and Paula - so sad.

"Eve" (Sherri) wins round two and a batik jelly roll.

After a really long back and forth -- Brenda walks away with the third prize.  A bright and beautiful layer cake.

All together now after a wonderful evening of fun and laughter.

Our newbies for this weekend - Beth and Tonia.  We are so happy to have you with us.

After the games - a TA-DA by Tonia

Golden Scissors finish for Terry!!!!  Woot woot.  TA-Done

I have my own TA-DA with my Pfeffernusse top.

The BOO pillows - this month's mini-class.

And one more Golden Scissors for Amber.  WOW!!  TA-Done.  I cannot remember a time with FOUR Golden Scissors in one weekend.  It is just so awesome.

Last night, Last ladies standing.

All by myself - (do you hear the song?)

3rd - Dang it anyway.  Waking up on Sunday is always just so sad.  It means packing up and departing for home once again.  It means locking the memories away and holding tight to them.  But . . . we're not quite done yet.  Here are the BOO pillows and owners.

My wonderful gifts that I am taking home.  I feel sooooo blessed.  

This weekends pillowcases --- thank you to one and all who helped out.

As we are doing the last rounds -- someone has apparently left a few items behind.  I wonder who it could be?

With that, we are Brazos Out!!!  Six weeks until we are reunited.  Already, I can't wait.

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