Sunday, May 16, 2021

"Casino Nite" - May Brazos Retreat

 Weekend two is underway --- we are already having a great time and Casino Nite has barely begun.

Val is running a snack tray going from table to table.  The price for goodies --- a fat quarter and these will be gifted in a drawing at the end.  Pretty fun, right?

Val has the first TA-DA of the day - 

So, if you read my post about tweener time, the goat got back out.  As I'm sitting in the library, working on my project, Val comes to tell me that the billy goat did, indeed find my car.  OMG.  Stan drives down as I'm taking pictures and once he is informed, the great billy goat chase ensues and ends with him going to a new home.  I guess my car will be going to the doctor when I get home.  ARGH.

One of the games is to guess the weight of my name badge.  We have provided one for reference.

Also, there is a guess the number of the buttons in the jar game.

Jen, Ramona, and Lydia have fat quarter bag TA-DA's - 

Linda has started the day with her demo on the trivets and Lou already has one finished - TA-DA

I have been working on the straps for my bags -- yep all 8 of them.  That's it for today.

Friday - good morning all --- time to make those machines hum.

The number of buttons in the jar winner is Carol - 

Ramona with a TA-DA -

Followed by a fat quarter bag TA-DA for Gwen - 

Game night has everyone ready to do a little gambling --- with our $3 and 3 fat quarters.  Yep, we're really big spenders here.

Just so you don't think we didn't do ANYTHING - here are a few decorations around the room - 

Two new RUBIES --- 

AND, we have two new Sapphires as well --- Linda and Ramona moved to blue -

Advancements in our personal "AMWAY" program is just so fun and definitely planned for.

Door Prize winners Kelly and Ramona

Round one and the fat quarter go to Lou ---- Woot, woot.

Round two goes to Gwen and she is shocked.

Twosies --- Linda and Lydia

Gwen and Ramona - (three pics and all had eyes closed)

Debi and Betty - 

Jen and I - 

Lou and Janet - 

Kelly and Carol - 

Amy and Paula - 

Sam and Val - 

The winner of the third round is ME!!!  This has only happened a couple of times in over 150 games.  Crazy.

What a fun group!!!!  Hugs to all and y'all make my life complete.  Back row:  Debi, Kelly, Jen   Middle:  Lydia, Val, Janet, Amy, Carol, Ramona, Gwen   Front:  Lou, Paula, Betty, Linda, Sam  and the chipmunk is me.  Such a fun day --- 

Saturday brings a TA-DA from Amy.  Two fat quarter bags.

AND - the trivet board is really coming together.  

Lydia with a dress TA-DA - lucky granddaughter.

Debi with a fat quarter bag in progress and the required traditional "on the floor" photo.

Lou has her horse from the Farm Girl quilt-a-long TA-DA

Somewhere in here, I had a bit of an issue and went to the ER, which was followed by a nap and then packing up and going home.  Such fun.  However, I need to say that the ladies I hang with (and my daughter) are some of the finest on the planet.  They kept things going and even sent me pictures to share and finish out this post.  So  much love for all.

Lou with Tisket/Tasket bag TA-DA

Paula's container TA-Da and Val's mini fat quarter bag TA-DA

Janet and Linda with fat quarter bag TA-DA's

Even a pic of Debi's fat quarter bag TA-DA --- and Jen's pillow TA-DA

The final trivet board TA-DA  - I WISH I knew who had all made these.

This weeks pillow case stack --- the final count for all 10 days was around 100.  Great job ladies.

My goodies from both retreats and I did, indeed finish 7 of my fat quarter bags.  No pic, but I was on the last one when I left.

A HUGE shout out to these four for staying and shutting the house down.  I am SO thankful for all the work they had to do and likely cannot repay them.  Amazing Women - one and all.

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