Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lights of Broadway Brazos Retreat

Each November we celebrate our anniversary retreat and this year marks our 7th weekend before Thanksgiving at Brazos.  The theme is "Lights of Broadway" and away we go --

18th - Departure is scheduled for a little after lunch and I'm finishing up the packing and staging to load the car.  Believe it or not, I only have three projects going with me and am as confused as everyone else as to why this stack is so large.

Each year, we have a committee that works on this particular event and we come into the center one night early -- just so all is ready the next day.  For some reason, Debi ALWAYS finds herself on the floor.

While at Costco yesterday, I picked up a cake for Stephannie's birthday, which is on Sunday.  However, we leave on Sunday so have decided to celebrate tonight.  Well that, and --- everyone wants cake.  It is what it is.  Happy Birthday girlfriend.

The gangs all here and we are ready to rock and roll ---- or, er, um -- showtune?

Oh --- Stephannie made door signs for all rooms ---- soooooo cool!!!

19th - It's Showtime.  I stayed up late and ran lights all around the room while Stephannie put up signs in as many rooms as she could.

Black boas line the staircase as well as each space on the tables.

Scenes around the house - 

While motivation is a bit of an issue today, I do manage to complete the quilting of my wall hanging.

AND cut the sashings and cornerstones for my 2020 Exchange Block quilt.

Kelly, Frieda, Amy, and Paula.  Each retreating in their own way.

Oh, and Gwen.  My camera was not out a lot today, but that's okay.  Time together and memories made are the important part here.

20th -  Today is wall hanging day.  Kelly has the first TA-DA --- she didn't really want a cornucopia so went a different way and it just dang cute.  Amy also has a bag TA-DA --- this is like a travel bag and people are excited to make them tomorrow.  Instant teacher spot for Amy.

Just look at how cute the inside is.  I am definitely going to make one of these at home after the pattern arrives. I think I'll line it with vinyl in the pockets so that if something spills, it will be easy to wipe out.

Kelly was bit by the bug too and here is her TA-DA bag.

Time for a quick walk around the property.  I noticed that goats are back and a new fence around them.  Must say howdy.

This one is eager to greet me --- right up to the fence and even into the small gap between fences.  Those eyes --- wow!

The ladies need to say hello as well.

Now for some time at the water's edge.  I've carted a chair all the way down to the landing and the pure calm and peace is just so wonderful.

Meanwhile, back in the room ---- some fun scenes with pictures that were sent to me while I sat at the river.

Once back and refreshed a bit ---- I have my TA-Done!!  I love it.  There was a bit of an issue as I had all the binding on and then remembered to put a sleeve on.  Off came the upper binding, but it was a quick fix.

Stephannie with a cross-stitch stocking TA-DA and Debi with her bag TA-DA

On the design wall ---- I think it's Lori's.

21st - Today is tough.  As I wake early, it's off to the river to watch the sunrise.  It's my way of saying good-bye to Jennifer Marshall in the way she loved to spend her mornings here.  Her service is today and we will be watching it in the library as a group.

Lori has been one busy girl.  Three tops for TA-DA

Frieda with her TA-DA

Followed by Joyce and Fawn -- one with the retreat project and one with a wonderful bag.

Oooooh, Val, someone is Jonseying for your job.

A TA-Done showing from Amy.  This is just so fun ---- front 

and back - 

Game night has arrived and so much love and laughter is taking place.  My heart is full and this is what I needed oh so badly.

This couple --- ooh, la, la.  They are ready for a Broadway play.

We are all coveting those shoes --- my oh my.  "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home."

What a wonderful group of women.  Our group picture had to be a selfie this year due to our hostess not able to come around as she had been exposed to COVID.  We made it work.  Back:  Gwen, Kelly, Stephannie   Middle:  Sherri, Frieda, Fawn, Mindy, Amy, Lori  Front:  Debi, Yours truly, Paula, Joyce.  I love these women so very much and am so grateful that they choose to spend time with me as often as they do.  My life would be so empty without them.

Now, bring on the party!  Just enjoy --- minimal commentary.

Around the circle ---- Kelly and Amy

Stephannie and Lori

Mindy and Sherri

Debi and Joyce

Fawn and Gwen

Frieda, Me, and Paula (blurry --- argh)

Advancements are next.  It only took her five years, but Joyce is RUBY!!!

And Mindy is a PEARL!!!  Woot, woot!!!

Let LCR begin --- 

Our fat quarter winner is ----- drumroll please, FAWN - she's not at all excited about it.

The winner of the first jelly roll strips is JOYCE - they are keeping it in the family tonight.

Ask Fawn about this - 

Who will take home the last prize?  Even with the look of confusion on her face ---- 

It's LORI!!!

I really don't know what's going on here.

I lubba my sweet friends.  Supposedly, what happens at retreat stays at retreat, but  . . . .   Fortunately, only those attending the retreat are likely to see this as we're not linking it anywhere.  And, yes, both hubbies have seen it.

22nd - We have to say good-bye to Brazos today.  It'll be two months before we return and I'm wanting every last moment I can get.  That means another sunrise.

One last pic from the room --- Kelly has her watercolor snowman TA-DA

And then, it's Brazos out!!  Love these ladies ---- see ya again in 2021.

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