Saturday, May 19, 2018

BLRC Sew Day With Friends

This has been a whirlwind month so far and it seems as though the last thing I would need is a day retreat.  However, I believe that a day sewing with friends is therapeutic and getting through this month will require all the therapy I can get. 

Thus, I am off to the Best Little Retreat Center for a day with friends.  When we arrive, we grab a corner table and start stacking us in.  I have only brought handwork with me so a table is just not really required.  For the morning, we visit and stitch away.  It's so good to see some ladies I haven't seen in awhile and I'm loving the good feeling.

Around 11 I get dresses for a Red Hat event and will be back in a couple of hours.  If you want to see just what I did, click on THIS LINK.  In my own way, I'm saying that my camera didn't come out to play until I returned from that event.  I was just enjoying the time with friends.

While I was away, the rest went to lunch together and DID take a picture to share.

Upon my return back at BLRC, Lori is the only one sewing away and shortly after that she left for awhile too.  I look over at her station and have to smile as she has put her lady down for a nap while she is away.  The only thing this scene needs is for the soft blankie to be Red Sox too.

While she is away, her named is called for the grand prize drawing.  We just put the goodies on her seat to see her reaction when she returns.

It's perfect and she is off to see what all is in the bag.  (way in the back of these pictures - two birds with one stone -- pics of friends too.)

The whole shop is all eyes seeing just what she pulls from that prize tote.

And the goodies ---- WOW.  Congratulations, Lori.  You'll have a great time putting that all into use.

It's time for a treat so we take a walk over to Dairy Queen.  It's been forever since I had a chocolate dipped cone and it is so fun BUT it is also hot out and with the chocolate not quite sealing at the edge, I have a giant mess going on.  Even with eating the chocolate quickly so that I can get the ice cream under control, I have it everywhere.  Sarcastic Yay.

Sherri has her block TA-DA.  She had some fabric gifted to her the other day and chopped up the blue and white to make these blocks.  I REALLY like it. 

Up on the design wall in the room, Stephannie's row by row blocks are playing.  She's making progress on these a little at a time.  It's far more than I can say of my own that are languishing in a box.

What have I done?  Well, my day was spent with black thread and the beginning of a Halloween pillow. 

I have to leave early as my sweetheart and I are meeting friends for dinner --- yes, it's just been one of those days.  Before I leave though, a few of us go into the back room for a group picture.  While there, one of us needs to do some detective work apparently.

As for the picture, ahhh.  Loved spending time time ya'll.  Thank you for being there for me and making it a truly fun day. 

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