Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 2024 Life and Quilt Update

Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for August: This month let's find joy in the making.  What does that mean?  Well, making cookies could be fun, making friends, making me well (hahaha), making time with others, making progress on UFO's, making memories, oh the list goes on and on.  You can do it.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 2024 Life and Quilt Update


Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for July: Let's start the second half of the year out right.  TRAVEL!!  It doesn't have to be far.  You can explore your own neck of the woods so to speak.  Find joy is seeing something new.  Watch a travel show on the television, read a book that explores other areas.  It'll be worth it.  Go and journey forward.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Missouri Star Retreat and Girls Trip - Day 7 Tulsa to Home (Log Cabin Quilts)

 We've decided to make this our last day on the road so just a few stops today in order to get home in time for others to continue on their way.  We do a drive-by of The Cave House.  "It was built in 1924, as a Chicken Restaurant. Built during prohibition, it was a place you could quench your thirst! It not only has quirky architecture, but it probably best known for its stories, full of interesting and sometimes amusing information."  Tours are available and perhaps next time that can happen.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Missouri Star Retreat and Girls Trip - Day 6 Kansas City to Tulsa

 The last few days have been amazing, as always, and the best part is getting to spend them with my daughter.  I so look forward to this time together each year and cannot wait for our next adventure together.  We are saying good-bye to Missouri, once again, and pointing our vehicle south.  I wonder what we can find to peek at.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Missouri Star Retreat and Girls Trip - Actual Retreat Days 3-5

 So, this post will cover the highlights of our retreat and it'll be long.  Settle in.  We start out the day with breakfast at the event center.  I spot this quilt in the corner and it is now on my "want to make" list.  I have even remembered some fabric I bought a couple of years ago that has been waiting for just the right project.  This is it.  Now to find the pattern today and some background fabric.  Off to the Scavenger Hunt we go.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Missouri Star Retreat and Girls Trip - Year Three Day 1

 The third week of July is here and that means that the trek to Missouri is about to go down.  I look forward to this trip all year long and am ready for so much fun.  Our car left retreat last evening and spent the night at my  house, thus we have Mister's help loading things up today.  Yes, the tubs are required - they house quilts to be dropped off and then hold purchases upon our return.