
Thursday, February 28, 2019

2019 February Quilt Update

Hello and welcome to the second Monthly Quilt Update of 2019.  Have you joined us in our theme for this year?  Do you know what it is?  Here is your hint and if you want to know all about it -- here is your LINK.  Always remember that in this group all links open in a separate window so you don't lose your place here AND there are no ads or popups EVER.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an ongoing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balance change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.

1st - Day two of retreat starts this month out perfectly.  Seriously!!  Is there a better way to begin a new month other than sewing in a remote area with friends?  I think not.  You can read all about our fun in this Winter Wonderland LINK.

Our first step of the Carolina Christmas Quilt-A-Long in our Facebook group begins today.   I would really like to keep caught up with this and that is why the A and M units are on my plate first thing.

One would think that after a whole month of Christmas, I would tire of red and white, but it just doesn't seem to be taking place.  I LOVE the way these look.  Inch by inch and piece by piece today's assignment comes together.  I'm not the only one in the room working on these and that makes it even more fun.  It's not a bad week and I am completely finished before lunch.  Woohoo.

I've even brought along the ornament to fill with dog ears and think this is just a tray of beauty.

Next up today is the Jelly Roll Rug.  I fell in love with these last November in Houston and put it on the agenda for the first retreat this year.  Several others are joining in and away we go -- learning together.  Once I have all the strips sewn together, the batting is applied and I found that to be a bit tricky.  Looking around the area, a pool cue is discovered and it will do the job nicely.  Perfect.  Sew, sew, sew and I soon have all the "rope" that I need.  The instructions say to roll it into a ball.  Well, alrighty then.  I can do that.

Onto sewing it together.  My sweet Lady Elna comes out to play and zigzags it together beautifully.  Note to self - Do NOT roll rope into a ball.  That was a nightmare.  TA-DA.  I love it and it reminds me of something my ancestors might have had, with a rocking chair nearby.

The rug took about 6 hours from start to finish allowing me to work on the rag quilt some more.  (Last months post shared how I got this started on day one of retreat.  You can access that at the bottom of this post.)  The top is together by the time I am ready to close my eyes.  Sleep, yes, that sounds great.  Night all.

2nd - Now that the center for the rag quilt is finished it needs binding and a label made.  I probably should let you know why I'm pushing so hard to complete this.  My sweetie is turning 60 this month and it's the best way I can come up with to wrap him in my love all the time.  Starting with the binding, I get to use my sasher tool again and really to love how quick it makes this process.  Using up all the leftover bits from when I cut squares out of the sample card pieces, ( this LINK will go back to the cutting stage) strips are sewn into a long binding -- hopefully enough for a second quilt too.  Using the bits leftover from making the binding, half square triangles are made and sewn into random strips.  Labels ensue and I'm ready to move forward.

But wait, during my swap table foray, I found an apron panel AND some red fabric.  I really would like a new Christmas apron and this  one is just vintage enough to make my heart happy.  A second trip to the table nets me some white fabric for lining and away I go.  TA-DA  I think it turned out super fun and it will definitely be worn this year during the holidays.  Thank you, Stephannie, for putting this on the table and whoever put the red and white fabrics there as well.  Ya'll made my heart smile and I didn't take "something to do" home with me, thereby keeping me honest in the purge.

It's time for the binding/label to be sewn in and as I settle in to visit with friends, my needle is in hand and before I know it, the binding is complete.  All that is left is to cut seams and after doing just a few to test the scissors, I call it a night.

Love, love, love these smiling faces.

3rd - Dang, today is the end of our first weekend and many are heading back home.  I dislike saying good-bye but it's only a month before many will return and that makes me smile.  My morning is spent finishing the remaining rag blocks for a second quilt and working on my QAYG.  All sashing is on the center and the rest of the day, truly all of the day and evening is spent making the piano key borders and sewing two onto the center.  I do like is so very much - BUT am a little unhappy with how hard it is to have straight lines with the sashing.  They are all kind of wonky during this "let's learn" moment.  The tools are still a big hit and I will do this again, just hopefully the learning curve will be behind me.  The start of Tweener Time has begun and with a quiet house, down time is just a blessing.  You can peek in on us with this Tweener LINK and I've included some great pictures of the property in that post.

4th - Sleeping in, visiting, sewing quietly, walks outside --- ahhh.  I do love these moments.  The rest of my borders are now attached and I've added the sashing to complete the top.  Binding has been made along with a label and everything is attached and hand stitched binding down.  The one is in the DONE column.  TA-DA (Wow, that's really not pinned up there very straight.)

Now what shall I do?  I still have two Whimm's blocks left from 2018 to complete.  Lots and lots of tiny pieces need to be cut out and it's as good a time as any to get it started.  Some pieces are even onto the pressing sheet before my eyes start screaming at me to try sleeping as another activity.  I'm listening and off to bed.

5th - I have commandeered Val this morning to pin the hem on my dress.  I bought this about a year ago and it's just too long to wear.  This week, I want to rectify the situation and with these tables it makes the process a whole lot easier.  Up I go and walk away a few moments later with a dress in a stage I can now work with.  It'll wait until I bring out the Elna next weekend but, it's ready.  Awesome.  Onto the laying out of Rag Quilt #2 on the design wall.  Once again, I'm not being overly careful and just hoping that two of the same don't touch.

Back to the Whimm's project.  Both grids are laid out with beautiful watercolor prints and then sewn together lickety-split. 

It's now movie time z(Guarding Tess) and handwork only.  I'm cutting out all the little parts for the button block and the pressing into place for both units takes place when the movie finishes.  I say this each time I complete these blocks, but these two may be my favorites.  Hahahaha.  I have no idea as I love all of them and now that I have learned a thing or two with the QAYG, I can move forward on this project too.  The plan is to try and get 2-3 blocks quilted each month.  I said it was a plan.  No guarantees, but I do have hope.

Some time today was also spent on the computer developing pictures and setting up future events.  Right before dropping over at 2:00 a.m., I have set out the parts for the quiet book.  I REALLY need to put some time into this.  Night y'all.

6th - Today is Quiet Book Day.  I start out working on it across the room where I have a whole table devoted to it, but move back to my space so that I can visit with the other gals.  It's lonely on the other side until more arrive tomorrow.  I have almost completed today's task with this but it is now movie time.  Yep.  We are shutting down to just handwork and watching Second Hand Lions.  By then end of the movie I have finished cutting the seams on my rag quilt #1.  Woohoo --- TA-DA.  Next step is a washing machine.

I really want to finish the bug page for the quiet book tonight and then I can put it away until I get home again.  I set to it and follow up with cutting the hem on my dress so it is ready for machine.  Wanting to upload some pictures, that gets sent and OMG -- it is sooooo slow.  I decide to web the second rag quilt while waiting.

The ENTIRE thing is webbed before the pictures finish.  Goodness.  It's the night before the second session of retreat begins and I always try to get a good sleep.  What am I doing?  It's after midnight once again.  Argh.  Time to close the eyes.

7th - Bring on Session 2!  We are set up and ready for fun.  You can follow along in this Live, Laugh, Love LINK.

I set up another event today -- we are all going to meet up in Huntsville in July for a quilt show/shop hop.  Perfect as it will have been a couple months since the last May retreat.  Other than that, I finished sewing the center of the second rag quilt and helped others today.  I packed up the 301 and her table so that she gets some rest and set up the Elna for tomorrow.  A fun day and I'm tired.  Of to dreamland.

8th - Some mornings, I am amazed at my table.  There are stacks of money everywhere and right now I need to make sense of it all.  That is task 1.  It is followed up by Sherri and I starting rag rugs.  I have one more to do and she is aiming for three.  We are off and running --- or hula-ing --- or something.  Girls just gotta have fun, right?

Now to press those strips and get ready to add binding again.  My pool cue is in place and away I go.  The second time is easier because you already know what you are doing.  I think I cut an hour off the process just because of that.  And TA-DA -- Rug #2 is finished.  Now, here is the odd part.  When I bought these jelly rolls, I thought they were the same as that is what the label said.  Hmmmm.  They ARE the same fabric line, but not the same fabrics all around or quantities of.  I'm okay with it, though, because they do go together well and are complimentary.  Just not crazy matchy, matchy.  Mister will like that part of it more than I do.  Eclectic could be his middle name when it comes to decor.

While Lady Elna is out, I finish up the applique on a row by row block AND hem my dress.  Check marks everywhere.  Now to pack pretty Lady Elna up and suddenly I'm down to just one machine.  I've had three around me for days and it's like the space of my station as suddenly doubled.  Nice.

Since it's Friday, the second step of Carolina Christmas is out and that is what I set about working on.  I'm a little distracted, though, and don't get very far before dinner is called and followed up by game night.  It's time to play.  With out theme of Live, Laugh, Love, I am in red from head to toe.  Fun stuff and enjoying the night so much.

I am hitting a wall tonight and once game night is over, so am I.  It's off to bed and no chance of a LMS picture.  The others, however, manage to do one.  Such great women in my life.

9th - Back to Carolina Christmas and one part is complete before lone.  Now it's time for some hand binding on rag quilt #2 and I settle in until the job is done.  I'm in shock.  I have merely to clip the seams and both quilts will be ready to wash and use.  How fun is this?  I've seen rag quilts forever and helped others with theirs, but never made one of my own.    Picture time.  The rag rug ladies gather together (minus Brenda) and share our hard work with the world.  I love these so much and can't believe how truly easy they really are.

Gather round everyone!  Group picture time.

A funny story.  I am ALWAYS looking for my phone.  Everyone at retreat keeps an eye out for it and knows when I am hunting once again.  Today I made a comment about needing a pouch around my neck to help me know where my phone is at all times.  That's all these ladies needed and they set to work to rectify the situation and gifted it to me.  What a sweet thing to do and I do feel so loved.  Well, either that or they are tired of helping keep track of it.  One or the other.

I am now determined to complete step 2 on Carolina Christmas.  Sew, sew, sew.  Press, press, press.

Completing my mission for today, it is time to start breaking down my station.  I'm so sad but 10 days away means it's time to go home to my sweetheart.  One last group gathering and then some sleep.  Tomorrow is a busy day --- breaking down and packing up are part of it BUT I have a couple things I still want off my list and that means an early start.  See ya tomorrow.

10th - My eyes are open and it's off to the library in the hopes of being able to sandwich two quilts before the house truly wakes up.  Brenda helps me with the first one and now Merry and Bright is ready to quilt.

I follow up immediately with Christmas Lights.  Both of these quilts are going to get some cross hatching and straight line work --- something I just can't do on my midarm very well.  Thus, the sandwiches.

That's all I can do this trip.  Packing, a bit of snipping on rag #2, and out of the house by noon.  What a great time and I can't believe I get to go back again in 12 days for some extra fun.

The drive home is pleasant, leaving me ready to go have a beer with my sweetie.  He has located a new spot near our house called District Nine.  It's a fun spot, a couple drinks and a cheese board are had and now I'm ready to crash. Super early to bed -- i.e. 7:30.  Tomorrow is another day.

11th - One of "those" days.  Some unpacking, worked on pictures,  ordering a new drivers license, doing the taxes, planning a Red Hat event, ordering items, balancing books, and actually cut out two more quiet book pages and started on two  more.  A jack of all trades today.

12th - I think this is the story of this month.  More quiet book  pages and I have created quite the mess in the den.  Oh my.  As soon as I can't stand little pieces of felt anymore, more pictures and blogging take its place.

A quick trip to the dollar store --- can you tell what holiday is next?

13th - Same old, same old.  More pages, more pieces of felt cut out.  Camping and Barn pages are ready to stitch.  The mess is expanding.

Well one thing is different today.  This afternoon, my final teeth were placed.  I have my new smile and it's decent.  Now, please let them work and not cause pain.

To celebrate --- we are off for a yummy treat.  I'm oh so ready for regular life to return.

14th - Happy Valentine's Day.  My love gave me my most favorite gift.  New jammies.  He definitely knows the way to my heart.  I'm super excited and get to toss a couple of pair that are wearing thin --- I DO live in the things, ya know.

What about him?  Well, he received his combination Valentine/Birthday gift.  The rag quilt that I was working on earlier.  I cannot believe how his eyes light up and he puts it to use immediately.  Score one for me.  I've even finished the clipping on the second one.

Two more pages are cut out ---- sooooo many tiny pieces to sew together.  Oh my.  What in the world am I thinking?

15th -   I am on a mission this morning to wash the rag quilts so that Mister can use his new gift in a completed state. Pictures of before:  (both quilts and his back)

 Laundry is going at home and I'm off to use the big washers down the street.  I haven't been in a laundromat since we bought all that fabric at an estate sale years ago.  I've taken up a nearby bench and set to work on the train parts for the quiet book.  Sooo many stitches, soooo little time.

At one point, while talking with a friend on the phone, I glance up at the dryer at just the perfect time.  One of the quilts has laid itself against the door and is twirling round and round.  It only lasts for a minute, but I'm able to grab a picture for fun.  Soon, it was a tumbling mess once again.

I love how these little sweethearts have turned out.  Seriously.  Only one washing/drying took place but they are already starting to fill in nicely.  I'll do another in a few months or so.  As soon as I arrive home, Mister grabs the camera for the after pictures --- another sure sign that he likes his gift.  I think he's posting in his own chat group.

 While we are at it, he grabs the QAYG and we get the final pictures of it too.   Front and back.  Gotta say, I almost like the back better than the front.

Since final pictures have been taken, that means labels to write on and these are behind me.  My pen is not working well today, so these look messy as all get out, but it is what it is.  Homemade and full of love.

Turning my focus to the current step of Carolina Christmas, which was posted today, I have all the parts ready to go and first thing up is green/neutral half-square triangles.  Chain, chain, chain --- that almost sounds like a train noise in my mind.

Once the HST's are sewn, I don't even stop and start in on the chevrons.  So, so many to make and two seams for each one.  I make it about halfway through the stack before calling it a night and settling in with my sweetie. 

Snipping dog ears through a show and then pressing the corners over is the busy work for the evening.  I'm not finished with the step, but I've made a good dent.

 The last item for the evening is pulling the threads through on the applique of my row by row block.  It gets a good press and I get a check mark.  That makes me smile as I head off to dreamland.  Tomorrow is a VERY busy day.

16th -  Take a deep breathe.  Today will be busy.  BUT, before I start in --- look what greeted my this morning as I looked out the back door.

Okay, I've stared long enough.  I have a Red Hat event today and need a Valentine hat.  It's time to get creative.  You can read all about the fun and shenanigans in this Red Hat LINK.

Well, that was the morning.  Our afternoon activity is Mister's party and if you would like to peek in on our fun, here is the 60th Birthday LINK.  Good times, great friends and welcome to the 6th decade, my love.

17th -  I hurt!  I was so hoping that somehow I would get to bypass this part of dentures.  Since it's Sunday, there just isn't much I can do about it.  Pop some pain pills and move on.  Dang.  I am hungry though so we are off to brunch at Cafe Brazil, followed by some grocery shopping at Central Market.  Check out the price on these truffles.  Would you like some?  Back home to relax and watch a movie.  By now, I feel the need to do SOMETHING so finish up Carolina Christmas #3.

18th -  I really don't have much to say today.  Went to the dentist first thing and then to bed.  Not much done today.  Hoping we've fixed the issue.

19th -  I'm still moving slow.  My mouth is getting better and throughout the day I manage to get some paperwork done along with a little packing, rearranging stuff and working on quiet book, etc.  Towards evening, I am ready to try eating again and in the mood to cook. Salmon, rice, and a caprese salad.

20th -  I REALLY have lost too many days here.  The quiet book takes all my attention today as I have made a little nest and totally taken over the den -- cos it wasn't bad enough before.  My sweetheart walks by with his hand up by his eyes, like blinders on a horse.  I can't say that I blame him too much.  He is occupying his time cleaning machines and readying them for me.

The train, hippo, and race track pages are coming along.

21st -  First thing, I finish up the race car pages and then pack and load the car.  Oh my, there is a lot in it again.  I am taking extra machines - one is Rocky's and one is for Bonnie to use.  Since it's the night before his birthday -- we are off to Thai Opal for dinner.

22nd - Happy Birthday to my love.  I am so sorry to have left you bright and early today.  I am off to retreat once again.  If you would like to read all about our wonderful bit of special fun, please click on this Extra LINK.  Yes, even at retreat I am working on the quiet book.  I have a deadline and the calendar is just not slowing down one little bit.

23rd - Day two of retreat and I'm taking a deep breath and trying to remember to enjoy this magical place.  Walks and talks help and huge amount and sharing time with friends just makes it better yet.

Our retreat has the theme of Quilting Bees and the gals went all out.  I love that so many played and we laughed ourselves silly.  Check out Val's glasses.  Aren't they just wonderful?

Lots of laughter --- LOTS

So, through all this, have I accomplished anything today.  Well, yes.  As a matter of fact, I have completed step 4 on Carolina Christmas.  Here are my stepouts.

And the finished product.  I am loving this more and more with each step.  Hopefully, the pieces and my controlled scrappiness will come together okay in the end.

24th - Day three and it's time for a group picture.  We are struggling for someone to take it when my daughter literally appears as if by magic.  She just happened to be fairly close and did a slight detour on her way home with two of my grandsons.  To see the family fun I took time for, please click on this LINK With Grandsons.

Yes, we do have her take the group picture for us before she hits the road once again.  I love these ladies so very much and many of them have been with me from the very beginning.

We planned this retreat for 2 years and I'm so glad that it has been such a great time.  Back row:  Glenda, Rocky, Frieda, Val, Bonnie.  Middle:  Ana, Stephannie, Gwen, Maria, Jennifer  Front:  Stephanie, yours truly, Paula, Sherri, Shirley, and Debi.  Thank you all so much for adding another retreat to your already full plates - without knowing why in the beginning.  Love y'all.

My bug page is finally finished.  I cannot tell you how happy I am about that.  I'm truly tired of bugs.

Now for a fidget blanket.  I have made a goal to complete at least one of these each retreat from here on out.  The program is in high need and it truly takes about an hour of my time.  I really have no excuse.  This one is done and in the stack to be delivered.

Our last night pic is packed.  No one wants this to end, but as with all good things, it must.  What fun we have had and my heart is just so full.

25th - Aw shucks.  It's time to pack up and move on to the next challenge.  For me that means a trip home to quickly wash what is in my suitcase and repack it.  Switch out one set of project boxes for another and beg for some clean machines.  Classes start tomorrow.  Until March -- Brazos Out.

26th - Home for less than 18 hours, the work is done, the car reloaded and I am on my way to Denton for the Minding My P's and Q's Retreat and 4 days of classes with Bonnie.  Yes, the fun continues.  Today is my Xing Class and you can peek in with this  XING LINK (pronounced Zhing).

I am getting to hang with Carri all four classes and Lori for today.

Batiks everywhere as I do crumb blocks, strings, and stars. 

My accomplishment for today.

27th - Today's class is Sand Castles and here is your LINK.  I LOVE this pattern so much and have since I first saw it.  Jennifer is in class today and it's fun to spend some more time with her.

I manage to get four blocks finished and to say I adore them is an understatement.  Isn't this just oh so yummy.  I cannot wait to make more of these --- after the quiet book, of course.

28th - We are freezing in Denton.  Seriously.  It is dang cold out there but we are nice and warm inside as we make ready to start our Daybreak Class.  Here is your LINK to follow along with our fun.  Smiles all around to start the day.

I found this to be a very challenging block and had to learn how to make it work for me.  Getting four finished was quite the feat and I'm glad to have an idea of how it will all go together with the sashing and cornerstones.  I like learning new things --- today was chock full of them.

And that's it!!  The month has come to an end and it has definitely been a whirlwind.  Whoosh.  March begins tomorrow and I'm hoping it marches in a bit warmer.  I was busy ALL month and still left a lot on the table to finish.  Oh my.  It seems as though the list is growing instead of shrinking.  Another week or so on the quiet book and then I can return to my machines.  Take time to look around you each day.  There is joy everywhere --- sometimes, you just have to hunt a little harder.  See ya next month and if you made it this far --- I'm impressed.  Just leave a comment that says, "I did it."  Stay creative y'all.

UFO for this month:

*Pineapple Blossom - quilted and bound
*Garden Party - quilted and bound
*Texas Tumbleweeds (yes it got moved to UFO status) - quilted and bound
BOM #1 - quilted and bound
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

Quiet Book - Worked on a TON
*BH Mystery -
Merry and Bright -  Sandwiched
*Christmas Lights - Sandwiched
QAYG Project with Gals -  DONE
Carolina Christmas -  Steps 1, 2, 3, 4 done
Xing - Several blocks finished
Sandcastles - Four blocks complete
Daybreak - Four blocks and some sashing complete
Rag Quilts X2 - DONE
Jelly Roll Rugs - 2 completed

UFO Monthly Items:

2 BOM - Whimm's -  Last two blocks made
Ohio Star - set and backing/binding made
1 Row by Row block - DONE
*Talkin' Turkey - 5 blocks finished - by April
*Crabapples - 5 blocks finished - by April
*Jamestown Landing - 25 string blocks finished - by April
*Scrap Crystals - by April
*Smith Mountain Morning - by April
*Midnight Flight - by April

UFO Handwork Items:

1 Box finished for tea set -
Red/White embroidery between blocks on WW finished -

Links to Previous 2019 Monthly Posts:

January 2019 Quilt Update

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