
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mugstateer Day at Fabric Fanatics

Back in the beginning of October, several of us took a class taught by Eileen Urbanek at Fabric Fanatics.  It was decided that we would get together there once a month on the day that Janet works to not only sew but keep her company as well.  I was on a trip with my sweet Mister in November so missed the gathering, but am in town today thus blessing the gals with my presence.  Oh yeah.  I'm in just that mood today.  I leave Mister deep under the covers staying warm on this chilly day and soon depart for our initial meetup spot - the 1418 Coffeehouse in Plano.  I can already taste it while driving.  It's calling me . . .  Allison and Elizabeth hit stumbling blocks for the coffee meet, but Elisabeth, Mariah, and I have a great time.  Marian just stopped in for coffee and now must say good-bye but it is fun to see her.  Perhaps next time she can stay for the day and sew.

We have been warned that the shop is COLD.  The heat is out and when we walk in, Janet is all bundled up.  I've brought a space heater and we set to getting it running and electricity to the sewing stations.  Now, let's get these machines out and get busy.  Both Allison and Elizabeth are here so our merry little group is complete.

First up:  Show and Share --  Allison has a couple of tops she has finished (and I need to hold the camera still better).  The second one I remember her finding on the swap table at retreat -- she just quilted it up and now it is ready for binding.  Both are gorgeous

Elizabeth has just received several back from being quilted by Allison.  I remember this one from retreat.  It's it great?  These are all Christmas gifts.  I asked and the recipients are not in the group and won't see this link.  Whew.

AND she's branching out and piecing backs now too.  Yay.

Once Show and Share is over (with nothing from me - so sad), Allison, Elizabeth and Elisabeth all plan on binding for the day.  Wait a minute!  I thought this day was for working on our Judy Niemeyer projects.  Oh yeah, that's right.  Some have already finished.  Not me so I'll be trudging along right where I left off in class.

Allisons starts out the day by giving a binding tutorial.  She works with bias binding --- oh what a bad taste I just got in my mouth --- and does a magnificent job with it as she attaches solely by machine.  I was given Elizabeth's name for the Christmas gift exchange we are in.  Since I don't know for sure if I will see her again before the holidays, she gets treated today.

As we are talking, Janet arrives to give her Show and Share -- no, the camera didn't catch her, but I did get the product.  She has created an amazing book for her En Provence journey.  I love it completely and admire her tenacity for organization.  Someday.  The best part?  Inside where her name and phone number can be found in case it is lost, there is also this small note.

I finally get out all the parts and pieces for my project.  I have absolutely no idea where I left off and it takes me a few minutes to get my brain around it again.  I think I've got it now.  Time to sew.

This is a super, super slow start today.  I have forgotten a mat to put under my machine so Allison is quickly binding another of her small projects so that I can use it.  It also gives her more time to teach binding to Elisabeth.  What a great, patient teacher she is.  At this point Janet has a couple of very heartwarming stories to tell us, in which we all added some new knowledge to our warehouses,  How she knows all that she does never ceases to amaze me.  While we are visiting, working (well some are), and learning, Brenda drops by to give Allison another project that needs quilting.  After a nice chat, we take advantage and get a group picture, minus Janet who is conveniently taking care of a customer.  What an excuse.  I'll get her though, just wait.

My moment arrives just after that as Elizabeth is ready to cut her fabric and comes to me asking for help.  Oh heck no -- I send her to the bias cutting queen - Janet.  Thus, the picture moment has arrived.

About this time, I finally start taking a few stitches in my own project.  My goal for today is to get 9 of the fans finished.  I need to focus more.  As I'm sitting and sewing, I hear Allison chuckling next to me.  She has received a check that she will need to hold for a very long time.  Now that is kiting a check at it's finest.  Too funny.  Time to contact the writer.

Allison is the one who has been sewing away while everyone else is caught up in learning or trimming.  She has completed the project that I get to use as a sewing mat.  Isn't this festive?

She has also gifted each of us with a Christmas mug rug/pot holder and a wonderful new book.  Well that stops the presses again and all eyes are on the books.

Well, except for the giver herself, she just keeps binding away.  Yes, still bundled up.  It's dang chilly in here BUT the fun is still worth all of it.

After watching me snap a picture of each person, she does the same for me.  Yes, I'm sewing as well.  I have a self-imposed deadline here.

At this point tummies are starting to grumble and we discover that it is already 1:30.  Oh my goodness where has this day gone?  That is starting to become a question we ask often.  I discover that we are going to a little taco shop around the corner.  No, I didn't get the name of it or a picture of the exterior, but I will tell you that we walked.  Mark that down --- they WALKED.

After lunch, I really sat down to focus and managed to finish all 9 fans before it is time to leave at 4.  Mister is home and I want to spend at least part of the day with him.  I'm happy with the results of the day and simply could not have a warmer heart to take home with me.

Until next month --- see ya around Mugstateers.


  1. Such a grand day together!! Thank you, always, for documenting our fun times together. Hugs and more love to come the next time we gather in January. Allison in Plano

  2. Looks like loads of fun -- wish I lived in Texas -- (speaking from snowy Ohio)
