
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Antiquing/Shopping with Mister

It's a "enjoy each other" kind of day.  We really don't have any set agenda and Mister doesn't have to work tomorrow so we are just chillin' around town, doing some shopping and enjoying all the day has to offer.  After a LATE breakfast out, we stopped in at a local antique mall.  I found a few items that might give you joy or a chuckle at least.

First up:  Santa out of a vintage quilt top that I'm choosing to believe was unrepairable.

A great table topper

Quilt on rack and treadle turned into a table.  Now again, I'm choosing to believe that the cabinetry was just shot and this was the only option.

Quilt in drawer -- oh the different fabrics in this one. Sock monkey - he's lonely Stephannie and Sherri -- and a pretty cool vintage iron that I just may go back and get.  It is marked $10.00.

Now for some fun things too:  I found this cast iron gingerbread pan - two sided - front

and back.  It didn't have a price on it so I asked up front and was told $5.00.  Sold -- Mister says he can get the rust spots out and I want to try and make a gingerbread house.  I've actually never made one.

I spotted these mugs and pitcher and sat and giggled.  I remember my grandmother having this.  Mister comes round the corner and informs me that he has some of the tall tumbler glasses like this at home.  Oh the things I don't know about this man.

Now, for some reason EVERYWHERE I look today has pyrex bowls and all I can do is think of my friend over at MY IMPERFECT LIFE.  Stephanie, do you need more?  I can certainly share the location of this hot spot.

A quick stop at Tuesday Morning on the way home doesn't net me any treats but I do spot these if anyone is interested.  Let me know and I'll give you the location.  Have a great day ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. When you go back to get the iron, please fix the sock monkey... No monkey should be sitting on his tail in public. :)
