
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 December Quilt Update

Hello and welcome to the last Monthly Quilt Update of 2019.  Did you join us in our theme for this past year?  Do you know what it was?  Here is a hint and if you want to know all about it -- here is the LINK.  AS this posts, we are moving onto a new theme and you can find it at the end of this monthly post.   Always remember that in this group all links open in a separate window so you don't lose your place here AND there are no ads or popups EVER.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

2019 Finished Quilts

Where do these years go?  I cannot believe another has bit the dust.  The challenges this year have been there, for sure, but overall, I really can't complain very much.  I have a sweetheart who loves me and I'm grateful for that.  Seriously!!  Keeping perspective is important.

At any rate, it wasn't as productive a year as some in the past, but I did manage to complete a few quilts.  Here's the final share for 2019:

February -

Mister requested a lap quilt for his birthday and I had a TON of charm packs just taking up space.  They also had matching sample pieces to cut up and that worked out to allow me to make a matching one for me as well.  Here are the "rag quilt" duo.

2019 Finished Non-Quilt Items

Each year I try and create one post that includes all that I've managed to finish.  It's the only way I can know what took place and have it in one quick and easy spot.  This post contains all items that are not a QUILT.  That doesn't mean they aren't quilted, just not something to cover up with to keep warm.  Got it?

Here's the month by month:

February - We made Jelly Roll Rugs at retreat as a mini-class project and I LOVE how mine turned out.  The kitchen will definitely be brighter with these in it.  They are the same fabric line in two jelly rolls and yet totally different fabrics and quantities.  Perfect.

Frolic - Clue 6 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

Happy New Years Eve!!!!

An early rise paid off today.  Just as I was finishing up a chore in the office, what pops up but a fun clue release.  Everything planned for today changed instantly and within mere moments I was pressing and cutting my green fabric.

The "Roaring Twenties" are Back - Our New Theme

Hello everyone and Good Morning!  This past year we have embraced chaos and hopefully found fun in the insanity.  I did.  I made HUGE dents in the stash and limited my purchasing to what I needed or truly loved.  Things were organized and I can find things again.  My life is chaos at all times, however I am more able to enjoy being in it.  I hope you were able to do the same.

Now, let's move on!!!  The 20's are Roaring Again.   Shall we join in?  What would that mean?  Well, for one thing, it was a time of great changes.  Let's start there.  Make some changes.  How about tackling a project that has intimidated you -- change and intimidate it?  How about changing your sewing room around?  How about changing some of your habits --- step outside the box -- join a group, a bee, a retreat?  Each month I will make a change and ask you to join in on either your own change or with me.  NO - they are not resolutions.  They are changes.  There IS a difference. A resolution usually involves stopping something.  I don't want to stop ANYTHING.  I want to add to my life --- through learning new things and creating beauty.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Frolic - Clue 5 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

Wow!!!  I have not been able to sleep since about 2:30 this morning.  I have caught up on several "must do" items and managed to keep busy until 6:00 a.m.  It's Frolic time and I'm hoping it is posted soon. 

I have soooo much to do today as family is arriving this afternoon for a several day stay.  Bonnie hinted that this week's clue would be easy and I'm crossing my fingers that is true.  Oooooh, the post is up.

YES!!!  It is an easy one, as promised, and I can quietly cut the few strips that I need (most area already available due to either leftovers from a previous clue or scrap users system.  The Easy Angle Ruler is retrieved from the spare room and I am set to work out in the dining room and let my sweetie sleep as long as possible.  We have a TON to do today and he's going to want all the rest he can get.  One hour later, I am totally cut.  Woot woot.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Spring Antique Mall Stop

On our way to a friends party in Houston this morning, we find ourselves arriving a wee bit early.  What to do? Find an antique mall.  That's a fun way to kill an hour or so.  Just off the interstate in Spring, TX, we find the perfect spot.  Spring Antique Mall it is.  Come along and I'll share the items I spot that may interest an sewer/quilter/fiber lover around.

The first few booths set the mood with quilts and supplies everywhere.  Then, I spot this bin of doilies and I have to admit, I love them so much.  Am I really getting that old?  I always thought doilies were an old lady thing, but they are so crazy wonderful.  I will admit, some of those color combinations, I cannot get behind, but that is a completely different story.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Frolic - Clue 4 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

What a week I've had.  I told my sweetheart that today is just for sewing and nothing else.  Well, I have turkey soup on the stove and I am wrapping a few items, but that is all.  Today I want to Frolic!! 

I will admit that I was up early and doing the "refresh" thing today.  Having something like this to look forward to each week is something I need this time of year.  I LOVE the season, but being away from the majority of my family is so difficult.  This occupies my mind and helps the soul.  Speaking of the holidays, I thought I'd show my little "Bonnie Mysteries" tree.  Each one of the clear ornaments is filled with the dog ears from a previous mystery.  I have 20 ornaments (2 are because I made two those years - Celtic Solstice and Good Fortune) and am only short two - Carolina Crossroads and Orca Bay.  At least one will happen in 2020.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Frolic - Clue 3 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

Friday means that it's clue day BUT, I am leaving for Abilene and my daughter's graduation this morning so all I really get to do is peek at it a bit.  I'll get back to it Sunday or Monday - hopefully.

Sunday morning and I find a wee bit of time to work on this while my sweetie sleeps.  Fortunately, once again, I am able to pull all of the required neutrals from the strip bucket as well as all the dark blues.  I just have to cut a few light blue strips and I'm ready to rock and roll.  I get about halfway through the required amount before he wakes and is ready to spend the day with me.  Absolutely!!

Monday has arrived and I have a crazy LONG list of things to accomplish and this clue is one of them.  I am sooooo thankful that this is a relatively easy week like the last two have been.  I'm not sure if that means I should be prepared for some whoppers coming up soon or not.  At any rate, I'm all cut and ready to sew.  I'm on my own today and multi-tasking like crazy.  There is Chex Mix in the oven, Cranberry Shiver in the freezer, laundry going, and who knows what else.  Stirring, folding, and stitching.  That's what today is about.  I manage to create my chain and that means the traditional picture of HST garland must take place.  I think it adds to the tree, don't you?

They come right back off, though, as I must keep moving.  To the iron!!

 All that is left is the dog ears and quick snips make short work of those as well.

Into the ornament those pesky little pieces go and my clue is complete.  I'm loving these colors together and can't wait to see what comes next.  Bring on clue 4.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Frolic - Clue 2 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

Week TWO is here and I'm super excited.  I have worked like a dog this week cleaning house and decorating in preparation for today and tomorrow (a party I am hosting).  I will be blessed to sew with two great friends, Lana and Paula, today and that just makes these clue releases even better yet.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

2019 November Quilt Update

Hello and welcome to the sixth Monthly Quilt Update of 2019.  Have you joined us in our theme for this year?  Do you know what it is?  Here is your hint and if you want to know all about it -- here is your LINK.  Always remember that in this blog all links open in a separate window so you don't lose your place here AND there are no ads or popups EVER.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Frolic - Clue 1 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

It's Clue Day!!!  That means it's also Black Friday.  You would think that I would get used to this after all these years, but no.  I am up at a little after 5 hitting refresh over and over and over again.  The clock is ticking so slowly and I keep looking at my fabrics wondering which colors we will use today.  Tick, tick, tick.  FINALLY!!!!  Woot woot --- blue and raspberry are the lucky winners this week.

First things first.  A thorough read of the clue, notes taken, and then off to the scrap users system to see what I can pull from there.  As we are making four-patches, even my squares are pulled into play.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Brazos "Down Under" Retreat

Our Anniversary Retreat date has arrived.  The car is packed and I didn't even put a sewing machine in.  I have several projects, but if I get the first one finished, I'll be in seventh heaven.  It's time to hit to the road.

Since I'm going in a day early, I am able to leave in daylight.  That's new and so appreciated.  The trip goes well and before I know it, I'm on the final road and crossing cattle guards.  But wait . . . what is going on in the field to the right of the road?   Cotton??  I have been coming here for 6 Novembers now and cannot recall a cotton harvest -- not once.  The fields have almost been stripped clean, but there are a few bits here and there and that's what caught my eye.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pieced Together Studio - Mesquite

On my way back from Terrell, I stop in Mesquite to see Pieced Together Studio - a quilt shop I have not yet visited.  As I enter, I am greeted and then apologized to for having a ladder in the way of an aisle.  She sets to removing the ladder and I'm sorry to say that that is my last interaction with her.  She made a phone call in the workroom and never came back out again.  I'd love to give better feedback, but it is what it is.  I had a couple of requests that I would have liked to ask about, but it was not about to happen.  After fifteen minutes of wandering the store, I left --- without a single additional comment to me.  So sad, but I'll likely not return. 

At any rate, here are some pictures so that you can see if they have something you have been dying to get  your hands on.  Enjoy.  There is a LOT in here.

Off to Terrell with Sherri -- Fabric Sale

The plan for tomorrow was to go to Zavalla with my friend, Sherri, but the Subaru dealer had a different idea this morning.  Losing my vehicle to recall issues made it so that I could not drive to her house and spend the night for a bright and early departure tomorrow.  However, the totally helpful hubby that I have found a fabric sale in Terrell that might work for today instead.  A few messages and phone calls later has us both driving toward Terrell.  The owner, another Sherri, used to have an online fabric store and has since disbanded it and is trying to clear our her inventory.  She's down to about 1200 yards and perhaps we can find some treasure there that need to come home with us.  The fabric is $3.75 a yard and I have my list of "needs" in hand upon arrival.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Storytime Quilts - Lufkin, TX

Continuing our journey today, just down the road is StoryTime Quilts and Mister suggests a stop.  Not wanting to argue (hahahaha), I agree.

Now, finding this place is tricky.  Honest, but once we entered the store, the customers that were inside made us feel welcome --- well, that is if we were spending money.  All in good fun, they left shortly and we had a few minutes to look around the store.  The only fabric I'm looking for is for either the Halloween quilt or Bonnie's mystery.  I wonder what I can find here to add to one or both of those.  During my hunt, pictures are taken so that you could have a look around.

Heritage Antiques - Lufkin, TX

Lufin, TX --- Heritage Antiques --- stop and walk.  That's the plan.  We are on the way home from vacation and sometimes, just sometimes -- treasures can be found along the way.  Come along and let's see.

This is a crazy cool, antique shop.  It is housed in the old First Christian Church Educational Building and occupies both floors.  Look at the beautiful tin ceiling and chandelier in the entry.  Oh my.  I'm ready to begin the treasure hunt.  One of the first booths I come to has a chest of quilts.  My eye lands on one.

Spotlight on Ross Fabric and Crafts

Our vacation is nearing an end so I've decided to visit a quilt shop or two.  We are in Zavalla, TX.  Yeah, I didn't know where we were either.  At any rate, the stop we came here for -- (here's your LINK) wasn't researched enough by me and we've discovered that with the rain, perhaps off-roading isn't the best plan for today.  Another time, when we've made previous arrangements with the owners will do.  At any rate, we're here and so is a quilt shop.  We think.  Following GPS (I know sheeples again) takes us down a country road and towards a home.  There are identifying features that help and Mister parks and leads the way.  Such a great partner.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fiber of all Types -- Ya Gotta See This to Believe It!!

Okay Y'all - you really need to meet Vicky Polve from Henderson, TX.  She does the most magnificent work with pine needles and I am completely dumbfounded.  Literally jaw dropping.

I spot her work at a festival and wander up for a closer look.  No one is around her booth but I am carrying on rather loudly and soon draw a crowd.  Goodness --- bow down to the woman.  Her works is not only incredibly beautiful, but oh so intricate.