
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Brazos House Retreat May 2017 - Session 2

Session 2 is underway!  Since there isn't really a setup time, my camera is taking a break and we'll pick up at noon --  Come along and see how the weekend goes.

11th -  Yeehaw and round 'em up.  We are off to Babe's in true Western style.

I absolutely am thrilled when others play along with our theme.  We have such fun when we let loose a bit.

Okay, our bellies are full and we are ready to sew.  Right?  Old friends are meeting up again and it is smiles all around.

Arlene has brought a TA-DA to share.  It's for her new grandbaby that is about to arrive into the world.

She did such a great job with it.  She also has sat and finished this lovely crocheted gown as well.  TA-DA

Ana has a pillow TA-DA for her grandson

The room is just buzzing this evening and everyone is laughing and telling stories.  I love this part of retreat.

I have spent ALL DAY working on this purse.  Having never made a purse, it was quite challenging and I'm not sure I'd do it again, but I do love it.  TA-DA (with clips)

Before heading to bed, I am determined to get a head start on tomorrow's project.  I am running out of days and still have several things I NEED to get done.  Perhaps the wise decision would have been to start with them.  Hmmmm.

Good night ya'll.

12th -  It's the dawn of another day and as I enter the room, I am definitely not the first one up.  However, I'm not the last either.  Best of both worlds, I say.

There are great minds trying to build a ruffled purse.  I'm not the only one taking a long time on a purse, but I'm pretty sure Meri's is much more difficult and I KNOW I'm going to stand in amazement.

Meanwhile, Paula is ripping out an entire quilt top so that she can sew it all over again.  That's determination and since I've done that as well, I know how tedious it can be.  You can do it.

Rag quilt in the works for Donna.

I sneak a peek at Gwen as she works on last weekends woolie.  Her hats are divine and this one would be perfect for the Red Hat Society.

We are short one person and no empty flat space lasts for long around here.  Ana has set up an embroidery station in it and is rapidly making gifts for her family.  Way to multi-task Ana.

I have not really been out to the chickens much since I've been here.  It's time to change that.  Let's go feed the ladies.

Val is teaching a class this weekend and it's TIME.  Everyone gathers around to learn how to make the easiest potholder or coaster ever.  Honest.

I pick out my fabrics from the large stack that she brought to share and, literally, in 15 minutes have a finished product.  Oooooh, Debi -- where are you?  This is a great booth idea.

Meri finishes hers, too, and proclaims it "quilty".  TA-DA

Ms. Gwen is about to leave for an overnight adventure, but doesn't she look lovely?  Oh my.  What a classy lady.                                                      Paula has a pin cushion TA-DA and Stephanie has finished her En Provence top.  I love it and she is going to do something else with her outer border.  TA-DA

Ana's towel TA-DA's.

These ALMOST make me want an embroidery machine.  I know there are times I would love one, but . . . .

Woohoo --- Donna has her woolie TA-DA done.  Get that lady a charm.

Once again, people find solace in different places while here.  Darlene is also taking advantage of the beautiful day and the patio.

For the evening, we have decided on a campfire.  It's Western weekend, remember?  Gotta get all these hands a little relaxation and sweet treats.  Val's husband, Randy, even made custom roasting sticks for our marshmallows.  Now THAT's going the extra mile.  Stan has a lovely fire ready for us.  Let's go.

We have S'More's.  With thick dark chocolate.  Oh my.  These are just so yummy.  I must have two.

I love the camaraderie and fun of a campfire.  Some ladies even make it down to the river outlook for the first time.  We really need to use the property more.  It makes Stan and Kay happy and it's silly for us not to do it.  I see more campfires in our future.

The smiles aloneg make them worthwhile -- after that?  Well, there are marshmallow and chocolate, of course.

As darkness falls, it's time to head back into the house.  I'd stay out here all night if I could and I'm not alone.  Darlene is the last one to leave her chair.  It's just been so peaceful here.

As we walk back up to the house, I love the lights on the porch.  It's so sweet out here in the country.

I'm thinking a glass of wine, some friends, and a nice chat on the patio may be in store for me.

Back in the room, Darlene has a TA-DA -- this is a rag quilt and I'm so very sad I don't have a picture of the back.  It is just so sweet.

Val with yet another bag TA-DA -- how many does that make?

And, yes, I have sewn today.  My little Hansel and Gretel doll set is TA-DONE.  The lighting in the picture stinks though.

Lydia has a TA-DA

And this day is a wrap.  Time for some shut-eye and another day of fun tomorrow.  Night.

13th -  Saturday!!!!  It's not the last day and we still have a whole day to go.  Woohoo.  Let's get some breakfast and see what the day has in store for us.  I always forget to mention how wonderful the food here is.  Kay spoils us rotten and we love every bit of it.  Truly.

It's time to get sewing and right off the bat, Donna has her Beads of Courage bag TA-DA -- another charm for this gal.

Our day goes along pretty smooth and for a change, we do our group shot a little earlier in the evening.  This is another amazing group of women and I am indeed blessed to have them in my life.  Back row:  Stephanie, Lydia, Darlene, Janet, Kitsey, Ana, and Gwen.  Sitting back row:  Debi and yours truly.  Middle row:  Val, Arlene, and Paula.  Front row:  Ladonna, and Meri.

Our newbie this weekend is Ladonna and I couldn't be happier to meet her.  We all can't wait to see you again.

It's been much quieter today in the TA-DA realm.  Perhaps, like me, people are working on projects that take some time and again, like me, are easily distracted because it's just not that fun.  I am again in slipper land.  I HAVE to have two pair done before I leave.  Here's one - TA-DA

Val, too, is avoiding a project she really doesn't want to work on -- so what does she do?  Well make another purse, of course.  TA-DA.  Isn't that just the cutest hat ever?

Here is a quick shot of all the hot pad holder and coasters that have been made this weekend.  What a great and easy project to learn.  Thank you Val.

Okay -- It's time for game night and since I'm all decked out -- I wander out to get a picture outside.  Pretty nice if I do say so myself.

This evening is brought to you by Val and she has not left anything out -- including her Sapphire hair.  Perfect.

So, for game night Sheriff Lydia rode into town and nothing was ever the same again.  I'm just gonna share a few images and no comments.  Enjoy.

Quick -- stop for a group picture

Okay -- game night is on!  The first triple dot prize goes to Stephanie and her reaction is priceless.

As always, laughter spills from everyone.  These moments are such treasured memories for me.  I enjoy the silliness and complete lack of concern over what someone else thinks.  It's a perfect time for all of us.

Stephanie wins the fat quarters!!!!  And the bowl is quickly ripped from her hands by Debi.

Gwen receives another triple dot prize and quickly puts it to use.

And our sweet Val spends most of the evening blushing.  Truly.

Again with just pictures and no comments.

Our jelly rolls are won by Ana and Janet.

Which means that one of our mother/daughter pairs walked away with lots of goodies.  Congratulations to all.

We have had several woolie TA-DA's this weekend --- check them out.  So super cute.  Darlene and Ladonna's are on the left.  Gwen has two on the top right and Stephanie has the lower right one.  Stephanie was the first one finished and received a special bee charm.  I'm not sure she knows.

Two of them belong to Gwen

Debi rarely does TA-DA moments and she has made a ton of stuff while here the past 10 days but she's got the borders on three quilts and I talked her into sharing -- here we go -

En Provence #1 TA-DA

En Provence #2 TA-DA

And her Pineapple Blossom TA-DA --- woohoo

And I did it.  I have finished the second required pair of slippers.  These are a remake for Ryan, whose birthday is in two days, because the first pair didn't fit.  Wonderful.  Hopefully these will.

Well that brings us to the end of another wonderful retreat.  Well -- almost totally wonderful -- Ana fell this evening and can't walk.  Getting her into bed was quite the sight and we're going to see how she is in the morning.  She was trying to get packed up for an early departure -- dang it anyway.

I have also packed up this evening as after doing this so many times, I've learned that it makes my morning go better.  Here are the wonderful goodies accumulated from two weekends.  Love the swap gifts.

It's time to call it a day, but we don't want Ana left out so we climb into bed with her for our good night picture.  See ya'll tomorrow.

14th -  Well, good morning.  The first thing I do upon waking is go check on Ana.  She can't walk and both her and Kitsey's hubbies have been called to come do a pick up.  Dang.  She is going to have to go to the ER on the way home and miss her plans for today.  I feel so very bad for her.  Ugh.  Most people have left by the time brunch is served so we all gather around the table together.  However, let's not forget Ana and Paula, who is keeping her company during breakfast.

Meri comes in with her purse TA-DA ---- oh my, it turned out lovely and she spent the whole weekend on it.  I am in awe.

And our lst TA-DA is by Paula -- the top she took apart is now back together.  Way to go girl.

As I am packing up, my sweetheart calls and lets me know the car is not functioning properly so he can't come and get me.  Well that's a fine howdy do.  After deciding to just stay another night, I am reminded that Kitsey and Ana will have three cars here.  Perhaps we can make a deal.  I go running into Kitsey and discover that, yes, she can take and all my "stuff" home.  Of course it's the time when I have extra stuff since I'll need it at the beach in September.  Of course.  What a blessing these two husbands are today.  I am indeed thankful.

After a lovely drive home with Kitsey, I am unloaded and have sent her on her way.  I do a quick show and tell to Mister of all the things I accomplished the past 10 days and sit down to visit with him.

The next thing I know he is trying to repair my bubble gun.  I have no idea if this will work or not, but I love that he is trying.  I'd just go get another one.  That's it for this post.  Until next time, stay creative everyone.

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