
Friday, December 2, 2016

En Provence - Clue 2 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

It is December 1st and I am serving on a jury in which I just found out we will be back again tomorrow. NOOOOOOOO.  Don't they understand that I have a mystery clue coming out?  Do you suppose there is even a chance that the clue will post at around 2 a.m. and I can get a little start before court starts?  If I wrote a letter perhaps?

Dear Bonnie,

It's little old me -- Deb in Dallas -- and I have a bit of sadness right now.  They are making me go into jury deliberation tomorrow morning and I won't be able to start on my clue.  Do you think you could just email me the clue?  I promise not to tell anyone.  I'd do the same for you.  Honest, I would.  Thank you so much, Deb.

Now surely that would make a difference, right?  NOT.  It's all a joke and I would never even dream of sending this but I really, truly am sad.  My daughter will be sitting in the airport in Dallas killing time for 3 hours tomorrow and I won't be able to go see her.  AND, I am losing my day with Allison on top of it all.  What yuck.  Okay -- enough whining.  Onto to tomorrow . . . . . . . .

Sleep?  Whose sleeping?  Definitely not me.  I am so much on my mind for tomorrow that I am up at 3 a.m.  Is there a clue?  No, guess I'll work on blog posts.  4 a.m.? No.  Keep writing.  5 a.m.?  Still nothing.  Dang.  Now to get retreat emails written.  6 a.m. and there it is -- the clue.  Well thank heavens it is a fairly easy one (triangle in a square units - think Celtic Solstice) and I will get caught up quick.  Now, it's time to shower and head downtown for I'm sure will be a most disturbing day.

As I'm sitting in the deliberation room for the third hour now, I receive a message from Allison.  It says, "I'm not starting clue #2 without you!!  Even if we don't get together today.  You call me when you are home, decompressed and ready to cut.  Then I'll start here.  Hugs, A."  Wow -- I have simply the best friend ever.  Now - back to the task at hand.

After more time passes, we finally make our decision (there are four indictments to deal with so it does take time to go over each one in detail) and are back in the courtroom.  Once the verdict is read, we are dismissed back to the jury room to wait for the attorneys and judge to come and visit.  It is quite late by the time we are released and able to leave the building.  I send out a message to Allison that I am on my way home and she instantly gathers her things, some food for us, and is on her way to my house.  I breathe a sigh of relief and know that she will be able to stay late tonight as we don't have any plans.  Okay, this is good.  I will get to share my feelings of the past few days and we'll get clue 2 well on it's way.

When she arrives, we take some time to eat and just visit before setting up to cut.  NOW, it's time to work AND I'm ready.  She was right -- decompression was necessary.

So first things first --- I'm cutting the constant "wings" with the tri-recs rulers.  Oh that little notch -- mustn't forget as it caused me so many issues 3 years ago with Celtic Solstice.  This time, I'm good and 7 strips later, I have all the "wings" I need.  Allison finishes hers at about the same time and we are ready to move forward.

Onto the centers.  As we get ready to cut, she discovers that all of her neutrals were left behind at home.  Do I care?  Not even one little bit.  We grab the right size strip bin of neutrals and the stack of scraps I have been working with.  There is MORE than enough for both of us and lots of variety too.  Each scrap cut 2-4 triangles and we just split that in half.  Perfect.

Now that all the pieces are cut, we move things around in the living room again, set up our tables and are soon ready to sew.  It's a system now and we have it down pat.

We start sewing the first wings on and Mister makes us a couple of "leaded" eggnogs to keep things going nicely.  Doesn't it just look oh so yummy.  Oh, and Allison's test units in the back -- pretty sweet too.  For those of you who have requested a tutorial on her paper plate method, please watch this blog as she is working on a guest post all about them.

Janet arrives while we are sewing and what a treat it is.  We do not have near enough time with her and are happily surprised when she informs us that that is changing.  After the middle of this month, she will be "free" to play much more often.  We are thrilled to learn that she is leaving the employed and going back to being a student.  More time for us --- woohoo.  Oh and, it's pretty great for her too.  I know, I know.  Gotta remember others.  Seriously, we are just oh so happy for her.  We already have the room arrangement figured out for future Fridays.

The first side is complete and once again, a delightful circle has presented itself under the table.  How neat and orderly this is.  So unlike me.  Yes, I'm a mess most of the time.  Ask anyone who retreats with me.

It's side two's turn.  I am chaining both sides while Allison is working two units at a time chasing each other as leader/enders.  The best part?? We both finished the first half at the same time. Hmmm.

I'm thinking that the circle underneath won't lay as nice now since I didn't iron the first side before moving on.  I am just finger pressing as I go.  However, I am wrong.  It swirls nicely once again.

We both finish up and since it is already dark, it is time for Allison to head back home.  Janet has left already since she hadn't been home from work yet and we set about putting the room back in shape once again.  I suggest that A leave her table and machine here since she will be back next Friday and she isn't really using them anywhere else right now.  She takes me up on it and soon is on her way home to her own sweetheart.  I am off to the ironing board to press these units and then take them all into the office to visit with Mister while I snip the upper dog ears (magenta ones).  I'm please with the units and my little ziploc of "bits" is already taking shape.  Yes, there is an ornament waiting for them.

TA-DA -- Clues one and two.  Now, what else can I get done this week while waiting for clue 3? Oh -- click on this  BONNIE LINK to get back to the linkup page --- Hope you enjoyed.


  1. Marvelous day together was salvaged!!! Bonus was "Our" Janet coming to visit and share her good news. Thank you for serving jury duty and still being up for the day. Great to do Clue #2 with you. Until next Friday . . . Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA

  2. Your constant looks very much like mine - a red fairy frost. Great Choice!

    Barbara at Stash Overflow

  3. I feel your longing for clue to publish- my email hits about 8 PM!!!!! I've learned checking frequently and refreshing even more frequently doesn't help. UGH!!!

  4. It is so lovely how you enjoyed your sewing time together!
    Janet from UK.

  5. What a fun time you all had! And the mystery units are looking lovely.

  6. Quilting buddies are the best. Your blocks look great.
