
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bonnie Hunter Talkin' Turkey Class - Fabric Fanatics

Today I am going to put all that cutting from last week to good use.  It is day two of the Plano classes and we are going to tackle Talkin' Turkey.  I have chosen to do mine in blue and am actually pretty excited to see how it all turns out.

Mister and I are ready to leave the house a bit early so opt for some time together to visit over coffee and a yummy breakfast.  What a wonderful start to New Year's Eve.  Well, in all fairness this pretty much IS our New Year's Eve.  We'll likely go to dinner tonight and then my sweetie has to work.  I know -- it sucks.

After our wonderful morning respite, I drop him off and work and head to Fabric Fanatics.  It appears that I am the first to arrive.  I lay my meager supplies (since I left most things here yesterday) on the sidewalk in front of the shop and stay warm and toasty in the car.  Before long, the lovely Allison joins me for a delightful visit.  Yep, she is here today with me.  Let the party begin.  (Below: Turtles and quilting -- two great loves of mine.)

2015 Finished Non-Quilty Craft Items

I LOVE doing things other than just quilting and sometimes I feel as though I NEED to try my hand at something different now and then just to mix it up and keep my creative ability intact.  Here's a peek at what 2015 held for me in the non-quilt category:

January - Skirts for Miss Elena and Miss Malea.  Now, truth be told -- Miss Elena did a lot of these herself and you can see that post which includes a video HERE.

2015 Finished Quilts

Well 2015 was not quite as productive as 2014, but there were still some great finishes.  Take a peek.


Wanderlust - Bonnie Hunter Plano Mystery - Later released in Quiltmaker magazine.  First stitch taken 12/30/13 -- last stitch taken 4/25/15.  First time quilting a little loopy stipple.  Used my 301A and variegated thread.  Love how it turned out.

December Quilt Update

Links to Our Quilt World and  Our Quilt Blogs Facebook Groups.  Come be a part of us.  Both groups also can be found at the top of the blog using the tabs.  Any links that you click in this post will open in a DIFFERENT window, allowing you to continue reading this without losing the page.

I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry.  I hope that you make it that far.


BOM blocks (3) complete -  YES
Easy Street (ES) Clue 8 - Close It just needs borders
Orange Crush (OC)  quilted and bound - YES
Old Tobacco Road (OTR)  - Clues 4, 5 - nope
Christmas Quilt (CQ) quilted and bound - YES
Block a Day continued (BAD) - Giving up for awhile - too depressing
Grand Illusion (GI) quilted and bound - YES
Friendship Nine Patch (FNP) Sleeve made, quilted, and bound - YES
Allietare Clues 2 YES, 3 YES, 4, 5 -
Classes all prepared for - yes

1st - It seems as though I start out each month exactly the same -- working on this blog to get the previous month's post up.  Well today is no exception.  And laundry.  Never-ending laundry.  Laundry alone gives credence to the thought of a nudist colony.  HAHAHAHAHA.  Just give everyone quilts to cover up with.  I am also making a wonderful mess in the den.  It's time to sort those stacks of samples by color so they can get put to use in upcoming quilts.  Yep -- I have them EVERYWHERE.  I'm loving it though.  The stack of red on the coffee table will be added to my red panels out back and will go on the back of Crabapples, a class I am taking at the end of the month.  The stack of blues on the arm of the loveseat are my future Talkin' Turkey -- another end of month class.  Ooooh, fun thoughts are swirling all around me.  It's a sample wonderland.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bonnie Hunter Mystery Class 2015 - Fabric Fanatics

Oh my gosh!  It's here.  This day has been long awaited by me for the fun I just know is in store.  I am off to Plano and Fabric Fanatics to enjoy a day with Bonnie Hunter, Ana, Marti (minus her voice), Irene, and a whole classroom of wonderful ladies.  Let's go.

(We have to pinky share not to show anything from this class until the pattern comes out in the spring so you will just have to wait until then for me to update this post with all that I worked on.)

The class starts out with hugs all around and it is like old home week as everyone comes together for our yearly gathering.  As soon as everyone has arrived, we are off to the cutting table for today's lesson.  Bonnie spots me with the camera catching her in an unusual position ---- YES, she does talk with her arms and hands a lot ---

Monday, December 28, 2015

Allietare Clue #5 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

Hello there.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break and that you were able to relax just a wee bit.  It was very quiet here at the homestead and for the first time, I think I actually liked it.  That's not saying that I don't want family around for the holidays -- believe me, I do -- but I can survive it without tears now.  That is a good thing.

And . . .  fortunately, right away here comes another clue for us to work on.  Yay!  There is just one little problem with this plan.  Mister is home for four days.  We are on day 3 and he has absolutely no intention of just hanging around the house.  I get to peek at the clue before we are off and running.  NO CUTTING!!!!  Yay.  That just made my day.  We are off to find some after Christmas discounted decorations for the outside of the house next year.  Yep, cos we don't have enough you know what in our house already.  Oh my.  Shopping turns into brunch and by the time we get home, the only thing I have enough energy for is to hunt for a gray gel pen to draw lines on my squares.  Apparently I am out of them so obviously the very next chore is to order some online and THEN find a pencil instead.  Goodness but I am productive today -- lines are drawn.  Ta-Da.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Here's hoping that this finds all of you enjoying this magical time of year.  Please take some time for yourself as well --- it's not selfish -- it's necessary.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading and commenting on my quilty life.  I treasure every bit of it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

An Easy Angle Lesson with Roberta

A "HELP"  went up in the group.  Roberta wanted someone to help her with the clues for Allietare.  Since I absolutely love having people at the house and I've been too lazy to clean up from last Friday, it seems an easy solution.  Come on over.

She arrives nice and early.  She has completed Clue 3 since she learned 4-patches with Ribbons of Love.  Now for the new rulers to be put into use.  First up is clue 1 and the Easy Angle ruler.  She already has her strips cut so we are off to a great start.

Time out for a coffee cake that I made this morning.  It is an OLD family recipe that is actually made with coffee as the liquid and is a gummy cake, making one think that it is underdone, but no.  Oh and so fun to squish in your hands as a kid.  Me??? No, I never did that.  It doesn't get frosted, just a nice snack cake.  I've been baking and prepping lunch off and on all morning.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Day With Mister - Fun Stuff EVERYWHERE

Oh goodness.  My sweetheart actually is running away from work today.  And I do mean running.  We are out the door and away from computers.  Now what?  How about an estate sale or two?  There are a couple right near the house and we are off to see what treasures might be in need of a new home.  The first stop nets us a wonderful partially finished hand-stitched quilt top and the remaining pieced blocks.  All I have to do is figure out a white fabric to use with it.  We also locate a box of old thimbles and a beautiful scarf.  The second sale gives us two organizers filled with parts that Mister can use along with a TRAIN.  Total expenditure of these two stops is $34.49.  (The Spirograph came later)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Allietare Clue #4 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt - With Allison and Jennifer

Can you sleep?  I can't.  I check at 2 a.m., at 3 a.m., at 4 a.m. and then I fall asleep until almost 6 a.m.  Wouldn't you know it?  Of course it posted at 5 a.m.  Now I'm behind the 8 ball and doing the big rush before my gal pals arrive.

YEP!  It's another sew day here by the Christmas tree.  I was all set up and ready to go last night.  Want to see how it looked before the clue hit?

Christmas and sewing all in the same room.  Is there a happier place?  The decision has been made to use our card tables to sew on and Allison is bringing her 500 table that I found for her (thinking it was a longbed 301 table) and a shortbed 301 table to surprise Jennifer with.  I can't wait for them to get here.  We have a couple small ironing stations (who needs a big board with only little pieces?) and some cutting areas.  It will work.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sharing the Mid-Arm

When Val gifted me with my beautiful mid-arm, she would not hardly let me do anything for her in return.  Mister fixed up her sweet Featherweight but that was it.  What she did do is ask me to pay it forward.  This weekend I am attempting to do that.  This mid-arm rookie is going to teach someone else  how to use it.  Now THIS should be interesting.  Come along and watch.

Debi arrives Friday night as I am cleaning up from my day with Allison.  The smell of the roast cooking has permeated the house and all I can say is -- let's eat dinner.  We spend some time visiting, enjoying a meal and a glass or wine or two and then she is ready to put a practice piece on the machine and see what happens.  I believe her statement to me is, "Are  you ready to do something even if it's wrong?"  Of course I am.  Out to the studio we go.

She learns, like everyone else, that the loading is the worst part.  Once it is ready to go, let the fun begin.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Allietare Clue #3 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

After a day in the kitchen yesterday and still managing to do a little sewing, I am thrilled for today.  My dear friend, Allison Bayer, is coming over for the day and we are doing clue 3 together.  Come along and peek in on our day.  We won't tell anyone you did, you little peeper you.

We are sharing space in the living room on a six-foot table today.  Why?  Well, because the studio is piled high with batting I need to take care of and it's Christmas time.  Sitting by the tree, listening to Christmas music just sounds wonderful to me right now.

I love that Allison is like me and an early riser.  I got up at 5 and made the dough for bread and cinnamon rolls, cut my strips of gold, and set up the room.  Oh my house already has that wonderful yeasty smell going on.  (For this amazing recipe - click HERE)  Why don't I do this more often?  Allison arrives by 8.  Perfect.  We are soon set up and ready to rock and roll.  First things first --- strip sets.

I am using up LOTS of short little leftover neutral strips from the previous clues AND the strips I cut this morning are from a bunch of samples so they are short already.  Woohoo --- variety coming my way.  Allison and I share strips to give each other a little more variety and I soon have a stack high enough to cut into "twosies",   We take a cinnamon roll break and then move onto turning those "twosies" into beautiful four-patches.  This is a GREAT clue.  I absolutely LOVE four-patches.  Here is Allison's lovely work space.  My own is NEVER as organized and neat.  We have two lovely ladies with us today -- a beautiful shortbed 301 and my Featherweight.  Their sound just makes my heart happy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Murphy's Law in Effect

Sometimes it is just one of those days.  Today was such a day.  I am not sure whether I am ready to laugh at it yet or not, but I'm sure you will be as you read this.

As the story goes, the day starts out perfect.  Yes, I have a deep sexy voice for absolutely no reason, BUT . . it's still a great day.  I wake before my sweetie leaves, buy airplane tickets for two trips, write a personal blog entry, and check out the scraps leftover from quilting the Friendship Quilt.  It looks like there may be enough to make a chair cushion using a pillow form that I removed from an old sofa pillow when Mister bought new ones a couple of months ago.  It means I get to sew on something simple and fun for a little while.  I'm off to the studio.  Again -- it goes superb.  I soon have a great cushion for my studio chair -- all it needs is to have the opening hand stitched closed.  Easy peasy.  I'll just put it with the two quilts to bind and get to it this evening.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Orange Crush - The Grand Finale - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

It's time to finish this baby.  First things first, down on the floor we go to make a sandwich.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Saturday Craft Show and Antiquing

I let Mister sleep in this morning and as a result we are now quickly trying to get out of the house and get to Debi K.'s craft show in Hurst, TX.  It's about 45 minutes away and we are late, late, late.  When we arrive, the only parking we can find is in the back 40 and our walk into the building takes us at least 15 minutes.  Goodness but there are a lot of people here.  First things first, we go find Debi and say hi before wandering off to get some coffee and a pumpkin spice cake for breakfast.  Her booth is already full of people and sales are brisk.  Nice.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Allietare Clue #2 - Bonnie Hunter - Mystery Quilt

Friday is here again and so the clue must be there right?  I wake around 5 (why don't I do this normally?) and zip into the office, turn on the computer, and yeppers -- it's there.  A quick link post for the group and I crawl back into bed.  We were out late last night and this old gal needs just a wee bit more sleep.

Jennifer posted yesterday that she was looking for a sew mate today to work on the clue --- after a bit more sleep, I do some thinking, grab some fabric and machine and head out the door.  Leaving around 9:20, it takes me a little over an hour to get there.  Why oh why do you live so far my dear?  To read more about our day and see her cozy little studio click HERE.  Now, I must focus on the clue.  I brought black strips and neutral strips along with my grey and 20 different red scraps.  Well, I thought there were 20, but turns out I have 21 so 21 sets will be made.  It never hurts to have extra, right?

Jen's Cozy Studio

It's a play day, sew day!  Jen has invited me over to her home to work on Allietare together (clue 2 post is seen HERE).  I make it a policy NOT to turn down "friend" time if it at all workable in my carless world.  Fortunately, today Mister works from home so the car is all mine and after a difficult time waking, grabbing some fabric and a machine, and dressing, I am in the car and on my way.  It takes me a little over an hour to get there and she is already cut and sewing away.  I have some catching up to do but fortunately she is making two sets.  Every time I am here, I forget to take pictures of this cozy studio so today I am making a point of it.  Just look at how wonderful her loft is.  Someday, I tell myself, someday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Fabric? Who Needs Fabric? Kelly and Ellen Do - That's Who

Way back in October --- hahahaha -- yep, that is exactly how long I've known Kelly --- we planned on getting together today for some fun.  After dropping Mister at work, I head for Mama's Daughter's Diner where breakfast is waiting.  And paid for by a nice man who must have thought I looked pitiful in my oversize sweater sitting all alone.

 She is in town with her mom, Ellen, and daughter, Izzie and wants to go to the warehouse district. I, for one, am more than willing to show her around.  How good can I be?  Fortunately, they are on the hunt for specific things and I am able to channel my buying frenzy into their pocketbooks.  Yep, everyone needs a friend like me.  We start out at Fabric Wherehouse (in the sale room pictured here) and are soon taken through the back rooms to the other side for fun in the quilt cotton room.  Yes, this room will do.  We find almost everything they need right here.  And me?, you ask --- well I walked away with ONE 2 1/2 yd cut of Indigo for Double Delight.  I've been VERY good.  A quick stop at Golden D'Or for the last piece and it's time for food.